At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

It's a serious handless arrangement for a long time!


"What the hell, that. What the hell is that move?"


"Who is it? The one who said he was a full-time magician, you can't work out that move."

"I don't know. But he maintains it without blurring out any fortified magic. It's a magical skill."

"Simply physical surgery, don't you feel..."

I can hear the gallery in the distance. I know you're saying something somehow, but I can't take consciousness that way, so I don't know what you're talking about.

"Come on!"

Mr. Wagner steps in and releases his fist at me. The movement is still not fast. It's not fast. It shouldn't be too fast.

But fast. I learn the feeling of approaching at a tremendous rate.

I try to put a knife on my wrist so I can pay that fist outside.

But on the brink, my fist detaches to follow the movement of my knife, and my fist approaches my stomach with a breath of step from my reverse leg.

He manages to rotate it according to when his fist hits him, removes it so as to put his back on it, and releases his back fist as it is.

In contrast, Mr. Wagner spins one foot on the axis like I do, and the backward kick approaches me.

That spinning kick is already approaching the side of my face at an unexplained speed.

Forced to drop his body and kick him on the spot, he releases a straight forward kick to his torso while remaining in a body supported position with one hand.

But it is lightly swept away in Sweden, and stands apart from each other just as it was at the beginning.

It's almost like this from earlier.

It makes me feel as if my actions are being read. In contrast, I've been reacting since I saw it.

It is an artistic discipline that can be done because it is faster than him in fortified magic, and I can ask about my low skill.

Above all, I don't know the secret of his speed. When I realize it, I'm being stepped in pretty close range and unleashed an attack.

I have no idea when it's coming. On top of that, it looms at a rate that is clearly faster than it looks.

Not that I can't handle it, but I'm not out of it. If you distract me at all, they'll take it.

"Heh, heh, wow. Really awesome. I can see why Mr. Balf was letting it go and praising him. This is awesome."

Suddenly Mr. Wagner praises me.

Um, I thought about it when you were captain of the knight, but I honestly don't think there's anything good about it, so far.

Even when he was there, you felt like nothing worked. Mr. Wagner, they feel the same way.

Without a doubt, no matter how careful you are in the vegan state. And you won't be able to guess at all. When you realize it, don't get into a pattern called bed.

"Same goes for Captain Knight, but I think he's overbought it."

"That's not true. No, you don't know what you're doing. You're just finishing your moves. You're out of range."

"Really? It's reinforced by magic."

It is absolutely impossible to follow you in a vegan state. You can bump it in an instant. Take the first blow and I can understand the future that will undoubtedly be.

"That's why. You're really amazing."

Hmm? Let's figure it out. But Mr. Wagner looks like a lot of fun.

"I know. I think I'm still being handicapped. You still have a drawer. Yet I don't use it. I dare hang out with myself unarmed.

Normally, I might take it as an insult, but I'm glad you're lending me a boob. "

Oh, well. The Knight Captain tells me that he knows I use swords, and he knows I use witchcraft.

Including alchemy tools, of course.

But it is a mistake. I was told I was a match, and since Mr. Wagner is powerless, I just thought I'd have to do it without a hand, too.

But before I make any corrective remarks, Mr. Wagner's words become more obsessive.

"You're lying, aren't you? So you're still not serious about that?

"Wait a minute, you're kidding me. What kind of monster is that?"

"That move, normally even the deputy captains, is a tough move, but it still goes up?

"Sure, if you ask me, he, he can use all that clean magic, but he hasn't used it once"

"Aren't you just unable to chant?

"I have all that skill. It's not weird to have some means."

"You were a bee when you were able to deal with Captain Bulph Knight with a sword trident. I honestly didn't believe you."

"He didn't even see the Knights Ments doing it...

Ugh, something's going on.

Oh, I knew this guy was amazing. Well, I know that at that point in the move.

I have no idea what his physical tone is. The same goes for the unreadability of the first step, but I also don't know the speed Tane with which the attack is imminent.

I think I'm just working it out because I can totally get it out after at speed, and I think I feel a lot more full of it no matter what you think.

"Well, it's not like it's time to spare this one."

From the face Mr. Wagner seems to enjoy, he gets an extremely serious look.

What, what are you going to call me this time?

I don't think so, I can help.

