Chapter 120


There is still only the east above the surface, and the extreme cold of minus 120 degrees, except for the snowy city and the snow country train, all surface buildings are frozen from the inside out!

Even in the dark and long night, the roaring dragon-like body of the Snow Country Train will roar forward, carrying a large amount of cargo forward, majestic and sacred!

The train roared, and the world shouted, as if there was darkness between the sky and the earth, and only the giant trains left from Yanjing, transiting to Guangcheng in the south and Dongshan city in the north.


But now at 8 o’clock in the morning on the 2nd, the sky is dark and gray.

In the Guangcheng Industrial Corridor, every factory is busy. The first factory area is the Nuclear Energy Engine Research Center. The lights in the factory are bright. The workers here are all PhD graduates and dual-discipline PhDs.

Now these Ph.Ds are standing in a row, the Changjiang Che of the National Nuclear Corporation headquarters is standing straight, and a group of people are waiting for the highest order.


As the group approached, Ying Ziyue was the first to appear in the workshop. The workshop area is as high as 50,000 square meters, and the area is huge. In the middle of the workshop is a giant engine, which is a controllable nuclear fusion device, and it has a size of one. The size of a truck, this is still only one and a half completed machinery.

“Report to Ying Group. This is the first model of super giant engine promoted by PPSU’s controllable nuclear fusion. Next, we will conduct engine testing, performance testing, light-off testing, and then we can build in batches, and then deploy to the mainland!” The Yangtze River Che stood upright.

“Continue to study!”

Ying Ziyue said that the engine research center is a research center integrating artificial sun and train energy, and the three major engineering teams of train construction.

The giant engine is not to escape, but to use it for a deeper level. This can be called a confrontation!

The projects in the East did not flee or be afraid, all came from mountains and seas, and the flames and yellows hindered them!

The visit is still going on. This time Changjiang Che from the Ministry of Nuclear Power followed and went to another factory area. This factory area can be called ——[Nuclear Powered Icebreaker]

The industrial corridor is a comprehensively covered factory area. The factory areas from No. 1 to No. 10 are all high-tech and high-engineering factories in all directions. After No. 10, there are oxygen mask factories, cotton garment factories, and so on.

The No. 2 nuclear-powered icebreaker is an integrated glacier shipyard that brings together Shanghai Shipyard, Baicheng Shipyard, Ocean International Shipyard, Jinling Shipyard, and Huangshidao Shipyard.

The shipyard has a huge area, backed by Nancheng, with a single plant area of ​​close to 100,000 square meters, and the plant is out of sight. This is one of the largest factories.

At 8:30, all the factories and sub-stations of all sizes were straight, waiting for instructions.(Read more @

Behind them are giant icebreakers that have been completed, Ying Ziyue, National Nuclear Jiang Che, and Zhao Guofeng are all watching.

Salute to the shipyard director Zhou Quan

“Report Ying Group, the icebreaker has been under construction since July of the civilization period until now, and now it is starting to build a larger ocean icebreaker, which has greatly improved temperature isolation, load, and fishing!”

Salute to factory director Zhou Quan!

“Very well, there will be continental-level ocean fluctuations, and hundreds of giant icebreakers will be used!”

Ying Ziyue stood straight, his voice solemn.

“Everyone, leave it to you!”

Ying Ziyue patted the shoulders of everyone present, Ying Ziyue’s voice was clear.

“Guaranteed to complete the task entrusted to us by the motherland!” everyone shouted!

The last one is impressively No. 3, the steel mill, which can be said to be the industrial core of the South. The steel mill covers an area not only large, but covers other factory areas, occupying almost a quarter of the city. , You must know that Guangcheng is known as a huge city with a population of tens of millions. The city has a huge area, and the huge city stands tall and majestic!

Steelmaking plants include ironmaking plants, foundries, iron slag workshops and so on.

But at the moment at the entrance of the huge and burly steelmaking plant, the black-faced man, the director Li Manshan, stood straight, and then he suddenly saluted Ying Ziyue!

This is one of the core projects of the industrial corridor.

“The report Ying Group, the southern steelmaking plant is currently producing normal, with an average daily output of 10 million tons. The entire plant is currently building wall insulation panels, factory steel panels and other major projects!”

Li Manshan saluted, and then he handed out a detailed steel classification map, which recorded a variety of steel production. There are many steel production steps, and the classification of steel materials is detailed, and the people’s livelihood is everything to life.

Ying Ziyue nodded, this steel factory will probably play a great role in the future!

“Everyone, the temperature above the surface during the glacial period was minus 120 degrees. It is not only severe cold, but also the strait impact in some sea areas. The two sea areas of the West Sea and the Liaohai Sea, the whole people of the East will have a greater project next!”

Ying Ziyue speaks!

At this moment, in front of the Ying group, the nuclear power department Changjiang Che, the shipyard director Zhou Quan, the steel plant director Li Manshan, and the internal affairs director Lin Ping!

“Next, the steel plant will produce only one steel sheet drawing!”

“There is only one icebreaker style produced by the shipyard!”

“The production drawings are as follows, everyone, please rebuild the Oriental Paradise!”

Bending over and bowing, Zhao Guofeng handed over the drawing, and Ying Ziyue spoke.

Then all the staff stood up straight and saluted.

Afterwards, after walking in the Ying group for fifteen minutes, the three directors looked at the drawings with fear.

Steel—Develop a giant steel plate with a length of 50 meters, a rectangle of 20 meters wide, and a thickness of 60 cm!

Icebreaker-Developed a huge one hundred meters long, presenting a huge hull with multiple arches that can be connected.

“What will happen during the ice age?” Steel Plant Director Li Manshan said blankly.

“Extremely cold, avalanches, melting ice and snow, and rising sea levels trigger tsunamis. Tsunami is often encountered along the coast…” Yangtze River Che from the Ministry of National Nuclear Affairs was very academic, but he was stunned when he said half of it, and his voice became a little complicated. .

“So… we are going to build a huge coastal blocking steel plate device… and equip a huge fishing boat to start ocean development after the disaster?” Zhou Quan, the director of the fishing boat, couldn’t help but tremble.

“Not only that, look at this city.” Li Manshan shook his head again, and he pointed to Guangcheng. In this city, the sewer area, the steam area, and all the water flow areas, patches of seaweed are growing.

“The first is to stop the continuous tsunami, the second is ocean hunting, the third is to embellish the continent in all aspects, and the fourth…” The Ministry of Nuclear Affairs, Changjiang Che, does not need to say more, because he is developing With a giant engine, this trump card is even more terrifying.

Now, these hole cards are all connected in the disaster, and then collectively prepare to explode! .

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