Chapter 124

The sky is gloomy, and the ice age is definitely not desperate, because since the ice age, scenes of times have been savagely witnessed.

The airports beyond the suburbs on the ground have become ice sculptures.

The huge straight road was frozen and cracked, abruptly cracked!

At the gas stations on the roadside, even the ethanol gasoline, which is called “never freeze”, has been frozen. The freezing point of this gasoline is -110 degrees Celsius, but it is minus 120 degrees above the surface!

Except for the influence of the five oceanic submarine volcanic eruptions, the other Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean, and other oceans have all turned azure blue, and a small ice crystal has covered everything!


The ice age is February 2nd, and the West refers to it as the first year of the earth’s surface, because some people in the West began to try to wear cold-resistant clothing to transport soil above the surface, engineering design, and engineering budget.

The New Times Square of the United States of Roses, in the underground defense station, the ground “807” is warm and warm, and the warm atmosphere makes everyone unable to resist the enjoyment of trembling from the inside out, and also makes them more afraid of the extreme cold above the surface. .

Disaster Minister Roddy was expressionless, he was accustomed to feeling the cold, so that he could continue to maintain his fighting spirit and start a new human plan with the West!

“Mr. Minister, now the two large communities are connected, which means that the primary scale of the 100,000 dungeon has begun.” Governor Mars said.

Mr. Minister, the Eagle Nation has begun to try to grow seaweed in Mars and other galaxies. They are trying to circle the pending area for human survival in the space department! “Deputy Minister Thomas said.

Listening to the news one by one, Roddy nodded, and he was very satisfied with the progress of the West.

To be precise, the goals of the West are divided into the first step, dungeons, and the second step, outer space immigration!

“What about the East?” Roddy said.

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This is a meager oriental video composed of multiple meager people.

There are only two pictures this time. One is that all industrial corridors stop producing other steel materials and only produce huge steel plates!

At the beginning of the screen, this is a scene of the Guangcheng Steelmaking Plant. I saw huge steel plates appearing. The fifty-meter-high steel plates were huge and transported by large trucks. Then they were loaded on the train and headed to an unknown area.. .

There are many steel plates of this kind. Almost trucks of giant steel plates in the industrial corridor are being transported…

At the same time, the picture in the eastern city changed, and the scorching blast furnace became three.

At the end of the base screen, Roddy frowned but his face turned blue.

“Blocking the wall!”

“What a lunatic, they are crazy to protect their continent!” Roddy smiled bitterly.(Read more @

He didn’t understand the obsession of the East, the cold wave, and the tsunami; the East never took a step back when it came!

The cold wave came and they built the Snow Country Train and the Wind-Snow Chain City.

During the waves of coastal tsunamis during the Ice Age, they directly built permanent super city walls.

It seems that from beginning to end, Dongfang didn’t mention the dungeon plan and escape plan.

“They seem to care about that continent…” Deputy Minister Thomas said.

“I care very much!”

Roddy said coldly, because he saw the second act.

This is outside Dongshan City, snow-capped, a giant city towering, towering deep like clouds, stretching blue sky, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, in short, everything outside the city is extremely cold.

But the eastern tower crane was roaring, and some wild animals began to be released slowly, such as Siberian tigers, elephants, wild wolves, wild boars…

Wait until these wild animals were released. They began to feel the extreme cold. Some animals began to die, but individual beasts showed terrifying survivability. They began to bite the dead animals’ fur, and began to dig snow nests, shaking. Survive.

This scene is just the beginning. At the same time, in the city, slices of seaweed, cold-resistant plants, snow lotus, hyacinth, Cymbidium, tulips, winter plum, and Christmas roses are also planted in the city.

Plant water cannot be transported in extremely cold weather outside the city.

So the final scene of the picture appeared. This is the Dongshan City towering high above, backed by the snow mountain, an ecological paradise, and in front of it is a piece of white snow with no end in sight. In the white snow, blood wolves are advancing hard, and some Begin to die, some continue to survive, this is the cold resistance of wild beasts!

This scene is extremely tragic!

It was also the first time that animals appeared during the Ice Age, embellishing this snow-covered continent!

“They want to restore the evolution of animals hundreds of millions of years ago, and they want to restore the ancestral genes of these remaining animals, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers…”

“They are resuscitating Holm bugs, strange worms and oily sectans, Lederick worms, kutin worms, Shield worms, prawns, and titan pythons. The East wants this continent’s animal race to be prosperous…”

Roddy’s voice stopped. To be precise, he couldn’t believe the power of this terrifying age in the East.

“They built the mainland, and we built the underground city. There are still two months left. The first part of the underground city will be completed. According to the weather monitoring, the water level of the five oceans will rise to the limit after two months, which will impact the coastal cities of the East and the subtropical continent!”

“At that time, our dungeon will be announced under the world, and the announcement will also encounter an ice tsunami, and then it will be the era of the highest comparison of major power projects!” After a brief shock to the East, Roddy once again recovered its shining light. .


“Professor Addis!”

“To develop the dungeon 18 hours a day with all my strength, the previous glory belongs to the East, but next, our dungeon will prove that the white talents are the new human era!” Roddy’s voice was excited, and all the senior officials stood up and shouted at the same time!


East, Dongshan City Ministers Conference Room.

The Minister Zheng Guoqiang stood straight and shouted: “The Special Research Institute has come to order that the coastal defense wall must be built within two months, and the evolution of new life species must be promoted. Now tell me if you have confidence!”

“You have hundreds of millions of people behind, hundreds of official departments of physics, biology, chemistry, and geology come to help, and you have the most direct and intelligent instructions from the Special Research Institute!”

“Guaranteed to complete the task!” In Dongshan City, Liu Qiang, Minister of Ecological Park, Liu Qu, Minister of Glacier Motivation Department, and Mao Jie, Minister of Agriculture, all spoke at the same time!

The southern industrial corridor is roaring, trucks of steel plates are being transported, and the first batch of beasts in the north have also started batches of genetic cold resistance evolution tests…


At ten o’clock in the morning on February 3, Yenching.

Ying Ziyue returned by train. He fought on the first battlefield in Guangcheng for a month, and now he has finally returned.

Zuo Yan was reporting excitedly in the Beicheng Meteorological Observatory.

“In the Ying group, all scientific research teams have gone to the underground defense institute. Now all major scientific research materials and mechanical materials have been prepared, and all scientific research institutes are waiting for the first step!”

“first step…”

Back to the homeland city, back to Haishanguan, watching the train go away again, watching this mechanical city, watching the upcoming continent blocking the city wall, and the evolution of glacier species.

Now Ying Ziyue seems to be making a certain decision, a decision about the level of technology!

“From now on, we call on internal affairs, external affairs, provincial departments, major universities, and the Underground Great Wall Research Institute to turn this city of machinery into a city of science and technology!”

For the first time, during the Ice Age, Ying Ziyue officially spoke!

The East now has this confidence!

“Received!” Zuo Yan seems to have been waiting for a long time. The current city of wind and snow is a city of heavy machinery. The machinery is rough but excellent in cold resistance, but if equipped with technology and machinery, then this city of wind and snow technology is a giant city of machinery. Taking shape, this scene of taking shape simply made Zuo Yan tremble!

Fully open! ! ! .

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