Chapter 110

Da da da.

At the Yanjing train station, the difference engine in front of the mechanical computer emits a crisp calculation sound from the electron tube.

The rustling steam sounded, and the time changed. The temperature changes.

[00:00 on October 1, 203]

【Temperature; minus 62 degrees Celsius】

When this time point was reached, it was almost the same as the train station rooftop lights lit up, and the white lights illuminated the train tracks of Haishan Pass in front of them.

An arch-shaped train station stretching several million square meters is like a straight and undulating mountain range, with magnificent waves and shocking surprises. This is Yanjing’s mechanical black shield train station. The mechanical steel bars are still sticking out high, and the outside of the station is paved. In addition to the temperature insulation layer, this is a high-efficiency temperature insulation layer, which stretches and surprises.

In the darkness of midnight, the difference machine was resounding, the computer sounded, and the heavy mechanical robot started.

Backed by the train station, the city of Yanjing became magical again, the airship flew into the sky, and the Ferris wheel in the center of the city began to accelerate, so the cold air rose, the hot air sank, and the temperature in the city was also accelerating. Improve.

Boom boom boom!

The roar from the south of the city is also resounding, and the scorching blast furnace rises high and begins to increase the heat to produce steam.

The North City Special Research Institute, the major nuclear fission teams and engineering teams in the center of the city, a total of hundreds of people all got on the car, and it was raining in the city because the snow fell and melted.

These teams all arrived at the train station, and then one by one professors began to line up to enter the train station. From now on, the train will start spinning all the time. Ying Ziyue and Zhao Guofeng are all in the train.

There is only one thing for them to go, and that is to go to the first battlefield, Guangcheng, to participate in the fight against the cold wave.

In the dark and long night, the train was buzzing, and Zuo Yan, the head of the station, watched a group of people get on the train. This was what he was most proud of.

With a high-arm call, the scorching flames are stricken, and the country is suffering.

A difficult one, P Plus support….

“Ying group, good walk this time!”

“Eight Zero”

The train galloped, Zuo Yan backed his hands, he stood behind the train and bowed, and all the soldiers behind him bowed and roared.


At one o’clock in the morning on the 1st, the surface temperature on the other side of the Atlantic was close to minus 70 degrees.

In North Glacier Shenmai Country, in front of Ace City, three arks stand on the glacier. Inside the ark, engineers, designers, and the public all watched the cold wave continue to increase outside the giant temperature-isolated window.

A female meteorologist is desperate and pessimistic.

“We are on the edge of a cold wave. The ark is frozen and unable to escape. The temperature is now minus 89 degrees. Once the cold wave is covered, there may be no movement of ice, and the limit may reach two hundred degrees!”



Layers of hoarfrost covered the ark, and the signs of life began to slowly disappear.


One point ten.

The New Times Square Local Community Defense Station in the United States of the Roses. This is a huge underground defense center with a depressed area, but it has managed to live in thousands of people. In this special defense center, all major governors and congressmen live.

They are all made in giants; similar to the hall of an underground gymnasium, there is a giant screen projection on the high platform, and in front of them is a meteorological professor Roddis satellite live watching the cold wave.

The first scene is that the glaciers of the north and the south are reduced to ice sculptures. The meteorological research of the north and the south stands tall in the wind and snow, but that has already formed the largest ice sculpture.

Layers of cold wave groups are still coming at the speed of the airflow, and then arriving at the Eagle Country.


The three cities turned silvery white in an instant, the windows began to shatter, and one of the most famous leaning towers in the West turned silver…

“God, from this moment on, there will be no more viable resources for human beings on the surface of the earth. All trees, all crops, and animals are all frozen…”

Meteorology Professor Rodis’s voice trembled and said, they don’t need to mention the east, because the whole surface will disappear.

“Everyone, the Oriental government has launched a satellite TV live broadcast, and they broadcast it in real-time U, just like the previous disaster relief.”

Roddis said, switching the screen again.

This is the official live broadcast of the Oriental CC. There is no narration, only the sense of the shot.

At this moment, the satellite maintains the final signal. All the United States of Roses and all the West have begun to click on the live broadcast of the disaster in the East.

Title——[At this moment, the ice age is coming]

The first scene was Yanjing starting at one o’clock in the morning, and Yanjing’s teams arrived one by one. The leaders of these teams were all holding flags and reporting loudly in cotton-padded clothes.

“Report, the National Defense Nuclear Bombing Research Institute is all in place, please give instructions!”

“Report, all the professors of the National Academy of Engineering are in place, please give instructions!”

“Report, all team leaders of the Supernatural Special Research Institute are in place, please give instructions!”

“Report, the airship and fuel air bomb team are in place, please give instructions…”

A long line of nearly two hundred people stood in front of them, a young man standing in front of them, standing in a black military uniform, a young man with an indifferent expression, the young man stood upright and saluted!

“All go to the first battlefield to bear the national disaster together!”



