Chapter 114


It’s ten and fifty.

There are still ten minutes, but standing in front of the northern city wall, everyone is wearing a breathing mask, because the extreme air suppression makes people desperate.

Now you can feel minus ninety degrees above the city wall, as far as minus ~ one hundred and sixty degrees outside the city wall.

Ying Ziyue, and the old man, stood in front of the northern city wall, looking in front of them.

In the aerial image, the Guangcheng Liaohai in front of us is completely reduced to a glacier, and the cold wave covering the five sea areas is coming!

The terrifying white mist swept through everything, but wherever it passed, it turned into ice sculptures, and the frost began to freeze everything.

“Blast furnace, wind turbine, turn on the most!”

At the center of the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue roared loudly. He stood before the hurricane, just like this city. This city seemed extremely huge, but it was like a small particle in front of the cold wave.

The same is true for Ying Ziyue. He stood on the northern city wall at the forefront of the cold wave and looked like a fine particle, but this particle looked at the cold wave like a sea of ​​clouds without any fear, with a resounding voice.



At this moment, the horrible mechanical roar resounded in the city, and in the back city area, the hot blast furnace exuded terrifying flames, the soaring flames were burning savagely and wanton, and the thick flames were burning like madness.


Inside the city, those giant wind generators also began to spin rapidly, the giant Ferris wheel began to rotate, and the air began to collide with hot and cold air!


The airship recorded meteorological data at an altitude of five hundred meters, and the blades of a one-kilometer wind turbine were rotating.

So the magical scene inside the city appeared, and the blizzard outside the city howled!

It’s ten and fifty-five!

The eye of the cold wave appeared in front of Guangcheng. Humans should always have an epic scene before their eyes. The thickness of the entire ice layer has reached 30 meters. It can appear in clear space and thin layers of air. This is the extreme cold wave so that the air Started to stagnate and walk around.

This scene was captured by aerial photography. The cold wave directly covered the south. All the floods in the south were surging and turned into ice crystal-like colors. Pieces of floods began to be frozen, and the icebreakers standing in each city were roaring and moving.

At this moment, the people in the West knew why the East began to be filled with nuclear-powered icebreakers in the south, all for the sake of epic sight.

When the southern floods in front of us were raging, and when those flooded areas began to be frozen, the roaring sound of the icebreaker shocked everyone!

In the Oriental CC live broadcast, the western barrage bursts!

“Oh my God, this is the real goal of the Eastern Icebreaker! They knew it before, and they had known the next horror plan. When all the south began to freeze, the icebreaker would start roaring!!”

“The leader of the Eastern Highest Special Research Institute, this enchanting man has arranged everything!”(Read more @

The barrage was frantic, but as the next scene appeared, everyone was quiet!

It was before Guangcheng, which was a densely forested area covered by cold waves, but there was a deafening train roar from the sky.

From everyone’s perspective, the train is roaring, roaring and roaring through the cold wave, the nuclear power of the train’s tail is pushed to the extreme, exuding the ultimate dazzling luster, and the bright luster shines on everything!

Train power, high-speed rail-like moving speed, so the layer-by-layer movement begins to generate temperature. To a certain extent, the train hinders the advancement of the cold wave in a certain area, blocking the chill of a few milliseconds. It is really the air brought by the movement. , The air starts to rub, so heat is generated,

The cold wave came out from the front of Guangcheng, snowstorm, hurricane, minus two Baidu!

At this moment, after the cold wave left, the earth and sky were completely white. The cold wave swept across the south, and the central area was still one kilometer away from Guangcheng, but the minus had already broken two hundred degrees below zero.

Above the city wall, a sound of cracking of the ice wall resounded, and a huge cracking sound resounded everywhere.

The city walls began to be covered with frost, and the depressing extreme cold made every soldier feel suffocated!

At this moment, before the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue’s roar resounded in the hurricane!

“Concentrated solar power is on!”

A stalwart roar resounded, and then everything changed in the originally gloomy world and the gloomy world, as if it was about to burst to the extreme, I saw Guangcheng, the magical city on all four walls, and nearly 30,000 concentrating solar energy began to shine. From a faint light!

Then in just one second, the extremely bright light lit up!

Snowstorm, hurricane, 200 minus two Baidu!

But after the concentrating solar panel lights up, everything is over, everything is like nothingness!

The ice crystals on the city wall melted rapidly. The limit temperature of the concentrating solar panel is 1,000 degrees, but it is in the form of concentrating light, which means that a single piece of continuous temperature can reach 10,000 degrees.


Above the northern city, a burst of dazzling light hits, Ying Ziyue closed her eyes, and there was the sound of melting frost and the whistling of hurricanes before her eyes.

At this moment, the aerial photography captured the extremely bright lights from the four walls of a city, shining thousands of meters, like a piece of stove!

0 ··Find flowers·········

In the Western Underground Defense Station, those people stared blankly at the barrage.

“The scariest concentrating solar panel in history. I discovered for the first time that the East is so scary. The scariest solar panel in human history, this is a 10,000-degree confrontation minus two Baidu!”

“Oh my God, the real trump card in the Orient has come out, the concentrating solar panel…”

In the underground defense station and gymnasium of Western Chinatown, those international students were sluggish and shocked.

They thought of this city wall!

“In August, Kedongfang started the infrastructure construction of the Snowstorm City. It turned out that since August, they began to prepare something more terrifying. Who would have thought that there would be a city wall surrounded by solar panels. “Roko, the mixed race, looked terrified.

…….. 0 0

Because that scene on the screen is too barrage!

Especially in the final scene of aerial photography, I saw those city walls starting from Guangcheng, and then to Yanjing, Yanjing, Baicheng, and Shanghai. The outer periphery of those giant cities all lit up at the same time by concentrating solar energy, the dazzling sacred flame. The light shines on the world, this scene will be a desperate scene in the West, it will be a scene that will not appear in any disaster movie.

From now on, the cold wave has hit the whole country!

But Guangcheng is the only one who faces the Eye of Cold Wave!

The sky is dim, not the continent of the east. The giant wind and snow cities are shining with the brightest luster, shining on the continents.

All the people in the East are feeling this stalwart scene!


In two minutes, the concentrated solar energy went out, and the Eastern Continent became gloomy again.

But the ice crystals on the city wall melted. At this moment, there is an area 500 meters away from the Eye of the Cold Wave. However, the ice crystals of the entire eastern city are melting, shattering, and freezing again due to the hot air currents!

Ying Ziyue stood at the highest point, looking at a distance of 500 meters, the eye of the cold wave began to approach Guangcheng one meter by one meter.

“Zhao Guofeng!”

With a roar, Ying Ziyue spoke!


Zhao Guofeng saluted suddenly, waiting for instructions!

“Next, let the world witness the layout of eastern nature, let all the submarine volcanoes erupt, let the Pacific Ocean become a boiling ocean, and let volcanic magma and cold wave glaciers have a super collision. era!!!!”

Ying Ziyue snarled. From now on, Dongfang is the real trump card exploding! wide.

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