"This body is everything now. Sharpen your mind, aim for boundaries, always aim for the shortest.

Not proud of it now. Don't look up. Look forward and use up everything in this body.

You know everything about this body and you can't defeat the person in front of you. Both body and mind push the path of the martial arts. "

This is a magic chant. Does this man use magic too? But it's a strange chant. Maybe it's enhanced magic from the flow of magic, but chanting doesn't seem enhanced.

Rather, it is a chant that speaks only of its own mindset.

No, that's why it makes sense. Words from my own heart. Can the world respond to that word and do this sorcery?

"... I'll go"

Changed from the peaceful, pleasant atmosphere just now.

Wagner takes the stand, showing a very quiet, emotionless look.

I have a really bad feeling about it, and it enhances dragon magic.

It's really good to have this magic mastery because it's not a good idea to stay immortal.

It's still tough when it's a long fight. If you're not strong or weak, your body will scream in no time.

That's why I can't use Mr. Guldo's magic any more. That's totally for the short-term showdown.

The consumption of magic is too big to fight right away.

To sum these up, we have to fundamentally work out the physical abilities of the vegetables.

Yeah, I knew.

With such silly thoughts, my fists appear in front of me.

Reinforce the Immortal Reinforcement for a moment, with a critical, approaching fist on the face, and fly to the side.

"Do you want this, too, boulder?"

Unlike earlier, Mr. Wagner says with no expression.

No, no, no. If it weren't for this triple enhancement, I'd hit it.

What now? You don't know how to step in, it was before that. There was a fist in front of me when I realized it.

I've been well avoided.

"You're lying. You're avoiding what's happening."

"Seriously. I didn't know what happened when I ate it."

"I've never seen you before, but Deputy Wagner's move, that's outrageous. That kid who avoids it is weird, too."

"Did you ever see that guy do a lot with the captain?

"No, your squad won't let the outsiders go to the wheelhouse."

"Oh, I'm going to the other department. It's funny."

"Well, technicians sometimes go because they have different types of jobs."

"That's not the kind of people the people up there care about, so it's ridiculous to care"

"Well, hey. Until the head of the party was on vacation, I wish I'd looked at the crime scene a little bit. They don't really think about that."

"Except Her Royal Highness the King and His Royal Highness the King."

"Give up on those two"

"It's salvation to be close to Your Majesty, isn't it? What would have happened if it hadn't been..."

I feel like we're going in a direction where the chatter is of great interest, but I don't have time to worry about that one.

Again and again, Mr. Wagner steps in, puts his fist, and releases a kick, but all of which, if noticed, are approaching the point of hitting and recognizable for the first time, and he avoids it critically.

Shit, if I keep repeating this, I won't be able to fortify the fairy arts any time soon.

"This won't arrive."

Mr. Wagner shrugs and takes a little distance.

I am relieved to be able to rest on my critical defenses from earlier.

It's really too critical, and my nerves brush down.

"Mr. Tallow. The next blow will be your last and best. I've never hit anything but Captain Graness."

Mr Wagner says, he takes the stand to unleash a positive fist like the first time.

With the last blow, the best blow?

I wonder why it's the last. It's getting hard to use fairy arts, so it helps.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, but I'll avoid lethal injuries."

Oh, what, that's scary. Wait, are you going to hit such a bad blow?

It's all over, scary scary. I'm even more afraid of being told off with no expression.

"I'm sorry. I'd love to do more if I could, but laugh at the immaturity that won't keep me in this state for long. It's time to get to the limit."

Limits are close. I guess that means the limits of being able to maintain that enhancement are approaching.

This one was pretty critical, but apparently it was the same over there.

And it's critical, so I guess I tried to attract the best I could do right now rather than cut it in half and expose it to the unusual.

Then my answer is settled.

"You can't laugh. Take it, I'll stand."

I put it on my half and put on a four-piece enhancement without any haste.

If the other is the last and best blow, let's welcome this one with all our might.


He breaks his expression just a little and his mouth creates a form of laughter.

But soon he returns to his faceless expression, and a feeling of oppression that he doesn't understand well begins to dominate the place.

The people around me who had been bothering me earlier stopped talking at all.

Well, I hope I can handle it with a four-piece enhancement... I'm scared.

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