Chapter 118

On the 9th, the extreme cold covered the whole world, and every road began to be quickly cracked and cracked.

On the 12th, volcanoes on the ocean floor, melting snowstorms, and other reasons caused the sea level to rise and other sea levels to fall.

On the 15th, the statue of the Goddess of the United States of the Roses was covered by ice crystals from the inside to the outside, becoming the Frost Lady statue. The Eagle National Railway Tower was reduced to a statue. The global temperature remained minus 150 degrees Celsius, and the temperature range of individual flowing sea water was relatively large.

On the 20th, the underground bunker of the Eagle Nation opened. Five thousand civilians tried to get out of the city wearing cotton-padded clothes and oxygen masks. They encountered an avalanche in the city, extreme cold + avalanche, all died, and the world was terrified!

On the 25th, the global extreme cold temperature continued to minus 120 degrees. The crops above the ground, many artificial lakes, and the western high-speed trains were all frozen.

On the 30th, the cold wave was thin across the world. Since then, mankind has officially entered the ice age. The West has officially announced the launch of the human fire project, the construction of underground cities, and the launch of the outer space project. Since then, mankind has gone into the unknown!


To be precise, from the end of October of the year, it was actually included in the glacial chronicles.

[Glacier Chronicle ~ January 1, 2001]

Ten o’clock in the morning.

In the vast universe and galaxy, the earth is just a particle board of dust, flying in the magnificent universe. There have been countless ancestors thinking about this magnificent galaxy, but the real chance is to get out of the ice age.

The azure earth turned into a faint silver, and the space stations of all countries in the orbit of the galaxy all issued instructions at the same time.

The United States of Roses Space Station: [It can be temporarily returned to the surface, but not for long periods of time. The surface temperature is minus 120 degrees. Human cold-resistant suits cannot be left for long periods of time. Because of the extreme cold temperature and extreme cold pressure! 】

Eagle Nation Space Station: [Special warning, the world’s surface is frozen, please come with winter clothes and oxygen mask]

Eastern Space Station: [Welcome to continue the development of infrastructure above the surface of Yan and Huang compatriots]

Three different space station signals are released.

In the New Times Square in the State of Mars, United States of America, the buildings of the New Times were frozen and covered with layers of frost. The farmland became white ice, and the wheat became like hard ice sculptures.

As for other large tracts of land, the farms are all covered by snow, and the tens of meters high snow has turned into icebergs, which cannot be excavated by conventional machines.(Read more @

Now the underground defense station of the New Era is built behind the Kingdom Building. With the deafening sound of the opening of the temperature barrier, first meteorological monitoring equipment appeared, testing the surface temperature to minus 120 degrees, and then a team of teams dressed in white poles. The thick cold-resistant clothing began to walk out slowly.

This is the major professors of the National Security Institute of the United States of Roses, as well as minister Roddy, and deputy minister Thomas close to twenty people.

When they walked out, they were stunned when they watched the first group of people in the West who walked out of the surface.

The statue of the goddess was carved by ice,

Hundred-storey huge buildings were carved by ice, and everything that humans saw with the naked eye was engraved in the ice. There were cars on the streets, and many buildings were directly covered by wind and snow.

“Minister Roddy, this is the official video released by the East within a month.”

In the extreme cold, Deputy Minister Thomas opened a video in a complicated manner. When the video was opened, everyone present was stunned.

This is an Eastern disaster development video, produced by the internal affairs team.

In this month, after fighting the cold wave, the trains in the video began to supply the major provinces of the country without interruption, and then the nuclear-powered icebreaker in the south began to start, the deafening icebreaker was roaring, and then the icebreaker shattered the major ice layers and began Transport materials for those remote areas in the south.

Icebreakers galloped, colorful trains galloped by in the snow, in the Oriental Guangcheng Industrial Corridor, piles of industrial equipment such as huge steel plates, while the hot blast furnace in the city was burning.

There are also factories producing carts of cotton-padded clothes and carts of warming devices.

The steel plates were then transported to the train and then to the major northern cities, where the city walls began to be built.

In the first scene, the cities in the east started to be busy, the buses in the city were speeding up, and the materials began to be dispatched in an orderly manner.

0 ··Find flowers·········

But the background of the picture is beautiful, the wind and snow are whistling, the temperature is minus Baidu, and there are giant silver-white icebergs in front of the city wall. Under the aerial photography, the shadows of the people are small, but the order is perfect.

This is the case from Guangcheng to Dongshan City in the north, a perfect orderly trend, the industry is moving towards the end of the picture,

At the end of the first scene, the East calls it “the first industrial disaster trial”

Seeing that scene, on the surface of the New Times Square, I felt the icy cold roaring, feeling the scorching hot thorns, and feeling the scenes of extreme cold. The high-rise buildings on the scene turned into ice sculptures, and the National Security Institute for Western Disasters , More than a dozen professors and congressmen have complicated faces.

…….. 0 …

“Asshole version of the trend of industrial disasters.” Minister Roddy’s face was blue. Only now in disasters can he truly feel what the Eastern Industrial Corridor is. If there is an industrial system in the disaster, then production and development can be achieved after the disaster!


The cold wind has grown stronger, and every member of the council and the professor has pale, because only now on the surface of the earth brings them despair, that is, severe cold!

Looking at every city in the east now standing clean and untouched by the wind and snow, they became more and more angry!

“Don’t worry. With such a large cold wave and a large amount of snow, the sea water and wind and snow of the ice age may begin to hit the mainland, and the east will not be safe next.” Deputy Minister Thomas said coldly.

“Minister, the outer space, dungeon project has started, when will the project start!” Masser, the vice president of Massachusetts, said.

“Starting today, we call on the whole country to start dungeons, and the Eagle Country and the Kawasaki Congress will start the outer space program!”

“Next we have to let the world see how white people create a new world!”


-[Glacier Chronicles January 1, 2001, the first group of visitors on the surface of the United States of the Roses announced the opening of the outer space, the dungeon plan, and the world has entered the three plan survival plans] Guang.

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