Chapter 125

What should the future ice age look like?

The wind and snow howled, it was minus 120 degrees outside,

Heavy machinery, the city of steampunk, this is good, but humans need technological leapfrogging progress. After the submarine volcano erupts and the tsunami hits the mainland, some cities will become “island-shaped” cities.

The ice age will last for thousands of years, and the continent will be covered by ice and snow for thousands of years.

From now on, volcanoes on the ocean floor of this continent erupt, and a certain sea blizzard melts and the sea level rises, so blocking the city wall will be the only shield to stabilize this land!

After that, the life species on the mainland broke out!

So next is the city of science and technology, the car of science and technology, the new era of Yanhuang Mainland.

There are 2 billion people in the Orient, 872 new cities, two tens of millions of giant cities, more than 500 million giants, 200 colleges and universities, scientific research teams close to 10,000 top teams, northern people’s livelihood agriculture, southern Industrial new energy, Yanjing scientific research + command, and then the whole people will jointly develop a new era in the ice age. There is nothing impossible!

In the northern city of Yanjing, ten o’clock in the morning, hurricanes and snow, the shadow of the train is far away.

Ying Ziyue looked at the city of Yanjing again, and then under this city, under the 5,000-kilometer Great Wall, he wanted to see the scientific research base in the East explode, and the whole people would study scientific research, and study plane carbon atoms at all costs. Crystal graphene energy technology, research on smart polymer gels used in chemical engines, research on magnetic fluid materials in the field of magnetic sealing…

“Zuo Yan, what do you think the city of science and technology will look like?”

With his hands on his back and clear eyes, Ying Ziyue’s voice is calm and powerful, with a smile on his mouth, firm and decisive!

Before, he asked the old man what the city of wind and snow looks like, so the city of wind and snow was established, with airships, hot blast furnaces, wind turbines, giant city walls, ultra-thick residential buildings, steam pipes, solar panels, artificial suns, and wind. The Snow City looks like this now.

And now, with the Eastern Industrial Corridor, New Energy, Ecological Paradise, Beihai Warehouse, and Underground Great Wall Scientific Research Center as the trump card, Ying Ziyue once again spoke about what the science and technology city was like during the Ice Age, which made Zuo Yan ponder.

“Huge, roaring trains, building walls with new materials, building ecosystems, building smart giant city devices, impulse devices…” Zuo Yan said, this is his biggest concept of an ice age science fiction city.


The latter shook his head slightly, Ying Ziyue smiled.

The high-end scientific research of Eastern Industry may have been poor before, but now the whole people are developing in a single field, giving up everything just for development!

So a truly magical, technological city is not like this.

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Taking out the paint pen, Ying Ziyue drew the airship, and then the city of wind and snow became silvery white, exuding the luster of technological texture. The extremely cold chariot can gallop in a blizzard, so seaweed is planted on every wall of every house, the seaweed is densely covered, and the oxygen concentration is also increasing…

As for the central buildings in the city, the hot blast furnace has become a new energy material to supply the city more pollution-free, there are wind turbines, and so on…

Ying Ziyue gave up painting, he only used a black horizontal line in the coastal area of ​​Yanhuang Continent.

This horizontal line represents the mainland blocking the steel wall!

Then he dotted the Beihai warehouse, and some new marine species appeared in the Beihai waters…

From now on, Ying Ziyue put down the drawing pen, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

“The nationwide project should be crazy, and we should make every effort to prepare for war!”

In the meteorological conference room, Zuo Yan watched this scene obsessively.

Team Leader Ying went home, leaving him alone watching the hurricane and blizzard.


The February of the ice age is the eruption of all projects, because the next submarine volcanic eruption, the deadly influence of the ocean without oxygen will affect the survival on the surface.

The dungeon of the United States of Roses opened day and night, trucks of excavators began to shovel snow, and then workers wearing cold-resistant clothing began to transport, the extreme chill permeated.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the communities in the West began to connect and then formed a small town, and then the small towns were connected to form a small city, and then the small city was connected with multiple small cities to become a state.

Each state began to connect. This is the underground city, and it is also the project plan of the United States of Roses!

Now that the small town is connected, the connection to Chengzhou begins!

In the current hot search of ins, the first is the official hot search of the United States of Roses: [Dungeon Project is perfect]

Under the hot search, the public is angrily commenting.

[MOOKE]: Bastard, we are more than ten hours a day. Eastern people are now eating fresh fruits and fresh meat, living in tall and warm houses, but we are bracing the severe cold and starting this desperate project !

[POOIN]: We want a good life and good food! ! ! !

Not only ins, but tubing abounds.

The Eagle Country and Kawasaki Country are developing a space station. Above the galaxy, their space station astronauts began to try satellites to cultivate a certain space again, and then began to plant seaweed to try to live and survive.

The North and South Glacier Ark freezes, and the others are hiding in the ground.

The entire West is either a huge project or it is waiting.



At the end of the sunset on the 2nd, Dongfanghaishan Pass, Liaohai, and Xihai trains began to slowly stop here. Cars of steel plates began to be unloaded by rapid automatic heavy machinery robots. In front of Dongshan City, Guangcheng, and Yanjing City, All the officially remodeled snow chariots are undergoing the final extreme cold test, the ultra-low temperature test.

Outside Dongshan City in the north, a group of beasts began to walk out, began to adapt to the depressive temperature brought by the extreme cold on the surface, and began to feel the depressive temperature of the extreme cold. Compared with other people, the beasts showed a terrifying ability to adapt to the extreme cold.

Seaweed clusters are also being planted in large areas. It can be seen to the naked eye that the oxygen concentration in the west is decreasing, because oxygen-decomposing plants such as the rainforest above the ground disappeared, while a large number of seaweeds, plants in the city, and the North Sea hyper-concentrated marine warehouses disappeared. All are greatly increasing the oxygen concentration.

The giant silver-white icebreakers in Guangcheng are also roaring, galloping on the glacier, and at the same time, the giant icebreaker aircraft carriers are about to launch.

Trains are also transporting scientific research teams from major universities, the destination is either Guangcheng or Yanjing.

The world is doing its utmost to prepare projects in various countries, waiting for the final bright comparison.

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