Chapter 119


The day breaks.

But in the dungeon of the United States of Roses, the time is based on the human body’s rest limit, and the rest of the time is to start working, and begin to connect the underground communities into trenches, and at the same time ensure the stable work of the excavation, and the work intensity is very high.

At ten o’clock a day, on the official day, all major civilians across the West began a busy underground trench.

In the underground defense station of Chinatown, trucks and trucks of soil are digging underground. Their task is to connect the underground of the New Times Square to form the first underground passage.

Many international students took the machine and started digging underground. Everyone felt depressed, especially the underground environment.

Liu Yang, a foreign student, had a pale face. He was lying on the ground and panting. He was injured by a gravel just now, so he had a chance to rest. Next to him were successive wounded with various injuries.

Lying on the ground, Liu Yang couldn’t help but sighed. He turned on the phone. He didn’t want to read the western news. “803” was in ins. On the tubing, all the officials were blowing great plans one by one. It was ridiculous in Liu Yang’s eyes that he blew the great and huge plan.

These plans do not know how much manpower will be spent, and they are simply desperate.

He opened Dongfang News, which was the most popular one, infrastructure news, train transportation news, Liu Yang didn’t want to see these, he only felt aggrieved and hungry now.

Until the seventh hot search-[Eco Park officially launched]

Open this news, the first act is the video appearing.

In the video, piles of fresh vegetables appear in the eco-park. Inside the big shed is a giant white protective shed. Vegetables are sliced ​​and covered in a vast expanse. The video can’t be shot at all.

Vegetable farmers began to transport, and some cattle and sheep began to be slaughtered. Fresh beef and mutton began to be put into freezer bags. There were too many, and freshly picked fruits lined up. Then these were sent to the transportation track. , And then loaded the train.

Looking at these fresh foods, Liu Yang only felt that his mouth was full of fluids.

“Is this the Oriental Ecological Park? The disaster is to transport fruits and food together…” Liu Yang said desperately with a bitter smile on his face.


On the bed next to him, a white man was also lying down. The white man Tiss accidentally fell on a rock and fractured his left leg. Tiss pointed to the video.

“Didn’t you find that when shooting those fresh vegetables, there were pieces of seaweed planted next to them!”

Ties spoke, his voice was complicated, as if he knew something.

Liu Yang was also stunned. He flipped through the video again, and he saw pieces of seaweed, which meant that the seaweed in this city was being savagely planted. In the previous Oriental video, every city was also planting seaweed. This means that pieces of seaweed decompose oxygen, and the oxygen concentration of this continent is increasing…

“There is also the livestock slaughter area, which is a beast breeding area. The intestines of these slaughter are all given to these beasts, as if it is a cycle.” Ties continued to smile wryly.

The screen was moved, Liu Yang saw the lions, tigers, and elephants in the eco-park..

And along with the transportation track, these wild animals are also beginning to be transported out.

The screen ends.

“Oriental Ecological Park is cultivating seaweed vigorously. The Ecological Park has also begun to let those wild animals out of the protective layer and begin to feel the extreme cold. Do you know what they are doing?” Ties said bitterly.(Read more @

Liu Yang was stunned for a while, then his face was blue, and then completely changed!

“Increasing the oxygen concentration in the Eastern Continent, the first wave made these beasts feel extremely cold…”

“So the oxygen concentration increases, and individual beasts may be able to survive this extreme cold…”

When Liu Yang finished his voice, he was trembling!

After the disaster, that is, starting now, a terrifying and frightening scene appeared, and the East is now starting to spur the explosion of glacial life species!

“Not only that, you look at the industry. I saw the Eastern Industry. Their industrial corridors are operating. If you guess right, there will be a lot of new life explosions in the Eastern Continent. At the same time, there will be a great Engineering is a project that has made this continent as solid as gold!”

Tees spoke, his voice calm.

Promoting a major outbreak of life species is as solid as the mainland project…

Combining the two, equipped with industrial corridors, the ecological paradise is simply terrifying, and Liu Yang can hardly believe what the future will look like in the east.

“Tees, you are…” Liu Yang couldn’t help looking at Tees, curious about his identity.

“Student Stan, because he is a half-blood, he can only stay in the Tang People’s Underground Defense Station. Now I regret it completely. I should go back to the East.” Ties smiled bitterly and desperately said.

At this moment, there are many foreign students with ideas like him.

But if a decision is made, then it is a thorough choice.


On the first day of the surface year, the first day of the project officially started in the West, there was a lot of news around the world.


[The West announced the official start of the underground city project][Kawasaki, the official “special” scientific research plan of Eagle Country][Foreign students apply to return home]

The third hot search in ins is a group of foreign students and a group of white people applying to go to the East.

Many hot search comments.

[SOOLO]: The surface of the world cannot survive. As a white man in a free eagle country, I think the world should help each other, and the East should let us enter certain cities. Only in this way is true friendship and unity. True unity!

[AMMEER]: I surrendered the residential area and started to let people all over the world live on the surface. This is my duty!

[OLPSFSF]: International students passing by, I can only go back to the East 0 ..

The third hot search is extremely popular, because now there is only the East, which is developed by Enron, on the surface, especially the East has normal supplies, perfect food supply, train stations and giant cities, and it is the most perfect place to live on the surface. .

The popularity is extremely high, and the top three searches in the East have also become this kind of news.

Hot search first——【About the Western application to settle in the Wind and Snow City】

To compare with others, Dongfang’s comments are all.

[Zhao Hai]: When we closed the country, we used train infrastructure, we built giant cities, what were you doing when we were building the city crazy twelve hours a day, and what are you saying to us! ! !

[Chen Jianghe]: In the eastern city of wind and snow, the Snow Country Train was built by all the people with great pains, and it took all the effort, all the effort, and the real effort all the power! ! !

[Ma Shuaiwen]: Thank you, we refuse!


On the southern wall of Guangcheng, the insulating layer continued to be pasted on the wall, Ying Ziyue, Zhao Guofeng, Guangcheng Minister Ma Rubin, and the head of the interior Lin Ping were all watching.

The sky is about to enter the sunset, and the development of the city begins to return to the direction of infrastructure.

Zhao Guofeng reported from behind: “Ying group, next is the industrial corridor, the final project of agricultural ecology, you need to arrange it.”

“In addition, many foreign education ministries in the West have put forward one point, that is, they want to enter the city of wind and snow and obtain the right of residence.” Zhao Guofeng said.


The latter is on the southern city wall, feeling the power of the hot stove under the city wall, everything he is now in, everything he feels, is everything about the national unity infrastructure.

“Tell them that it was before, and it is also now, this Yanhuang Continent is not open to residency rights!”

“This is a continent stained with the blood of the Yan and Huang compatriots. Our two billion people build infrastructure together, build together, and create and develop together. Therefore, this continent can only be planted with a banner, and there is a kind of existence. People, that is Yanhuang…”

The hurricane roared, and the city wall offset the hurricane, leaving only the whistling of the wind, with Ying Ziyue’s sonorous voice in the wind.

————[Glacier Chronicles, on January 1st, the East continues to embellish the mainland, opening the final card development, the quota is still not open].

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