Chapter 111

Three o’clock in the morning on the 1st.

In the long history of five thousand years, human beings describe disasters more as avoidance and rescue!

Before the catastrophe, there had never been a real form of “national confrontation” on this planet.

But now there is it!


Three o’clock at midnight, the storm is howling!

Baidu below zero.

In front of the northern city of Guangcheng, those torrential floods stopped, the water ball was spinning and stagnating, the ice crystals began to condense, and then began to freeze, and then pieces of the sea were frozen!


A total of one hundred and nine silver fully enclosed icebreakers like silver submarines rushed towards those ice layers!


The sound of ice cracking, the sound of icebreaker being covered with frost, almost in a few seconds, an icebreaker was covered with a layer of ice sculptures, but with the roar of nuclear power, the ice sculptures shattered!

This is still only one hundred degrees below zero, and this is just the edge of the cold wave. The center of the cold wave is now located in the Atlantic Ocean, but the depressive extreme cold before two continents is already desperate!


The continuous icebreaker hit and shattered, and pieces of giant glaciers shattered.

The live broadcast in front of me was shooting a shocking scene. Many foreign students in the West stared at the icebreaker in a daze. Only now do they know what the role of the Eastern Icebreaker is in order to shuttle through this kind of ice!

Above the northern city, Ying Ziyue stands tall, with a biting cold wind. This is the city wall that most directly faces the frost. Now the city wall is silver, covered with layers of ice. If the temperature barrier is not very strong, then this city wall extends from the inside to the The outside meeting was frozen instantly!

“The icebreaker assembles formation! Stop in front of Guangcheng!”

“The warmth of the hot blast furnace in the city has increased!”

“Ferris wheel wind engine is enlarged!”

“Open the whole city for warmth!”

Ying Ziyue spoke. He was standing in the middle. The old man was standing next to him. Guangcheng Minister Ma Rubin was also standing on the right. Behind him stood Zhao Guofeng and his party. They stood on their feet, with amazing aura and sharp tolerance!


Zhao Guofeng and Ma Rubin nodded, and then the two arranged one inside the city and the other outside, and Ying Ziyue was now the commander-in-chief!

The official military reporter was filming Ying Ziyue’s style. There was no line, but his clear and loud voice resounded through the live broadcast room!

I saw that with Ying Ziyue’s order, the icebreakers in front of the city gate began to gather one after another, and then began to line up in a row. The icebreakers were bright silver, exuding sharp air, stunning and perfect, each nuclear-powered icebreaker Above, the red battle flag flies and flies, and it is written Yanhuang!

As for the inside of the city, the roaring mechanical sound continued to roar, and the ear-splitting mechanical running sound resounded.

I saw the back city area, the fiftie-meter-high scorching blast furnace towered deep into the clouds, the extreme heat was steaming, and the layers of snow dripped into water!


Now the heat of the scorching blast furnace has increased, the flames of the surging burning have increased, and the temperature has also increased to the extreme!

The sound of gas roaring from the steam pipe, this is the extreme high temperature of steam roaring, the roaring sound began to warm the whole city, and at the same time bursts of hot steam began to rise, and the hot air of the whole city rose!

Boom boom boom!

A more roaring sound, this is in the center of the city, the giant ferris wheel-style wind generator also emits a deafening high-speed roar, the roaring roar resounding over the kilometer-high sky, the blades began to rotate, the ones that originally rose The hot air was driven by the blades to sink again, and the cold air began to rise, which is like a natural circulation, keeping the city still warm and pleasant!

As for the outside of the city, the roaring wind and the roaring cold wind have nothing to do with these warm inner cities!

At this moment, Ying Ziyue gave the order of this scene, and the whole city danced and assembled, and finally presented perfectly. The live broadcast of this scene alone made the people in the East unable to help but burst.

It is almost a perfect work system process, equipped with major trump cards, and a hotline is perfect!

[Xin Zi]: I saw the leader of the Special Research Institute Ying, I seemed to see the ancient generals, alone in the forefront of this battlefield, holding a long sword, and then all the soldiers began to go, this The scene is simply too amazing!