The train car opened, and each team quickly boarded the train with their technology and equipment. The last scene was that the young man looked at the screen and saluted in awe!

At the same time, his identity was beaten out on the live broadcast.

[Group leader of the Supernatural Special Research Institute, Chief Engineer of Snow Country Train, Chief Engineer of Wind and Snow City, Chief Engineer of Industrial Corridor, Chief Manager of Ecological Park, Chief of [Era Contest] Headquarters, Ying Ziyue! ”

Not only Ying Ziyue’s, but also the names of all the teams, their hometowns all appeared in detail, because they went to life and death, so now they must be remembered by the world!

Salute and turn around, Ying Ziyue got on the train, and Zuo Yan bowed in the last scene.

The first scene of the live broadcast goes to the battlefield and ends.

Under the barrage, there are hundreds of millions of people in the East!(Read more @

[Chen Jiangye]: I love them, and I love these people until I die. Their names will be recorded in the epic. Even after hundreds of years, people will remember them, especially the team leader Ying Ziyue. Believe that there are evil geniuses in the East, and they are out now!

[Sun Jie]: Bow for the hero!

Located in the underground defense station community of Chinatown in the United States of Roses, many international students are looking at the projection screen in the underground lobby space. ..

In front of the crowd, an old overseas student smiled bitterly: “The North and South glacier countries have been destroyed, and only the east is left on the surface. They don’t seem to have thought of avoiding it, never thought that their team will set off from Yanjing, carrying a lot of preparations. Go to the first battlefield…”

“But it will fail. The Eagle Nation has now frozen seven light bunkers, and the North and South Glacier Ark is frozen. We can barely escape by hiding in the underground defenses after being super thick, let alone the East?” Said with a wry smile.

“The picture has changed!” the old foreign student said!

At this moment, the picture turned into a galloping train.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the roaring sound, the lighthouse of Yanjing Railway Station opened, bright, shining the majestic and majestic snow-capped mountains in front of the city.

Then the mechanical computer recorded that the crisp electronic tube was beating in the snowstorm, and the heavy machinery showed a terrifying cold resistance, and then layers of checkpoints opened, the train slowly moved, and the heavy machinery robot began to check the kinetic energy and the train track.


The computer and the difference engine are calculated, the train is galloping, and the time and temperature are displayed on the live screen.

At two o’clock in the morning, the temperature is minus 70 degrees, and it is increasing by 0.5 degrees every hour.



The orbits roared, the wind and snow whimpered the sky and a hoar frost, all the evidence of human existence in the past is buried, and the violent wind and snow seem to devour everything and destroy everything!


But the train is crashing everything. The one hundred and twenty meters wide is directly like a building galloping. Those tens of meters of snowflakes are directly hit and flew away. The so-called direct crash at any time, the giant train is like a roaring dragon. It collided with everything under the dark night and extremely cold weather, and at the same time brought a circle of temperature,

At this moment, the whole world knows why it is called Snow Country Train!

At 2:30, a one-and-a-half hour gallop arrived in Guangcheng, and then a series of checkpoints opened, after arriving at the train station.

The picture becomes the most stunning aerial panorama, because here is Guangcheng, here is the last battlefield.

In front of the train station, the Minister of Guangcheng, the high-level officials of Guangcheng, and the high-level military area all stood straight.

The carriage opened, a group of people saluted, Ying Ziyue replied, and then followed by a group of people, the large group walked up the northern city wall…..

At this moment, over the city of Guangcheng, hundreds of airships are flying slowly, sky-blue airships, red hot blast furnaces, dense cobwebs of steam pipes, giant ferris wheel wind turbines, and all people are now gathering. Above the city walls…

This scene makes the city look like it has truly reached the age of medieval machinery, the fusion of steam and technology confronts, magic and the hard-core power of the new era.

The artificial sun stands high above the city wall, exuding a dreamlike luster.

Layers of solar panels in front of the city wall have entered disaster preparedness.

Fuel-air bombs are ready to be launched from the city wall at any time, and large quantities of seaweed make the city full of oxygen and comfortable.

In short, in the picture, a magical and enchanting, a naked team of steam and mechanical confrontation appeared in front of everyone…

Western people are most obsessed with this era,

When they saw it, their barrage was crazy and dense.

[KOON]: Machinery and steam, equipped with airships, and the ultimate texture of industrial machinery. The government of the East is really defending on the city wall. They are just crazy. I love their city and their spirit, but This duel is too difficult!

[Wpooloe]: The confrontation is finally about to begin. Part of the light bunker in the Eagle Nation has been frozen!

[Anngw]: From now on, this snowy city above the surface will become an ocean of ice sculptures.

The first battlefield, Guangcheng, is being commented on by all parties. Now the East has become the most popular and the center of the highest topic, because this is the last country, because this is the last surface confrontation…

The continuous whistling sound became louder..


At 2:40, the north wall of Guangcheng is ancient.

