Chapter 103

On the 28th, 3:40 pm.

At that time, the global time was unified, the sky was about to break, and with the howling blizzard, the only trace of sunset was receding.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, the East announced the official start of the national defense project.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs released the [Era Confrontation] disaster plan!

Near four o’clock, in the flood waves behind Guangcheng, icebreakers began to gallop, advancing in the sunset against the blizzard, and then arrived in Guangcheng. The boats were carrying the ministers of the major southern cities, and everyone looked at it with solemn eyes. Cold, solemn and solemn!

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(From the new novel group 872847971)

The train roared, and icebreakers gathered in Guangcheng. Under the sunset, huge silver icebreakers gathered in Guangcheng, and the ministers of the provinces took the train to Yanjing.

The same is true in northern cities, and they also waited for the next train to start to Yenching. At this moment, high-level people from all over the country gathered in Yenching, only for the [Era Contends] mega plan!


At eight o’clock in the evening, a blizzard was roaring outside Yanjing City, and snow-capped mountains were standing. The temperature outside the city was minus 47 degrees, and the temperature inside the city was minus 2 degrees. The temperature difference is huge in just one city.

Yanjing South City is a major scientific research institute, a major military management area, and a national internal affairs center. This is a huge conference room, decorated with rigorous and solemnity, great and sacred!

Now in the meeting room, ministers from major provinces, cities, and districts across the country are sitting upright, waiting for the opening of this red meeting.

In front of the main seat, Zhao Guofeng, Zuo Yan, the head of internal affairs Lin Ping, and the head of external affairs Yan Daxiao, the four seated in the first position of the main seat.


The sound of the military’s pace is strong and powerful, and the pace is steady.

As the steps sounded, Zhao Guofeng walked to the main seat, and he took the lead to speak.

“Good evening, everyone, I am Zhao Guofeng, the deputy head of the Special Research Institute. First of all, I welcome you to participate in this red meeting. This will be the last meeting before the disaster!”

“Next, the supernatural research team leader will speak in person!”

After Zhao Guofeng finished speaking, all the ministers in the solemn hall of the University of Nova Scotia became serious.

Because the Lord is finally coming out, the director of the Supernatural Special Research Institute has too much information about him… There are too many legends, because every crazy and stalwart plan in the East is related to this man!

Guangcheng Minister Yan Rubin is in the second row. As the top manager of Guangcheng, he can only be in the second row, because in the first row are the high-level officials of the major military regions and the Yanjing high-level.

Liu Qiang and Yan Rubin, ministers of the Northern Ecological Park, stood side by side, and they smiled at each other when they saw them.

“I’m finally going to see the person in charge of the Supreme Special Research Institute!” The two sighed at the same time.

The industrial corridors of Guangcheng, tens of millions of stations, artificial solar defense technology, these plans are personally ordered by the leader of the special research institute!

He personally laid out the ecological paradise in the north. Among the high-level circles in the east, the leader of the special research team was called the highest mysterious person.(Read more @

The atmosphere was condensed, and the needle drop could be heard. Under all the piercing eyes, Ying Ziyue appeared from behind the high platform in a black military uniform!

Wearing a black military uniform, Leng Rui was abnormal and his eyes were clear. He stood quietly in the middle, overlooking the audience, with an extremely depressed feeling.

The eyes of all the high-level people present changed, they were complicated, or they couldn’t help but marvel..

“Really a young man… the supreme leader!” Guangcheng Minister Yan Rubin couldn’t help exclaiming, the young man in front of him was extremely strong.

“The person in charge of the Great Power Master Plan!” Liu Qiang, Minister of Ecological Park, couldn’t help but exclaim.

On the high platform, Ying Ziyue spoke.

“Introduce myself, Ying Ziyue, Supernatural Special Research Institute, Chief of Train, Giant City, Industry, and Agriculture!”

On the high platform, Ying Ziyue finished the introduction, and the first act was a deafening applause, resounding loudly.

“The disaster is coming. You are the management ministers of the major new cities in the East. The Great Ice Age is coming. You must be curious about why the East builds buildings above the surface!”

On the high platform, Ying Ziyue carried her hands on her back, simple and sharp.