[Zhao Changjiang]: Nothing else, I am a super fan of the team leader of Special Research Ying, this man is simply a monster, perfect arrangement of projects one by one!

At this moment, the whole people resist the cold wave.

The whole people are in charge, in the living room on the eighth floor of Yanjing Yuxue Community.

Ying mother, Ying father stared at the live broadcast blankly, then in a daze, and then dumbfounded.

In the screen, Ying Ziyue is no longer introverted, honest and cute, but rather energetic, arrogant and calm, standing there like an iron gun!

“Ziye is the leader of the special research team?” Yingmu said blankly.

The leader of the special research team, what does this represent, trains, giant cities, closed doors and closed countries, the top decision-making people of the new agricultural industry…

And it is officially called the guardian of the great country…

“No wonder you asked me before…Can a big country complete its retreat in eight months, and the agricultural industry system is heading…” Yingmu is very complicated.


Ying’s father is even more complicated. He doesn’t know what he is going to say, but his face is dark. After all, he told his son a lot of so-called engineering information before, but the project initiator turned out to be his own child.


The two smiled at each other, then smiled bitterly, then burst into laughter, and finally laughed proudly.

On the 1st, the global ground temperature was close to one hundred degrees below zero, and the night was dark and long. The highest floor of the East was sitting in Guangcheng, and the icebreaker made its debut!


【On October 2nd, 2010, at ten o’clock in the morning, it was not too far to usher in the dawn this time, but the extreme snowy night, because the sun was dense and the galaxies obstructed the direction, except for the equatorial countries at ten o’clock, the northern and southern hemispheres were in gray and dark sky. Status, but the outside of the city is full of snow, just like the land of the day! 】

The underground of the United States of Roses, the Mars Ike community, is second only to the existence of the underground defense station of New Times Square. It belongs to the underground defense station community of double bunker defense. The total population is 10,000 and the area is huge, but the construction is rough and there is no Beauty.

At the moment in front of the underground plaza, western satellites are shining on the continent above them.

Ike community leader, Dr. Entis spoke up.

“On the second day of the Glacier, the cold wave has already swept across the northern and southern hemispheres. The Eagle Nation, the Eagle Nation paid the price of 17 bunkers with a population of 100,000, to be able to avoid disasters. Now the cold wave has just arrived in the State of Mars in the United States of Roses!”

Dr. Entis spoke, and as his voice sounded, a satellite image appeared!

I saw it in the small town of Gelinsi Volcano, Mars State. This is a small tourist town with a lot of volcanoes and looks magnificent, but at the moment this small town is full of white snow.

Along with geological reasons, a burst of volcanic ash erupted, the bursting sound began to roar, and then the volcanic ash boiled, and under everyone’s horrified eyes, a volcano erupted in the cold wave!

The L3 grade Greins volcano, a blizzard whizzing in the satellite, saw the ground shaking, and then the town showed a fissure-like eruption, I saw a scene of horror, and the magma began to overflow the surface along the long narrow line of the ground. The magma is boiling!

But hardly any time, when the cold wave hit this area, the boiling sound resounded.(Read more @

It seems that two natures are facing each other, but in only half an hour, a beautiful magma glacier appeared…

In the underground community of Ike, the people almost watched the scene with fear!

“This is the Ice Age. Only the Ice Age can freeze an L3 volcano!”

“Dr. Entis, where will the next cold wave be?” a white teenager couldn’t help but shiver in his voice!



At four o’clock in the afternoon,

Half of the Kawasaki country was frozen, and all above the surface was frozen, except for a few deep-buried bunkers.

Then the place where the cold wave group passed, freezing everything, ocean, frost, blizzard…

Pieces of disasters are all shattered and wiped out, and pieces of disasters all seem to be pierced…

Mankind is witnessing, witnessing the despair in front of us.

Dongfang Satellite Live Broadcasting started again.

This time the picture is only the same, the frozen ocean.

