Chapter 113

On the fifth day of the cold wave, ten o’clock in the morning.

Snow adorns the mainland, and city lights flicker. This has become the brightest color in the city.

In major cities, communities began to close, and residential buildings closed.

The broadcast in the city resounded loudly, and the whole country was witnessing with their own eyes that each city entered a state of combat readiness, and major military regions began to move into military regions.

In front of the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue witnessed the operation of the machines of the great powers while drawing pictures before the cold wave came.

Holding a brush in hand, he is drawing an elegant and elegant map of the subtropical continent.

Next to him is an artificial solar device, and there are rows of stretches of city walls beside him.

At the beginning of the painting, the background of the painting was the giant cities in the east. After standing still, Ying Ziyue took out his pen and ink and painted before the cold wave.

The first act is the mainland covered by wind and snow, the second act is a train galloping, and the third act is an eco-park, industrial corridors appear one after another!

The fourth act is followed by the extinction of everything on the surface, crops, and the ocean are all close to extinction. One wave of the West went to outer space, and another wave continued to open up dungeons.

But after the ice age, the plates collided, so some continental plates were submerged, and the remaining continental plates were piled up with a layer of ice 100 meters high.

Scenes and scenes, the historical trend is amazing and amazing.

The old man and Zhao Guofeng were watching from behind, as if they were witnessing the history of a planet that stretched for millions of years.

Obviously, the next will mean a thousand-year ice age,

In the subsequent ice age, there will be plate collisions, and the edges of individual continents will split into pieces of islands.


After the first drawing was completed, the blizzard in the sky began to increase.


At the same time, the howling wind began to increase. This was a hot and howling wind, violently howling, which was a sign of the hurricane.

Before the arrival of the cold wave, the first wave will experience a hurricane. The hurricane will trigger a cold wave, and then a cold front area appears in the eye of the cold wave. In this area, it will reach more than minus two hundred degrees!

So now the sky is 800 blizzards, and then it melts into steam in the city, and the storm in front of the city is roaring and rustling.

Staring before the hurricane, staring at the wind and snow, Ying Ziyue continued to paint.

He continued to add steps, and some people in the West chose outer space and underground cities.

At the same time, the eco-park is open!

The industrial corridor opens!

Give up the coastal area!

Promote glacier life species, build countless giant ships, close to the oxygen-rich northern coastline!

So on the Yanhuang Continent, seaweeds were planted on icebergs, the sky was still roaring and mixed with snowflakes, and the earth roared like a thunderbolt.

On this continent, the snow country train is still galloping, the southern icebreaker appears, and the giant fishing boat in the North Sea appears to fight the collision of the next ice age and the thousand-year-old glacier.


The cold wind was even stronger, because in half an hour, Ying Ziyue put down the pen and ink in her hand and finished drawing.

“Is this our final?” Zhao Guofeng wailed. He didn’t really feel it until now. This is the ultimate goal of the East. The ecological paradise and the industrial corridor are all perfect layouts after the disaster!

“So next, some extinct creatures may reappear on this continent, those dinosaurs, those Cambrian life may be reborn, and industry can study new energy sources, and eventually planetary engines…”

Zhao Guofeng couldn’t help being obsessed with Dao. After all, he saw a great prologue slowly opened, especially when the prologue was right in front of him. As a participant, this would be the most trembling thing.

Start step by step,

Tracks, train stations, snow country trains,

Giant cities, wind turbines, blast furnaces, artificial suns, etc. are used to fight the extreme cold wave of the glacier.

Afterwards, the agricultural ecological paradise, the industrial corridor, and the Beihai warehouse were used to rebuild the continent…

The scene by scene layout is perfect to the extreme!

Zhao Guofeng was excited because he personally participated in this kind of continental-level planning. .


With the sound of the writing brush being put down, Ying Ziyue looked ahead, and the breath before the hurricane was approaching.

Zhao Guofeng salutes!

“Ying group, all set up!”(Read more @

“At present, nearly 500 warships of our army can be detonated at the same time under the volcanoes in multiple frozen seas. The professor of marine geology has calculated that if they are detonated, half of the ocean will boil, and a piece of the ocean will boil. The extreme hot air current. There will be a cold wave!”

“The artificial solar storage device is activated, and the eye of the cold wave opens immediately!”

“The solar panels are set up!”

“How long is there.”

Ying Ziyue frowned.

“Twenty-five minutes!” Zhao Guofeng said!

“Then let the volcano erupt, the ocean boil, the artificial sun boil, and let’s have the biggest confrontation in human history!”

Standing upright solemnly, Ying Ziyue spoke!

This preparation is the greatest battle in the East against natural disasters, unprecedented!


At this moment, the entire east closed the giant city, except for military personnel, fully prepared for war.



The underground defense station of Chinatown in the United States of Roses.

In the underground gymnasium, the lights are dazzling. Now more and more foreign students come to watch the satellite video of the cold wave. Almost half of this underground defense station is mixed blood and half is foreign students.

