Chapter 123

The early morning of the 1st is the first month of the glacial period, which is not visible in the historical years, but on this continent, the East has used huge cities and rolling cities to prove the epic sense of Yanhuang and desolation!

Since millions of years ago, the tribes here have thrived, survived here, built here, and left human civilization here, and then the Yanhuang Continent was formed here.


At 8 o’clock in the morning, the sky is dark, and the north is a mixed land of plains and mountains, so there are huge cities high and tall, looking magnificent~ huge, huge cities stretching.

Huangshi City, Huangdao City, Weicheng, Huashan City, Tai City, and finally all the way to Dongshan City!

The agricultural core in the north is known as the super land of core music-garden!


From the train station, even if it was a cold night blizzard and a hurricane, but the train ran by, accompanied by the splashing white snow, others could still feel a sense of oppression of huge cities.

The southern city was scattered due to the freezing of the flood, while the giant eastern city stood tall and undulating, connected by one giant city, separated by layers of giant snow-capped mountains, so it looked particularly magnificent.

At ten o’clock, the dark weather turned into gloomy, the sun broke through, the train hummed and arrived at Dongshan City, and the barriers opened.

After getting out of the car, Minister of Ecology Liu Qiang had already stood upright and waited.

Ying Ziyue sighed. The northern train station and the industrial park are integrated, so the area is huge, and the extreme cold facing it is also highly depressing!

“Go to the wild animal area!” Ying Ziyue ordered!

A group of people went to the wildlife area, these are all lions, tigers, etc.

“In the Ying group, we tested the first batch of weaker wild animals. The first part of the wild animals feared the extreme cold and died in just 20 minutes, and the second batch began to persist for three hours.”

“We checked these animals. They were able to survive in the extreme cold of minus 150 degrees Celsius at first, and their ancestors had very thick fur.” ​​Minister Liu Qiang said.

“Take a batch of elite tests again!” Ying Ziyue stood straight, her eyes solemn!


Then an elephant was selected and started to be transported to the ground by a tower crane. The elephants were flooded by dozens of meters of white snow, and the extreme cold temperature of minus one hundred and twenty degrees dropped. Big, the elephant began to tremble, then frightened. After an hour, it trembles again, and then began to move slowly, except for the lack of food, everything was normal.

The biology professors present couldn’t help but get excited.

“The oxygen concentration becomes higher, animals can gradually adapt to the low temperature, and they can survive this cold wave!”

Ying Ziyue spoke lightly, with satisfaction at the corners of her mouth. The creation of an ecological paradise by civilized things is perfect, and now it has achieved its full effect!(Read more @

The first batch of protected wild animals began to have cold resistance and began to adapt to the extreme harsh environment to survive. The next continent will shock the world!

“Continue to grow seaweed, continue to conduct large quantities of wild beast extreme cold tests, and strive to allow wild beasts to stimulate cold-resistant genes within 30 days!”

After giving the order, Ying Ziyue continued to check other cold resistance data.

Biology Doctor Wang Mingjie’s eyes changed. He received the instruction from Team Leader Ying from Guangcheng. Now that he came here, Wang Mingjie found that it was far from simple. w

At first he thought that the ecological paradise was an agricultural paradise integrating agriculture, vegetables, fruit trees, and an industrial chain, but now he really witnesses that this is the layout of the glacial organisms that are beginning to erupt step by step.

The more he watched, the more shocked he was. Wang Mingjie looked at a wild animal. These beasts survived from the temperature of the initial civilization, and then began to adapt to the extreme cold, and then some began to die, and some animals began to adapt gradually, just like an experimental product!

“Next, it is estimated that extinct creatures such as the Titan Python may really appear. When the oxygen concentration and time are at a certain moment, the glacier will usher in a new life species explosion. What will this continent look like!”

Thinking of this, Wang Mingjie couldn’t help but tremble with excitement. He couldn’t imagine that once the east spurred the outbreak of life species, mammoths and saber-toothed tigers would really appear in the ice and snow.

Beginning on this day, the major ecological parks in the north have begun successive animal-scale tests. At the same time, a new type of wind and snow off-road vehicles are constantly trying to advance, keep warm, avalanche, escape, rock climbing and other abilities.

At Dongshan City Train Station, the off-road vehicles were also roaring in the midst of the roaring gods. The sky and the earth roared and roared, and trains were unloading huge steel plates.

On the rooftop of the train station, Ying Ziyue was personally watching this direction.

Now many snow chariots are testing the degree of cold resistance, the steel plate has been transported, and then the infrastructure has begun to cover the huge barrier wall of the mainland.

0 ··Find flowers·········

In the world, it is not only the extreme cold wave, but also the submarine volcanoes that melted glaciers and melted snow, and began to incarnate waves of tsunamis, impacting coastal cities.


The footsteps sounded, and Zhao Guofeng was reporting.

“Ying Formation. Meteorological studies have shown that submarine volcanoes in the West China Sea and the Liaohai Sea have caused a large amount of water vapor, volcanic magma, and the rolling of active water. At the same time, they have caused a large amount of ice and snow to melt. The possibility of being submerged.” Zhao Guofeng said.

“More than drowning!”

Ying Ziyue’s pupils were deep, and Leng Rui was silent, indeed, because the next step was more than drowning.

…….. 0 …….

First of all, in the West Sea and Liaohai, ocean icebergs melted due to the super-movement of submarine volcanoes, and a large amount of snow in the two sea areas melted, causing the sea level to rise.

But the temperature above the surface is minus 120 degrees, which means that the moment the flood roars, the ice crystals will freeze the flood for a short time.

So the next step is not a flood, but a tsunami-level impact. Flood + extreme cold means freezing!


After taking a long sigh of breath, Ying Ziyue calculated countless times. In the previous assumption, the coast would become a place of freezing and ice, and the inland cities would drop sharply due to the temperature of the ice, and the population would die.

But fortunately it started to change!

Thinking of this, Ying Ziyue’s sharp eagle-like eyes brightened!

Next, the steel plates for train transportation will be equipped with temperature-insulating materials to build a giant continental barrier wall, which is a giant city wall that can stop all disasters!

A giant icebreaker aircraft carrier will appear in the sea!

When the barrier wall of this continent appears, the new life of the glacier will also erupt with it!

“Zhao Guofeng!” Ying Ziyue said.

“Here!” The latter nodded.

“Notify the Yanjing Underground City scientific research team to speed up the construction of smart lighthouses and other equipment. This city will continue to be perfected!”


The latter nodded, and then both of them looked at the magnificent mechanical city in front of them, wondering what it would become next, whether it was magnificent, or shocking, or technology and backwardness, steam and new energy. ….wide.

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