This is the West Sea in the East. In the picture, the cold wave is coming from the periphery of Kawasaki country. I can see those who are still flowing in the ocean are being frozen one after another. Pieces of the ocean are frozen and extremely hard, and Guangcheng is only a few minutes away from the cold wave. A hundred kilometers away.

The temperature in the weather live room: minus 145 degrees.

What does it feel like when the global temperature limit is minus 70 degrees, minus 150 degrees or so? It is a piece of the sea that begins to show a dreamlike scene, begins to freeze like a horror, and begins to make the ice block amazingly reappear. , And even began to turn an ocean into an ocean of a frozen kingdom!

At this moment, within the barrage, most of the white people from the Ocean Eagle Country of the Western United States of Roses are making a barrage of horror.

[M,oolo]: Welcome to the age of global ice. It has begun. The East will be the last stop. This is only the periphery of the cold wave, but the temperature outside the light cold wave has reached minus 150 degrees, not to mention When the cold wave is completely covered! ! ! .

[Koolse]: East, the only one on the surface, they are going to be reduced to ice sculptures!

At this moment, the Dongfang Meteorological Satellite continued to broadcast live, and the picture showed the cold wave freezing the West Sea, and then began to arrive in front of Guangcheng!

The first step is that the train circling the city is galloping at this moment.

Boom boom boom boom!

Just like the roar of a giant dragon, there should not be such a terrifying and huge train in human history, going around the country, extremely huge, steaming, roaring constantly, a stalwart and huge train seems to pierce everything, in the cold wave gallop!

The train tracks began to be covered with frost, the silver trains began to be covered with frost, everything in the train was covered with frost!

But the huge carriage and the terrifying nuclear drive are galloping under the attention of the world!

The Snow Country Train passed through the cold wave and continued to gallop…

In the underground defense station of Rose Ike, Dr. Entis was almost trembling looking at what could be called a horrible scene in front of him!

Now he knows thoroughly, how terrible the Eastern train is!

On the 3rd, 12 o’clock in the morning.

The cold wave swept across the third day, there was no sunset, no sunshine, and some just the sky and the earth were gloomy, and everything seemed to wither…

In front of the city wall of Guangcheng, here are the most elite engineers in the east, the most elite soldiers, talents from major research departments, etc., in short, all the elite forces are gathered!

In front of the North City, Ying Ziyue saw the disaster sweeping the West with his own eyes, and was about to arrive here in the end.


With a low growl, Ying Ziyue stood tall!


The legion began to erect fuel air bombs, airships, and aviation air cannons!

At this moment, people across the country saw resistance for the first time.


At 12:05, the depression of a cold wave made everyone in front of the city wall breathless. This is because the air is rapidly being reduced, the air flow becomes lower, and the originally fragmented glaciers are again condensed by ice crystals, and the blizzard Like a sharp blade, all the waters are frozen ten meters deep under the cover.

The fearful ice-bound power is here!

The overwhelming, violent cold wave covering the seas of the South China Sea hits. For the first time in human history, we have seen such an epic scene. This scene is the most amazing scene in the movie, but in front of the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue and others witnessed this scene!


Zhao Guofeng let out a roar, this scene belongs to the tragic and majesty of the people of the East, and it is also the first real contending in five thousand years!




The sound of the fuel-air bombs fired, hundreds of air bombs fired all at once, changing the colors of the world.



A large amount of air was stagnated, a sea of ​​fire appeared, and the extreme heat and high temperature increased to the extreme.


Zhao Guofeng continued to roar. At a height of several hundred meters, those giant fuel-filled airships burst, and flares of flames burned. Equipped with air bombs, the sky turned into a sea of ​​flames…


The last roar of the North City, above the city wall, those erected aero-engine guns fired, this is air-driven, after being compressed, it can achieve air vibration of the area!




The air cannon vibrated, and the sea of ​​flames became bigger again, covering a large area again, and flames burned in the sky.

This is a triple confrontation!

Burning air bombs, airships, and finally aviation air cannons were fired for the last time, directly turning this cold wave in front of the North City into a sea of ​​flames in the sky stretching for thousands of meters. Rageously ignite everything!