This underground defense station covers an area of ​​more than 4,000 square meters, a huge area, with a total of more than 400 Asians,

Now they are all in the underground gymnasium, watching the official satellite video released by the National Security Institute.

Rocco is a professor of astronomy, pointing to the screen to explain.

“You guys on the surface of the cold wave group have already left Kawasaki, and now they are moving towards the east…” Professor Rocco finished, and then the weather screen opened.

In the picture, everyone was suffocating the case. I saw that this is the Pacific Ocean, Indo-Sanyo, Kawasaki Ocean, West Sea, and Liaohai. In short, are these five giant sea areas? Above these five giant sea areas, those azure blue The sea was gone, and I saw a giant silver cold wave group moving over the five oceans, covering the five oceans, and the cold wave was a huge area.



When the cold wave covers the five sea areas, the azure water is like roaring, freezing all this directly!

All traces of the existence of life species are being frozen,

Click! Click!

Almost meteorological satellites have captured the icy crackling sound and the chilling sound makes people tremble in despair!

Completely changed, the first scene is India Sanyo, the sea is no longer flowing, and ice layers with a height of several tens of meters appear.

Then Kawasaki Ocean, Daping Ocean, Liaohai, and finally the South China Sea.

Finally, the satellite images have made a big summary. This is the image of the five seas completely becoming a glacier. Human beings are almost trembling under this glacier, and trembling desperately under this icy cold!

In the end, those Eastern warships staying in the sea froze and turned into silver-white ice sculptures.

Abandoned warships are freezing…


The mixed-race professor Rocco was trembling all over, even though he was staying underground now, the feeling of extreme depression and despair came upon his face, as if human beings had witnessed this desperate atmosphere for the first time!

“Two Baidu below zero!” Rocco’s trembling voice has never seen extreme temperatures in the history of humankind, or it is not just extreme temperatures, but the most desperate temperatures ever.

“Don’t we have a simulation team, let’s simulate how the eastern city is facing this kind of cold wave!” another international student said.

Then the simulation started. First, the frost began to advance layer by layer, and then everything that went forward, all the cities, all the blast furnaces, and all the wind turbines were all frozen.

Everything is frozen by ice!

In the end, the model test was completed, and there is only one reason, and then the East will be completely reduced to a frozen land…

“You guys, the last live broadcast of Dongfang has started.” Rocco said.

Everyone turned on the mobile phone. It was a satellite signal, but it couldn’t last for a few days because it was expensive.

Oriental CC Live: [National Confrontation]

The first scene is black, but at this moment, those western countries are already sending out barrage.

[LOOPE]: Is the East now frozen?

[Nooner]: I seem to see that this great city is being frozen, and I see that this city is about to be frozen!

[Coolooee]: People in the East are probably fleeing now, but unfortunately it is too late and there is no chance. The next disaster will freeze everything.

There are so many barrages. After the western weather satellite announced the direction of the cold wave, the people in the West seemed to have guessed that it was frozen.

As the screen opened, a brand new scene appeared.

This is Guangcheng. I saw that the city became quiet, the major residential buildings were tightly closed, and the major military districts were standing by. There was no chaos, and the writing went to the extreme!

At this moment, many western barrage sang to see off, as if to see off the final battle in the East!

In the underground station of Western Chinatown, the mixed-race professor Rocco has a complicated expression. He can’t help but open the forum in the East, meager and so on.

All the news inside.

[All citizens gather to fight the last cold wave][Train transportation, obey the big country, obey the command! 】

Almost on the forums, there are all other similar news, and the news is extremely hot.

“Are they really not afraid?”

Beside Rocco, a white man couldn’t help frowning.

In the live broadcast, the residential building was quiet, the community was quiet, there was no chaos, and no one escaped.

Especially with the acceleration of time, a trace of chill began to rise, and a thermometer appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

One hundred and sixty degrees below zero!

One hundred and eighty degrees below zero!

The cold wave center is coming, and the minus two Baidus are coming too!

But at the moment in the live broadcast, every Eastern soldier’s eyes were not afraid, but excited and wary.

As for the live broadcast room, Dongfang is frantically scrolling through the barrage.

[Chen Wenshuai]: It’s finally here. We have prepared for so long, spent everything, used all our strength, and used all the great projects. Now it is for this moment. I, Chen Wenshuai, from Jinling, now I am willing to fight with the country on the surface. disaster!

[People of the River]: Finally here, three months of preparation, day and night, done! ! !

There are countless barrages of this kind, and the popularity is extremely high.

In the underground gymnasium of Chinatown, Rocco, a mixed-race professor, and Eric, a white man, have a complex expression.

They thought the East would be afraid, would hide, and the people would panic!

But no one would have thought, or that no one would have thought that an unbelievable scene appeared, no one was afraid of anyone, but all the people of the East were united and fought to the end!

It seems that the East has been waiting for this cold wave for a long time.

It seems that the people in the East have been waiting for this bloody battle for a long time,

At this moment, the white man Eric understood a vocabulary for the first time, that is, this is the most perfect testimony of “national confrontation” in history. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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