Chapter 109

Seven o’clock in the morning.

On the 30th, the surface temperature reached minus 55 degrees.

In the North Glacier Shenmai country, Aref, the father of the North Glacier Meteorological Bureau, is watching the city of Ais with his own eyes.

The sky was still dark, but the lighthouses in the city began to light up, and the giant ark began to move forward to makeshift underground bunkers!

But it was too late, and a huge cold wave from the North Glacier hit!

The Ark started and then froze.

Alef overlooked the world, and finally waved his arms high, and the cold wave passed in a flash, leaving only an ice sculpture holding his arms high.

From this moment on, the north and south glaciers have completely become the extremely cold forbidden places on the earth!


At ten o’clock in the morning, daylight breaks, no~ there is daylight and only night.

The cold wind howled, and the piercing wind rushed.

Yanjing is busy, and Zhao Guofeng is reporting in the meteorological conference room!

“Ying group, the aviation group proposes the final step!”

Zhao Guofeng said that as early as the beginning of July, all major state-owned enterprises across the country received a piece of news, that is, unconditionally cooperate with the [Era Contest] project!

In short, all major official systems across the country cooperate with research, with any development, any research project!

“Leader Ying, now the aviation team is starting to transport airships. Is this used to test the climate?” Zhao Guofeng couldn’t help but ask.

“Load fuel, this will be the last step.”


His face changed, and Zhao Guofeng’s expression completely changed from now on, and now he probably knows the military confrontation arrangement!

The airship is loaded with fuel and then flies away. After flying into the sky, it will explode in the extreme cold to form a sea of ​​flames burning in the air. The boiling sea of ​​fire will continue to burn, burn unscrupulously, and even savagely can swallow part of the cold wave and offset it. temperature.


From the beginning of the morning, the materials transported by the cities are being transported in carts and carts.

On the city wall, one by one azure airships began to fly slowly. They carried a large amount of gasoline and were equipped with self-igniting devices. Once they reached a certain critical point, they would explode directly. This is the current airship.

Each city began to be equipped with a hundred airships, flying over the city, preparing for the next twelve hours.

At twelve o’clock at noon, the city became a magical giant.

On the north wall of Guangcheng, Minister Yan Rubin stood straight, and he overlooked the city with satisfaction.

Because in the future, Guangcheng will be the first battlefield, the first disaster-covered place.


Looking up now, there is the sound of airships slowly flying in front of me, and the airships with oriental dragon-shaped appearance are flying, looking stunning and sacred, exuding the breath of rushing.

Behind the city wall, there appeared a scene of icebreakers lined up in the south.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The scorching blast furnace in the city started, the fire became more fierce, and the heating began to increase.

“It’s getting more and more like a magical city…” Minister Yan Rubin couldn’t help but smile.

Coupled with this city, it really feels more and more like a city with magical technology.

Yanjing South City, the eighth floor of Yuxue Community.(Read more @

This is Ying Ziyue’s home. In the living room, the parents are sighing.

“It’s really changing! Starting tomorrow, the world will enter an ice age that lasts for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Tomorrow will also be a cold wave showdown that lasts for thousands of years!” Yingfu sighed.

“Is the current big country’s hole cards enough?” Yingmu said with a gentle voice.

“Do you know that the military region is dispatched at four o’clock in the morning? Now every city wall is equipped with fuel-air bombs. Do you know this kind of air bomb? Humans will see the most horrible scene in the future. Fuel-air bombs will form a vacuum of fire? !”

Ying father smiled.

“And the sky now!”

Yingfu pointed to the sky above, and only saw the sky above. From the perspective of the living room, one could clearly see the sky blue airships floating.

“This is an airship. Fuel has been added. This is a very fast explosive fuel. Once the cold wave comes, these motorboats will explode in the cold wave, forming a huge sea of ​​fire hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, raising the temperature!”

The more Yingfu said, the more excited he became, because he had personally obtained the blueprints for these two projects of Yanjing!

“Fuel-air bombs, airships…this time the Legion will really fight.” Yingmu sighed.

“More than that!”

“You didn’t realize that all our marine warships seem to have disappeared after shutting down the country. Now our ships are just the icebreakers. Do you know where the other warships have gone?” Yingfu said excitedly.

This is not a secret, because many people have captured it, and many warships have gone to various sea areas along the eastern coast.

“Each sea area?” Yingmu also subconsciously said.


Father Ying squinted his eyes, he seemed to be sighing something, his eyes gradually became sharper.

“It’s going to all the submarine volcanic areas around the eastern coast!”

“These warships are operated remotely and carry a lot of bombs!”


Yingmu reacted instantly, and she couldn’t help but shook her voice!

“Everything is to catalyze the eruption of submarine volcanoes. When the cold wave comes, fuel air bombs erupt, airships explode, and city walls explode, and then finally submarine volcanoes erupt, directly causing slices of the sea to boil, heat rises, and dissipates. Cold wave?”

0 ··Find flowers·········

Yingmu is a high school student from Qinghua University. She also won the first place in physics in high school. She is very clear about the trend of this kind of weather change!

But at this moment, she still couldn’t help shaking with excitement!

Because this is simply too terrifying. From four o’clock in the morning, incendiary bombs have been set up in major new cities across the country, and airships are flying, and the major warships have stopped in the submarine volcanic area, just for the submarine explosion to trigger the submarine volcanic eruption.

Then in the city,

The kinetic energy of the wind turbine is directly added to the maximum!

The scorching blast furnace started to burn super!

Then there is the city wall!

The fuel-air bomb becomes a vacuum stagnant!

…….. 0 0

The explosive airship turned into a sea of ​​flames at high altitude!

The aero engine will disperse the air cannon range!

The concentrating solar energy on the city wall will glow with the ultimate light, the ultimate high temperature of 40 meters in the whole area!

The artificial sun will be the extreme high temperature in the center of the cold wave!

The last step is the eruption of a submarine volcano, the eastern coastal waters are boiling, and the hot air is boiling!

Putting it all together, these are called “confrontations!”

From twelve o’clock, time flew past, and the frost became bigger.


At 11:50 PM on the 30th.

In the Yanjing Meteorological Prediction Conference Room, the cold wave will break out in ten minutes. All the team leaders of the Supernatural Special Research Institute and the Minister of Internal Affairs are standing straight!

“You have ten minutes!” Zhao Guofeng’s voice trembled!

“Ten minutes!” Zuo Yan also shivered excitedly!

Now everyone is looking at Ying Ziyue with piercing eyes, they are all waiting for the final decision maker!

In front of the window, there is a white drawing board in front of Ying Ziyue.

He writes, and then gently swipes it.

“Song of Disaster”

Made at sunrise,

Daily income,

Sink a well and drink,

Plowing and eating,

What disaster is our country!

This is the first poem in Eastern history. It comes from before Emperor Yao, and it is close to mystery. The original name was “Song of the Earth”

The overall meaning after the adaptation is that we have agriculture, industry, and food. What can disasters do to our country?

A poem represents all Ying Ziyue’s thoughts at the moment!

Putting down the brush, taking notes, Ying Ziyue stood straight, he looked at the mechanical clock in the living room and pointed to twelve, his voice was quiet.

“Everyone…Ice Age is here…” Guang.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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