The sky is red.

On the city wall, Ying Ziyue stopped, he was exhaling slightly, which was a manifestation of the highly compressed air.

Boom boom boom!

But as the wind turbine rotates,

As the scorching blast furnace steam is diffusely released, the seaweed in the city decomposes again, and the city begins to emit excessive concentrations of oxygen again.

The temperature in the city is increasing at its limit, and the flames of the hot blast furnace can almost illuminate the city.

As a result, the hot air continued to rise. Under this alternate confrontation of cold and heat, humans could see the miracle of nature, that is, layers of frost began to spread over the city, but then the rush of heat began to disintegrate.

“Ying group, at the center of the cold wave, an L3 volcano in the United States of Roses erupted 800 times during the cold wave, and then it froze during the cold wave. For the first time, it was estimated to be more than two hundred degrees below zero!”

“At present, the center of the cold wave is in Kawasaki. The edge of the cold wave can now be resisted. At 12:30, the cold wave is moving fast. It is estimated that the center of the cold wave will reach Guangcheng within two days. The last battle of the ice age cold wave is coming… ..”

Zhao Guofeng looked solemn!

Now that he said this, he is completely solemn. The previous icebreaker confrontation, fuel-air bombs, airships, and aviation guns are the first steps, mainly to dispel the periphery of the cold wave!


The truly desperate cold wave center, there will be more than minus two Baidu, no human technology can stop it.


Above the northern city, Ying Ziyue leaned back on the artificial sun. He sighed for a long time. On the wall, he could feel minus sixty degrees. With a sigh of breath, he could feel the ice strands beginning to shatter, shatter, and shatter.. ..

“Ready to start the final, concentrated solar energy, artificial sun, volcanic eruption!”

Ying Ziyue speaks!



At half past twelve, the Oriental live video.

The giant man-made sun-covering visor on the northern city wall opened, and the man-made solar device appeared naked in front of the world for the first time!

Then on the four city walls, all the concentrated solar energy was slightly activated, and at the same time a faint white photoelectric appeared, which was a sign before the activation!

As for the eastern coastal waters, those warships were frozen over the seas of major submarine volcanoes, and the bombs began to count down!

For the first time, Dongfang thoroughly broadcasted its cold-resistant trump cards!

At the underground defense station of Chinatown of the United States of Roses, Zhao He, an old overseas student, almost stared blankly, he looked at the scene before him tremblingly!

“Concentrating solar energy covers the four walls. The walls of the Oriental New City are all attached with this type of concentrating energy panels. Once it is turned on!!!”

The old foreign student Zhao He was completely stunned. He couldn’t imagine that the entire East, the hundreds of cities with thousands of cities, once these city walls concentrating solar panels light up, that scene will be the most shocking scene of mankind in the cold wave!

“The artificial sun is eternal.” Next to Zhao He, a white man with dyed red hair smiled bitterly. His fingers trembled. He was a mixed-race, named Ya Lei.

“The artificial sun has a known light-up temperature of 50 million degrees Celsius. It lasts for 100 seconds to light up in the cold wave. Humans all over the world should see this extreme outward light. In minus two hundred degrees, humans will see one. The sun smashes all frost!” Ya Lei was trembling with infatuation, and he loved those mankind’s greatest horror projects!

But then in the live broadcast, when the frozen warships along the eastern coast appeared, the two smiled bitterly at each other.

If artificial suns and concentrated solar energy are the ultimate technology of mankind, then there will be the most brutal madness in the East.

They detonated the warships, and then caused the submarine volcanoes in the East and West Seas to erupt. When a piece of submarine volcanoes erupt, that huge sea area will boil, extremely high temperature, extreme boiling and then collide with the cold wave group!

This scene belongs to the collision with the help of nature


“It turns out that in the extreme cold wave, concentrated solar energy, artificial sun, and stretched volcanoes under the sea are the last trump cards in the East… The only country standing above the surface may change the history of human disasters this time!” Zhao He looked at it. With this depressed underground defense station, the voice trembled and screamed! .

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