There are rows of fuel-air bombs. There are not many such bombs, because they consume oxygen to the extreme. They only relieve the block during the extreme cold wave. The solar panels, the artificial sun, and the seabed are really going to explode. volcano.

Standing on the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue and Old Man No. 1 stood side by side. The two didn’t say much, they all smiled at each other, and then looked in front of them.


Taking out a cigar, Ying Ziyue lighted the cigar unhurriedly.

In his previous life, he lit his cigar and went to death neatly.

Now, he lit his cigar, and the whole country is fighting against it!

The cold wind roared, he wore a black military uniform, and the old man wore a black Tang suit. The two stood in the forefront, the sound of the wind, the sound of airships, and the sound of the dramatic changes in the temperature in front of him!

Behind them, Zhao Guofeng went with his back and quickly reported.

“Ying group, boss, now the north and south glaciers, all the glaciers of the Arctic Ocean, individual bunkers in the Eagle Country are frozen, the next step is the United States of Roses, then the Kawasaki Country, and finally we…”

“It is now 2:40. At the next three o’clock we will experience the first wave of sharp temperature drops, at ten o’clock we will experience the second wave of real cold waves, and then the cold wave will come!”

Zhao Guofeng reported with a solemn expression.

This is the trend of the weather. The arrival of the cold wave will sweep the world step by step, and will freeze the world step by step!


Breathing out smoke, the smoke was lingering, and Ying Ziyue had a cold color on the corner of her mouth.

“What about the rest of the preparations?”

“The next use of incendiary bombs will cause the oxygen line to drop. We tested the oxygen concentration value. Guangcheng was equipped with seaweed before, which can ensure that the oxygen concentration is normal in the future!”

“Now the major remotely controlled warships have arrived in the submarine volcano area of ​​the eastern coast. The explosion area has been calculated. The number of warships is as high as 500. In the following, all the warships can be detonated, causing all the eastern coastal volcanoes to erupt!”

“The artificial sun is finally tested. The temperature of 50 million yuan can last for 98 seconds, and the hot temperature will instantly freeze a part of the cold wave!”

“After the city wall was completed, solar panels were stored in the previous half a month, and it will be shown at the limit of minus two Baidu!”

“Next please give instructions!”

Zhao Guofeng salutes and goes straight!

Every step of the big country has been doing it silently before, and they have done it to perfection!

Now it can be called amazing and shocking, because the arrangement of each step has reached the limit, and under these arrangements is the strength of the whole people!

“All the icebreakers gathered in front of the northern city of Guangcheng!”

“There are still fifteen minutes. It is estimated that the sub-zero temperature will be one hundred degrees below zero. Now the flood will be frozen. Let the icebreaker clear the way!”

Put down the cigar and throw it down the city wall. During the fall, the cigar quickly stagnated and turned into ice cubes.

Zhao Guofeng clasped his fists and withdrew to set up the task urgently.

The next step is minus one Baidu, the cold wave continues to approach 150 degrees, the edge of the cold wave is 180 degrees, the half core of the cold wave is two degrees, and the cold wave covers more than two degrees without movement!

Five major processes, five major arrangements in the East!

Complete and stunning!

At 2:50, the official direct broadcast room of the East [At this moment the ice age is coming]

A new scene appeared. The first scene was the eastern coastal waters. The warships carrying a large amount of explosives slowly came to a halt, seeming to be waiting for something!

This is an extremely spectacular scene, as warships gather in all the sea areas in the east!

Then the picture shrinks, the picture continues to shrink, continue to shrink!


In front of Guangcheng, hundreds of fully enclosed icebreakers stood tall, floating on the surface of the slowly freezing sea!

It’s two and fifty.

The icebreakers gathered in a row, blocking the front of the city and above the city wall. Almost everyone could feel the extreme temperature drop!

The thermometer continues to change!

Eighty degrees below zero!

Baidu below zero.

Before Guangcheng, those miraculous scenes appeared, I saw ice crystals began to spread in the water droplets, and then spread across the entire body of water, and then started from the inside of the water droplets, and began to freeze!

So the surging floods in Guangcheng calmed down, a silvery chill appeared, the ice condensed, and then visible to the naked eye, the floods began to be frozen one after another!

Just before the icebreaker was about to collide, the nuclear-powered icebreaker moved!


Hundreds of giant icebreakers seemed to be tearing everything apart, crashing into the cold wave ice ahead in terror!

This scene only represents the determination of the East towards [Era Confrontation]


Above the city wall, Ying Ziyue squeezed her hands tightly, and everyone watched the epic collision in front of her!

Zhao Guofeng let out a long sigh. He thought of Ying Ziyue’s words before the blizzard.

Welcome to the age of blizzards.

So now!

Zhao Guofeng stretched out his hands, feeling the extreme depression of the cold wave, his voice was calm.

“Now, welcome to… the Great Ice Age!”


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