Chapter 126

Chronicles The ice age in February is a true freezing of the entire surface.

The planet is reduced to frost. Except for the volcanic heat flow of the five oceans, which is not frozen, the rest is covered with frost. This is the glacial period. The traces of human roads are gone, and the surface has become tens of meters higher, and the traces of humans have begun to be covered. A few years later, under the glacier for hundreds of years, there may be huge human cities. That’s why there will be countless meteorological professors shouting that glaciers are the last years of mankind and the explosion of biology.


At 8 pm on the 2nd, the station of Yanjing Nancheng Military Region, which is the station of the military region and the entrance to the Underground Great Wall. In the 1950s, this was a nuclear bomb defense area. The area was huge. The underground space was slow but covered the surrounding four provinces. It was officially launched after the disaster and became a scientific research base.

The lights inside were bright, and a small vehicle was advancing through the underground tunnel. Then the underground lighthouses became brighter and brighter, and the scientific research institutes were hung with iron plates.

“Air Physics Center”, “Blizzard Chariot Center”, “Super Intelligent Lighthouse Research Department”, “Graphene Research Center”, “Aerogel Thermal Wall Research Center”

“Memory Alloy City Gate Research Center”, “Superconducting Materials and Metamaterials Research Center”, “Self-repairing Materials Department”, “Flexible Glass Shield Research Institute”, “Foam Metal Research and Development Center”, “Super Hot Giant City Fountain Center”

The magical construction of the scientific research centers one after another is basically a triangular arched building with a huge area and a silvery white color. Red flags are placed in front of each scientific research center.

In front of each center, the research professor team stood in a row and saluted the car at the same time!

“This is the top strength of the scientific research team of our country’s universities and major scientific research institutes, and there is no one!”

Before the disaster, Ying Ziyue asked all universities and research institutes to start researching this ultra-modern potential new material. Now after the disaster, each department and field are established!

not bad! very good!

“The task of the aerogel team is to start to equip this city wall with aerogel materials. This is the research direction of the aerogel research professor!”

“Start to arrange super lighthouses, and strive to make every area and land of the eastern continent be separated by solar panel lighthouses. When night comes, these lighthouses will illuminate the continent and make the temperature of the continent drop a little bit slowly. ~!”

“Set up super hot fountains in each city to ensure that the air is humid and the seaweed grows normally!”

In accordance with the logic of reality, Ying Ziyue’s voice was calm, and she opened her mouth one by one.

The aerogel professor Chen Yan, the lighthouse professor Li Qiu, and the fountain professor Ma Bo all stood up and saluted, solemnly and solemnly!


Behind them are a number of scientific research professors, one by one unknown pillars!(Read more @

The Underground Great Wall, the former nuclear fortification base, is now lined with scientific research buildings.

After the Ying group left, Li Qiu, Professor of Lighthouse, looked at the brightly-lit Underground Great Wall.

“This is the start of the ice age project.” Li Qiu sighed.

“Huh?” Chen Yan, a female aerogel professor, said.

“Aerogel super temperature insulation city wall!”

“Equipped with a continental-scale super lighthouse!”

“There are also extremely hot fountains in the city. In the next continent, these cities will start to become magical and technological!”

Li Qiu sighed more and more, only by personally experiencing this kind of experience can he more and more sigh the horror of the project’s direction.

The south is the general industrial base, the north is the general agricultural center, and Yanjing is now the sacred place for scientific research.

All-round development in the three major directions, especially the abandonment of all economic halts, this scene is simple and frightening, and the power of the whole country is shocking!

“Let’s get started, let the people of the East see how a technology city has risen.” Chen Qiu said excitedly, and the remaining heads of the major research institutes couldn’t help taking off their eyes, their clear pupils with excitement.


In the dark and long night, Ying Ziyue spent the weather forecasting room. Now the layout of the project gave him a feeling that Dayu had not entered the house after three years of water treatment.

At six o’clock in the morning, Ying Ziyue Zuo Yan wore a cold-resistant suit and equipped with an oxygen mask, and walked out of the city for the first time under the protection of special police.

Click! Click!

In an instant, the deadly low temperature of one hundred degrees struck. On their aerogel-made cold-resistant clothing, layers of ice crystals began to appear like cracks, and the ice crystals were savagely attached to the clothing, almost in twenty seconds. Everyone’s cold-resistant clothes and oxygen masks are all covered with ice crystals. This is the horror of extreme cold. If there is no cold-resistant clothes, humans will directly turn into ice cubes from the inside to the outside in a short time!

But in this extremely cold environment, I feel the extremely depressive low temperature. This extreme feeling makes the whole body tremble, from the inside to the outside.

This is the ice age!

Zuo Yan couldn’t help clenching his fists. Now he can feel more deeply how great the infrastructure of the East is. If there is no city of wind and snow, if there is no snow country train, then it will be a divided homeland. land!

“Group Ying, now the Blizzard Chariot’s low temperature resistance test has been completed, but it is difficult to move forward because the snow layer in front of you is too high, and the snowdrift must be constantly moved!”

“The Blizzard tank uses military tanks, tanks, rocket launchers, and other kinetic energy. It can launch long-range artillery shells to cause an avalanche. Then, snow shovelers shovel snow, continue to accumulate snow in the snowy mountain area, and then open one. Provincial Highway, from then on, the task of the giant snowplow truck is to shovel snow every day!”

The sound rang from the headset, Zuo Yanhui reports.


Accompanied by the roar of tires, giant, army-green snow shovel trucks carried mounted artillery shells, and a giant thirty-meter-long snow shovel hung in front of the truck. This vehicle is huge in size, seven meters high and eight meters wide. A total of seven people are in charge of a car at the same time. The periphery is equipped with aerogel and insulation panels, multi-layer steel plates, and rubber is equipped with a protective insulation layer, which is non-slip.

At first glance, it looks like a giant tank with extremely small people in front of it. This is a giant snowplow built by the official UN-produced vehicle before the disaster. After nearly four months of experimentation, it was finally finalized and codenamed the Blizzard Chariot. , Movable, can shovel snow.

Bang bang bang!

With the roar of the Blizzard chariots, one after another started the snow removal project. A large amount of snow began to be transported to the icebergs. The icebergs became more and more huge and tall. The four walls of Yanjing were dispatched with snow shovel trucks at the same time, totaling 500 units. The huge vehicles are divided into two shifts, day and night, and one by one (for money) began an uninterrupted and orderly snow shovel towing!

In front of the city wall, Ying Ziyue felt the power covered by ice crystals, and also felt the avalanches from time to time and the roaring of disasters from time to time. This is the ultimate sense of enjoyment, as if the world is discolored, avalanches, hurricanes, ice crystals, snow shovel roaring, under the extreme cold, The East started to work.

Not only Yanjing, but every city had stockpiled these giant snowplow trucks before the disaster. Now it’s time to dispatch. Dongshan City and Guangcheng cities are close to tens of thousands of snowplow trucks working. The snow shovel is like a behemoth, once it cleans the blizzard, and the icebergs in front of each city gate are getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time Xihai, Liaohai, and Haishan Pass began to clear a route. Blizzard trucks began to automatically transport steel iron plates, and a giant iron plate city wall covering 2,000 kilometers began.

The vastness of the project, the stalwart of the project, can be described as stunning this continent!

The East “` ¨Solid as Golden Water” Continental Wall Project has started! .

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