Chapter 47 47. Twins

Rol did not stop Roswaal from leaving, mainly because he had no interest in such a person who did not even have his own will. Anyway, all the magic of the other party could not work on him.

Rol turned his head and looked at the twin girls. The blue-haired girl looked at him angrily, and the pink-haired girl was unconscious.

However, the young Rem could not do anything. Even before the fusion, Rool could control him, let alone now. After knocking him out, he carried one on his shoulder and left here.

A courtyard in Watergate City.

Ram woke up and saw the ceiling. The room was very large. She recalled everything that happened that night. The culprit who caused the extermination of the clan, and her sister lying next to her, made her smile gently.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

The footsteps approached step by step, and Ram's aura became cold, and her eyes were full of resentment. Although Roswaal was the mastermind behind the scenes, there was no doubt that the witch cult actually took action, and this aura was far from comparable to those witch cults.

The door opened slowly, making a creaking sound. Ram could even hear the sound of her own heartbeat. She had lost her horn and became a mobile phone that would break if not charged. Now she could only use magic three times.

What caught her eye was a man with a lazy face, silver-white hair, and a slightly raised corner of his mouth, but it made people feel that the other person's ordinary expression was just like that, not a smile at all.

This made her feel cold inside, with a strong witch's breath. She didn't know how she could defeat the other party now. Considering Rem, she suppressed her anger.

Rem also woke up because of the movement in the house, and then sat up in shock, staring at Luo Er with the same anger.

"Good morning, two girls, I guess you are full of resentment towards me because your clan was exterminated last night."

Rem's ghost horn appeared, and his emotions were vaguely out of control. He wanted to rush over to kill Luo Er.

"Witch Cult, what do you want to do?" Ram pulled Rem, with a solemn face.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am the Archbishop of the Witch Cult, the one who is responsible for pretense, Rubia Roll. Just call me Roll. As for your question, I won't do anything. The reason for going to the ghost village is very simple. Because I sensed the breath of the Witch Cult's idiots there, I decided to go and take a look."

"Witch Cult!"

Rem went up, but it was not in vain. She was stopped by Ram with magic, but Ram is now a blue young man. It's just that this time, she vomited blood.

"Sister." This made Rem, who had lost her mind, return to normal, and hurriedly hugged Ram.

"Ahem, as you can see, I am just a waste now." Ram was pale and weak. She didn't bet that she could defeat Roll in three moves, but bet that the other party would bring them back and would not choose to kill them.

"The horns of the ghost tribe can absorb mana in the atmosphere. The ghosts who lost their horns cannot absorb mana. When the mana in their bodies is insufficient, they will die due to excessive consumption of mana." Roll explained to himself.

Rem stared at her sister in a daze. That night, she shamelessly thought that it was great for her sister to lose her horn. Now she realized that it was actually a thought of cursing her sister to death, which made her miserable.

"You two sisters both want each other to live. Do something for me, and I can sign a contract with you."

This made the two sisters feel a little embarrassed. First, Luo Er was a member of the Witch Cult. Even if he didn't participate, he was still their enemy who wanted to exterminate the clan. Second, they really didn't want the other to die.

Thinking about her previous thoughts, Rem knelt on the bed: "Please save my sister, I will be obedient."

"Rem, don't." Ram knew her condition. Only pure magic crystals or the existence of powerful mana could replenish her magic. Luo Er didn't have much mana. You have to know that this was a contract. She didn't want her sister to lose everything for an illusory goal.

"Sisters are really affectionate. For each other, they are willing to sacrifice each other's lives. As the Archbishop of Pretense, I am not as notorious as others. Let's sign a contract. Once the contract is reached, I will let your sister live." Luo Er still had a calm face, and no expression could be seen.

"Rem, don't agree to him. He is a member of the Witch Cult." Ram said this, and it was clear what the Witch Cult meant. They were a group of lunatics and their words could never be believed.

Luo Er did not reply and came to the yard. This was a small Western-style castle. There was no one else. Luo Er lay on a chair, wearing scientific glasses and playing with his glasses.

In this world, this thing directly reduced the dimension and attacked, and it could also collect address information to draw electronic maps.

"It seems that I have to travel around the world again." Luo Er murmured.

At noon, there was a knock on the door outside, and several women came in soon.

Put the dishes on the table, then step aside and wait for Luo Er to finish eating.

Ram was supported by Rem to come here, relying on the strong witch breath.

Ram's face was not good. It seemed that Mana was consumed faster than expected.

"Sit down and eat. These are free." Luo Er motioned for the two to sit down.

At this time, Rem helped Ram sit down and was about to sign a contract with Luo Er.

"Lord Luo Er, I want to sign a contract with you." Ram spoke first. She would not let her sister do this for her.



Ram showed the severity of a sister and swallowed Rem's words.

"Okay, the content of the contract is to work for me for twenty years, and you will be free after the end."

"The content of the contract is that I work for you, and you have to cure me, otherwise the contract will not be established."

The two reached an agreement and signed the most important contract in this world. In this world, contracts are very important. It is basically impossible to betray an agreement signed by a contract.

"Ahem." As the contract was signed, Ram coughed up blood again, and his face became paler.

"Sister, the contract has been signed. You save your sister quickly." Rem was a little anxious.

"I can naturally cure your sister and even restore her to her peak."

"This is impossible." Ram was the first to not believe it. She knew her own condition very well, so she would not let Rem sign the contract. Maybe it was a contract to sell her body, so she signed it before.

"Nothing is impossible, just like you can't kill me. Who said that the ghost tribe must rely on the horns to absorb mana to survive? It can be the same as other people." Roll's words were like a child's play.

"You are talking about impossible nonsense again. Ram is disappointed. You actually signed such a contract." Ram looked at Rem.

This also calmed Rem down. At this time, she was like a kite with a broken string. She now understood that she was desperate and chose to believe in the Witch Cult.

"You think it's impossible because it's beyond your vision and your cognition, so you subconsciously refute it, because accepting new things means that your long-term persistence is wrong, and people often have a shortcoming, it's difficult to sincerely admit their mistakes." Luo Er said a long paragraph to himself.

The next moment, the mana in the atmosphere gathered towards Ram and quickly filled her. Even without the horn, her mana became huge again, and her ghostly power was restored.

Sensing Ram's powerful breath, Rem rushed directly into Ram's arms, and Ram hugged Rem and whispered comfort.

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