“Because of population density, disaster conditions, terrain and eastern soil structure!” Guangcheng Minister Yan Rubin said.

“Is it the degree of disaster suppression?” Minister of Ecology Liu Qiang frowned.

“No, because the East doesn’t want to stay underground all the time. Just like maggots, you need to know that the glaciers lasted for hundreds of years as short as the ice age, and lasted for thousands of years as long as the ice age. Living underground, human agriculture and industry are too restricted…”

“The East has emerged from the first Yu Dynasty in five thousand years. Every age will have a leader who has never feared any disaster. The myths of Yugong moving mountains, Houyi shooting the sun, Kuafu chasing the sun, Jingwei filling the sea, vicissitudes of life, etc. Representing each of our epochs, our ancestors who inherited our blood told us that we never feared any disaster!”

On the high platform, Ying Ziyue’s voice is very complicated. He talks a lot. The first is spirit. He wants to create a project that humans can perfectly resist disasters!

The second is the development after the disaster. You must know that there will be a month-long cold wave, then a year-long snowstorm, then a decade-long snowstorm, and the next few hundred years will be covered by glaciers. Blizzard whizzes and will continue until the end of the ice age!


On the high platform, Ying Ziyue still held his hands with ambition, and his eyes were cold. He stared at the crowd solemnly and calmly.

“This is the nation’s first nationwide fight against disasters in 5,000 years. This is also a major project that has never been seen before. From now on, what do you think is fighting against disasters!” Standing straight, with cold eyes, Ying Ziyue sweeps everything. People, silence.

What is the fight against disasters?

“Giant city? Train.” Dongshan City Ecological Minister Liu Qiang said.

Indeed, the Snow Country Train, the wind and snow chain city, looks majestic and magnificent, mysterious and vast, as if this is the most amazing and terrifying great project of all mankind.

“It’s not, these are disasters…”

Ying Ziyue held both hands with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.


He snapped his fingers at Zhao Guofeng. A giant projection appeared behind him. Behind the projection, it was surprisingly the mechanical group of the Special Research Institute who went to these cities. They took the train and began to install one on each new city wall in the north and south. A giant silver aircraft engine.

Then came the northern Dongshan Province, Baicheng, Kunze City, and each of the new city walls were installed with such large aero engine engines.

Guangcheng Minister Yan Rubin was stunned. He thought that starting from July, the East China closed the country, and the national airports stopped, and military airports stopped. The original fighter engine engines and the passenger aircraft engines were all dismantled in Beicheng, waiting for the final use. ….

Since late at night on the 28th, three giant aero engines have been erected on the wall of the giant city of Guangcheng, and the giant engines have been equipped with oscillating ring rods on the periphery.

This scene is a picture of every city. Three giant aero engines are laid on the walls of every new city.

So the finalized scene appeared, they should witness this stalwart miracle!

The sky and the earth are whistling, and the blizzard and clouds are about to come…

Guangcheng, as the first representative city, as the first one to encounter a cold wave, under aerial photography, three silver-white aero engines on the north wall are like giant air cannons, and 40-meter-high energy-concentrating solar panels are formed into a piece. The huge city wall, at the highest point is a tall artificial sun!

The wind and snow roared, the snow-capped mountains stood tall, and the huge city was majestic and magnificent. Behind Guangcheng, there were slices of Wangyang floods, and silver-white nuclear-powered icebreakers lined up in rows, roaring and roaring…

The inner city, the scorching blast furnace, the steam pipes, the magical buildings, and the Ferris wheel generator. At this moment, the combination of these pictures tells the eastern high-levels what is called “confrontation.”

The ministers of the new towns present looked at them in a dazed and obsessive manner, and now they can feel a word more deeply, that is, “Era Confrontation”

The city is for defense, and the city wall is for confrontation!

The highest minister of Guangcheng stood, and his eyes rose in excitement. As the chief management minister of Guangcheng, he seemed to have seen that when the cold wave came, Guangcheng was the first to initiate an era confrontation!

The aero engine was roaring, blowing a cold wave,

Concentrated solar energy is shining, 40 meters high and close to 100,000 coverage heat!

The artificial sun finally lit up, and 50 million scorching temperatures covered everything…

This is the confrontation of the whole nation in the East! .

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