Chapter 102




Two o’clock in the afternoon

The snow shovel truck printed in English was roaring. On the Chinatown of the United States of America, teams of foreign students began to shovel snow, and they were singing at the same time!

“Hallelujah Hallelujah!”

“Hallelujah Hallelujah!”

Chinatown is no longer carrying the glory of the Eastern Tang Dynasty and the hard Qin, but with the western style. Now these overseas students who have not returned are doing the work of strengthening the insulation layer, and many people are singing, because in this kind of minus four In fifteen degrees weather, silence means death!

Some international students stopped working and started to drink coffee at the coffee shop, enjoying the last remaining warmth.

These students are all wearing uniform cotton-padded clothes with the logo of Stan College.

Chen Shuai is one of them. He loves gun culture so he stayed here. In the warm coffee house, he exhaled a long sigh. Next to him, his brother Chen Wen was also sighing.

The two of them were sitting on stools holding warm coffee cups. The long-lost exhaustion struck. The blizzard outside was still roaring, and gusts of wind and snow were hitting the floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop. There were many people on this street. The insulation layer is still urgently reinforced.

“Brother, how is Dongfang now.” Chen Shuai smiled bitterly.

“At one o’clock this afternoon, the southern provinces of the East issued an announcement.” Chen Wen’s expression was a little desperate. After all, the imminent disaster is too great. This is the five ice age recorded in the history of the earth. Destruction may usher in new life for other creatures.

You know that the Little Ice Age led to the end of the Ming Dynasty, not to mention the present…

With a hint of despair on his expression, Chen Wen handed the phone to his brother.

The East is meager, the official announcement of Guangcheng.

——【Since 1 pm on September 28th, the Southern New City will be closed, the economy will be closed, and the whole people will enter the era of disaster resistance! 】

Under this announcement, there is a picture.

In the picture, all the reservoirs in the southern suburbs are cracked. The waves from the coastal cities form a tsunami. It can be said that the remote forest areas in the south have all begun to be submerged. As for the new cities close to Guangcheng, they are safe, because these cities All of the sites are located in high places. Before the disaster, geologists and seismologists had selected sites for ten times.(Read more @

The reservoir was opened, and coastal waves began to rush, causing hundreds of new cities to be surrounded by water tens of meters high. Those new cities were like isolated islands standing in the ocean.

“What is this…” Chen Shuai said blankly.

“This is because most of the reservoirs in the south collapsed due to the earthquake. At the same time, many areas in the south were close to the high tide area. As a result, other sea areas in the northern hemisphere ebbed and the sea water dropped sharply, while the southern coastal areas were ravaged by the tsunami. However, these new cities were built in high areas, at least not Will be submerged by water.”

“Then the cold wave comes…. The extremely cold glaciers will roar… and then these floods will start to freeze… and then become glaciers…”

Chen Wen said that he was a master of oceanography. He saw this news and analyzed it in detail an hour ago, and only then did he learn about the layout of the East and South.

The southern cities are headed by Guangcheng, and every new city after that is at the highest point. Therefore, when floods and tsunamis are forecasted, most of the cities stand tall like islands.

“Then what should these cities do…” Chen Shuaigang asked this question, and his brother opened the second piece of news again.

This is the announcement of all large and small new cities in the south.

[Southern-Baicheng]: The whole city is closed, the icebreaker is activated, and the whole people are ready to resist disasters!

[Southern-Zhecheng]: The whole city is closed, the icebreaker is activated, and the whole people are ready to resist disasters!

Jiangcheng, Xicheng, Tianshan City, etc…

Headed by Nanfangguangcheng, then all other cities in the south will speak up!

Pieces of pictures and videos appeared. In those flood areas in front of the new city, a fully enclosed nuclear icebreaker showed the brilliance of a giant ship for the first time. The huge hull was majestic and majestic, sacred and shocking.

In front of Baicheng, a huge sixty-meter-high nuclear-powered icebreaker transport ship appears red with the color of the eastern national flag. This is a fully enclosed arched hull. The battle flag is waving. The flood of waves and waves did not fluctuate half a minute, just like a huge mountain standing above the water!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shuai was completely stunned. He thought of the Eastern news in early August. At that time, the major southern provinces and cities in the south began to be dispatched to nuclear icebreakers, which caused controversy in the news at the time.

Now that this scene is felt for the first time, Chen Shuai’s expression is bitter, and everything is ready.

Then the video announced by Baicheng was an aerial video. I saw a magnificent scene appearing. The icebreaker started to start, and began to advance savagely against the turbulent waters, like a roaring fighter machine, flying wildly forward, shining with nuclear power. The brilliance!

Then came other cities, Zhejiang City, and Jiangcheng. The giant icebreakers hummed and roared, and they all began to rush towards Guangcheng.

This scene is too stalwart. It is almost a southern aerial video. When humans witness the miracle of nuclear-powered icebreakers in front of them, every new city, every huge city, those magnificent and miraculous icebreakers line up in a line, and then begin to roar. Forward.

Icebreakers galloped in the flood, and these icebreakers finally gathered in Guangcheng under aerial photography.

The final scene appeared. The black technologically textured city wall exuded the brilliance of technology. The steam magic style made the city stand up, and on the north side of the city wall, icebreakers began to transport food from the train station, and then began. Transport new cities in the floods of the south.

As this scene began, Chen Shuai and Chen Wen’s twin brothers studying abroad were completely stunned…..

Witnessing and witnessing this scene with their own eyes, they really knew that this was the final layout of the icebreaker. When the cold wave came, the flood turned into a glacier, the icebreaker galloped and roared, and then transported food materials from Guangcheng to other water cities. industry….

At the end of the screen, this is just the southern provinces and cities of the eastern countries that announced their cards to resist disasters. From this moment on, nearly half of the south has become the capital of water, the capital of glaciers, and the land covered by nuclear-powered icebreakers.

Chen Shuai was sluggish. He thought of the east closed and locked the country, thought of the news that the major fishing shipyards in the east had begun to gather, thought of the icebreakers in early July, and finally saw the emergence of the disaster prevention project in the south.. .

From the moment of retreat from the country, Dongfang thought of everything and laid out everything. . .


(Good Zhao Nuo)   Putting down the coffee cup, Chen Shuai walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the coffee shop blankly, he felt the depression of the coming cold wave in Beiglaci.

What is the era now. The West has announced the final project of the dungeon, the Eastern icebreaker stands directly, and the cold-proof trump cards of other countries are building crazy infrastructure, and all countries are preparing for disaster trump cards of the “` ¨ National Fortune” level, but who can win? Woolen cloth….

Chen Shuai is a bit complicated. Because of the terrifying snowstorm and the sub-zero temperature, everyone has a timetable for their mobile phones. This is the time of the cold wave issued by the Donov Meteorological Bureau.

Countdown-56 hours to play.

It’s two o’clock in the afternoon on September 28th, and twelve o’clock midnight on September 30th…that would be another era.

That era is called-Early Proterozoic Great Ice Age-Late Proterozoic Great Ice Age-Ordovician Silurian Great Ice Age-Carboniferous-Permian Great Ice Age-Quaternary Great Ice Age… and The final [21st-Frozen Earth Ice Age].

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