Chapter 46 46. Clown

RE0 world, a certain forest.

A man wearing a black robe and a hood woke up. He could not feel the cold, his expression was numb, and he was neither happy nor sad. He had lived for more than a hundred years.

Initially, he met Pandora, the witch of pretense, who took her fancy and gave him her witch factor, becoming the first preceptor. His power is also the ability to speak, which is very buggy, but it needs to be triggered to trigger it. Certain conditions.

He needs to say something beneficial to himself and then let the other party deny it. Then the preconditions for the power are achieved. As long as he succeeds, the bug that is beneficial to him will always exist.

This also resulted in that his battle consisted of talking and telling lies. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he told the truth.

"Priest Luo Er, you are finally awake." A beautiful girl wrapped in white cloth appeared next to him, always with a smile on her face, but never a real smile.

"Lord Pandora, what are you looking for me for?" Rohr was still careful. Sharing strength brought strength and freedom of speech. He didn't think he had a chance of winning unless he found the weakness of the other party's power.

Without knowing the principles and weaknesses of the power of the Archbishops, they are basically killed at first sight, without the ability to turn back, or the infinite resurrection of the Sword Master, and they basically have a narrow escape from death.

It is precisely because of this that Rohr will not choose to move. The other party's words are like empty words, and he cannot get any useful information from them, but he can't help but listen.

"Priest Luo Er, it seems that you have finally reached that step." Pandora looked at the man in front of her with a smile on her face, but without any emotion. She was just stating a fact.

"Leap, Lord Pandora, I seem to have surpassed Lord Pandora." Rohr replied with a smile.

Pandora did not reply to Luo Er's language trap and continued: "The possibility seems to have finally arrived. Bishop Luo Er, I look forward to your active performance in the future."

"Lord Pandora, maybe everything is just an illusory dream, isn't it?" Rohr said calmly. The power of the witch factor in different people is different. Whether it is a witch or a priest, they all have obtained the factor. people.

Their powers are not connected, but after Rolle used his powers on Regulus, Pandora had some guesses about his powers. Coupled with its own characteristics, Pandora never fell into Rolle's language trap.

Pandora didn't speak, and left step by step with bare white feet. Her body seemed to be immune to dust and was always white. She quickly disappeared, as if this person had never existed.

Taking off the hood, revealing the silver-white hair and a lazy face, always expressionless, this is Rohr's current mental outlook.

At first, he thought that Pandora chose him because he was a time traveler, but now it seems that it is not that simple. He came to him just above the black mist last night and came to him this morning. The purpose was very clear, and it seemed that he had a bigger idea. goal.

In fact, yesterday, he did not believe those clones for the first time until he shared their memories and the most important power failure, and he let down his guard a little.

At night, Rohr left here. Pandora's words were like a curse that he couldn't let go of for a long time. His performance? How could the lazy Archbishop be so diligent? The Archbishop of Sin with the worst power compatibility could cause more serious harm than all of them combined.

Near the ghost clan's hidden village.

Like the False Witch, he has left some traces in history over the past hundred years. He has visited most countries including the Frozen Forest, the Empire, and the Holy Kingdom.

He looks like a ghost with no purpose, but actually does the same thing as the Witch of Decoration. He also uses words to bring changes to the world.

"Have the believers been wiped out? It's so boring." Rohr walked towards the village inside.

The village was burning with heavy casualties, and a magician was using excellent fire magic to eradicate the witch cultists at the scene.

There was also a pair of twins, the pink-haired one was unconscious, and the blue-haired one had tears on his face. It seemed that he was not hurt by the death of the ghost clan, but felt guilty for feeling lucky for himself.

The magician stopped and turned his head to stare at Rohr. This aura was not comparable to that of the Witch Cult. The Archbishop of Sin, a being who had acquired the witch factor and had unique powers.

"Mr. Roswaal, this is the first time we meet. I am the arrogant Archbishop of the Witch Cult, Roll." Roll introduced himself calmly, with a calm face, as if he looked down on Roswaal.

At this time, Roswaal's heart was not at peace. He acted according to the future recorded in the Book of Wisdom, but now that the Archbishop of Sin has appeared, this is the first time that the prediction has gone awry.

"No reply? Of course, I also know that you are only acting according to the Book of Wisdom, which is what my Witch Cult is now called, and it should be what is recorded in the Gospel. If there is a deviation like mine, you will definitely have doubts. Don’t worry, I’m very strong, you can’t solve me, just speak your mind boldly.” Luol just started talking nonsense.

"How is it possible, why do you know." Roswaal stared at the Sin Archbishop in front of him, a little out of control, and his voice even forgot to disguise it.

"Why, I also know that you have always been the same Roswaal four hundred years ago. It's really interesting. Don't you think it is a very arrogant act to forcefully occupy the bodies of future generations? But I admire you and it is in line with my teachings. ." From the beginning to the end, Rohr's expression never changed.

Roswaal is an excellent magician. Many people dare not underestimate his powerful strength, but only the madman of the Witch Cult will not care, especially the arrogant bishop in front of him.

"Just talk nonsense." Roswaal started to use fire magic directly.

"Imitating the Melancholy Demon? It's really pathetic. You are so weak, just like a clown. Believe it or not, your magic can't hurt me, and it will even rebound on you."

"Just talk nonsense, this is definitely impossible." Roswaal immediately broke through the defense after hearing the Melancholy Demon, and directly entered Roll's language trap. At the same time, his fire magic was released, pointing directly at Roll.

"Took the bait, lies can reverse black and white in an instant, and cause and effect are established." Roll stood still and let the flames bombard him.


Roswaal was instantly blown away by the fire magic, and his body was severely burned. Now he didn't care about the injuries on his body, and flew away with the blast.

"Why, why, why did something inconsistent with the Book of Wisdom happen? Teacher, what should I do next?" Roswaal took out the book from his arms, opened it and looked inside.

[Lead the Archbishop of Pretense to the Holy Land. ]

The original record of the Book of Wisdom was not offset, but there was only one more line of words. Roswaal instantly realized that the Archbishop who had just come was not the Archbishop of Pride, but the eighth Archbishop of Sin mentioned in the legend.

So far, he was seriously injured without even understanding the mechanism of the other party's power. Leading such a person to the Holy Land requires long-term consideration.

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