Chapter 104

Forty-eight degrees below zero, the biting cold wind, mixed with blizzards, filled with wanton, wanton howling!

In the dark and long night, the representative city of Mars in the West is still in the crazy infrastructure construction at nine o’clock in the middle of the night, and the semi-underground bunker of the giant city of Arai, the representative city of the Eagle Nation, is also busy.

The whole world knows that the glacier disaster is coming, the East has launched the city closure plan, the era is contending, and the West is also making a lot of preparations day and night.

Now the underground defense station of the United States of Roses has begun to be reinforced with pipes. This will be a temporary trench tunnel, which means that it is beginning to move in the direction of the initial ~ underground city.

The cold wind was raging, and everyone was facing the cold wind, some shivering and fainting lie down, and the rest continued to lay the insulating layer.

In Massachusetts, the Stan University engineering team patrolled back and forth in the dark to ensure that the degree of cold resistance of each building met the target. Now the blizzard is even bigger, and the roaring sound is endless, rustling-resounding.

At 9:30 in the evening, the Stanford engineering team stopped at the giant building of the new era. In the era of civilization, this building was the most prosperous economic and commercial center.

But now, this mansion is just a windshield. Behind this mansion is a giant community defensive shelter paved with a temperature insulating layer. This is the underground defensive residence of the nobles in the upper class.

After several white old professors of the engineering team finished their inspections, a blizzard hit again, and the temperature dropped to forty-nine degrees again!

In the middle of the night, there is no sunlight, storms, blizzards, and what is the feeling of minus 49 degrees? This feeling is to fear the white snow in front of you even if you wear cotton clothes. It means that the next extreme cold of more than 150 degrees is unimaginable, which means a A silver-white ice planet is about to appear!

The infrastructure inspection team Mike comes from Stan College and is a Ph.D. in the Department of Architecture. Now he has a solemn expression. He looks at the city of ice and snow in the new era, and in the future it will be the city of ice sculptures.

“There is only one eastern land left to fight the cold wave above the surface…” Professor Mike sighed. He didn’t know what to say to this country. In this era of madness of disasters, the East is the most stubborn.

Thinking of this, Mike’s eyes flashed with a complex color. He suddenly thought from the previous Oriental project that now the Oriental project is very much like a step, and this step is ultimately-[The East seems to be protecting that piece of land]

Thinking of this, Mike became more and more complicated. He didn’t know what the people in the East thought, or why they were so obsessed with that piece of land…

But they are the last above-ground buildings for all mankind…..

“Is there any news from Dongfang?” Mike looked at the inspectorate boss Hein.

“It’s close to minus fifty degrees, the meteorological satellites above the stratosphere, and all the optical cables have intermittent signals. There is no news at the moment, and we don’t know what’s going on in the east…” Hein, a burly white man, shook his head.

“Don’t think about it, this time is the Great Ice Age. Five epochs have been destroyed. This is not a monstrous flood, nor is it a zombie in the movie. The surface will be truly frozen!”

Hein patted old Mike on the shoulder, his voice sighed.

Hein showed respect for an East that was about to be frozen.


“Next will be very desperate…”

Old Mike smiled bitterly. He looked up at the New Era Mansion in front of him. The building was 80 floors. Now the highest point was all ice cubes. It was just a blizzard. When the cold wave came, Old Mike seemed to see it. Frozen into the tallest and largest giant ice sculpture…

….(Read more @

On the 28th, at 11 o’clock in the evening, the Crimson Conference ended at 10 o’clock. In the southern city of Yanjing, a warm breath came from the scorching blast furnace. The steam iron pipes were steaming with smoke, and bursts of smoke began to linger, and the smoke was billowing. Perfectly beautiful.


The wind and snow were howling, resounding over this Yanjing Snow City.

On the eighth floor, in an ultra-thick residential building, a hundred-meter-long steel bar is erected beside the black balcony, and a steam pipe that runs around the community is attached to the steel bar. It is warm and magical.

The parents have not yet come back. In the 48 hours before the disaster, public officials were extremely busy. They had to maintain order, maintain the distribution before the disaster, and so on.

Take out the mobile phone, the 5G signal becomes 3G, because those cables, optical cables, submarine cables… all began to freeze and crack.

The signal is getting lower and lower, which is only minus 49 degrees.

Taking out the mobile phone, with intermittent signals, Ying Ziyue opened a [Posted by Engineers of Eastern Communications]

Post it the first post, which is in line with the disaster wind.

NO.1——【After the disaster, will ordinary communication equipment still exist? 】

Under the hot comments of this post, the popularity is extremely high.

[Yenking Communications Engineer-Chen Jinzhao]: After the disaster, all known communication lines will start to stop after the disaster, at least one hundred degrees below zero. What’s more, the continuous snowstorm will cause the signal to get worse and worse. Fortunately, there are trains. Guarantee normal transportation!

0 ··Find flowers·········

[Shanghai Communications Engineer-Qu Dahu]: So next… will we return to the era when the signal is close to zero… After all, the signal will disappear…

Obviously the people are also talking about it. They made a phone call, and the text of the text read: [Start to accelerate the research on quantum communication]

The reply was received in less than ten minutes, and the reply was Zhao Guofeng.


It was midnight in pitch black, and it was half past eleven, Ying Ziyue sighed long, her eyes gleaming, complicated and awkward.

He stood upright, like a silver spear, standing quietly in this magical city, quietly analyzing in his mind.

[The first wave of confrontation in the cold wave era]: artificial sun, aero-engine air impact, 40-meter-wide concentrating solar panels, thermal insulation walls of the giant city,

……. ……… …

[Disaster Prevention]: Wind turbines provide electricity, hot blast furnaces provide warmth, and ultra-thick residential buildings provide warmth.

[Disaster Transportation]: Snow country trains go around the country, and nuclear-powered icebreakers are used in southern flooded provinces.

[Disaster Industry]: Large-scale factories = industrial corridors = new energy research.

[Disaster Agriculture]: Beihai warehouses, ecological poultry, plant cultivation, and animal breeding promote cold resistance genes,

[Disaster scientific research]: Space seaweed farming, large-scale planting began to provide oxygen concentration, leading the evolution of life species after disasters.

[Disaster Communication]: In quantum communication scientific research, it is the primary communication research target for disasters.


Each plan seems simple, but it is too difficult to pay. This is the result of countless scientific research institutes and countless engineers who have begun to study and finally researched.

Now the midnight starry sky is pitch black, there is no moonlight or stars, now it’s after twelve o’clock, it is the time of the imminent disaster on the 29th.

At one o’clock in the morning on the 29th, Ying Ziyue stood on the city wall. He seemed to have seen the cold wind bleak, and now probably the glaciers from the north and south were whizzing and rolling and began to condense into clusters. The infrastructure of any country in the world is crazy and the technology is barbaric.

What will be next?

It will be a month of extreme minus one Baidu start cold wave!

It will be a huge snowstorm that lasts for a year,

It will be a blizzard that lasts for ten years,

It will also be an ice age that lasts for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years…

Dongfang, has done its best for the whole people, and now only waits for the final showdown. wide.

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