Chapter 128

Day, the end of the ice age in February.

That is to say, starting from the moment, the weather has positioned the initial stage of the ice age at minus 120 degrees and lasted for a thousand years.

During these two full months, the United States of Roses successfully completed a state-level underground city. The underground of Mars State officially connected 254 communities, two large Times Squares, and nearly tens of thousands of residents’ defense stations. The world’s first underground city connection.

Dawn broke at ten o’clock that day, and the news is extremely hot on the current ins.

The first is that the United States of Roses officially released an official video, and Minister of State Security Roddy spoke in person.

ins first subscription list-[Mars becomes the first underground city]

In the video, Minister of State Security Luodi solemnly held the flag, and then under the reporter’s interview, he took the underground train and began to walk around the major communities. The underground was not dim, but became extremely bright, and the lights were shining. The light is shining, the light is white and sacred, exuding a bright luster.

With the emergence of huge underground communities, huge underground buildings, this seems to be a miraculous underground city, but the environment is depressed, because this is not an underground city, but the initial large-scale underground residence!

Roddy said proudly to the camera: “The Mars State Underground City will be the greatest building in the West. People in the West should see this miraculous place. Then we will start to connect each state one after another. , And then the whole world will see that a great West~Fang dungeon is established!”

“Now above the surface, individual oceanic submarine volcanoes erupted during the ice age, and coastal tsunamis are extremely ice-sealed. Above the surface may not be able to stay at all, but we will represent the miracle of global dungeons!-”

Roddy finished the video, he took pride.

Almost within half an hour, ins, YouTube videos, etc. dominated the top searches and subscriptions.

After the eruption of the dungeon in Mars State, the popularity was extremely high, and the comments and so on were extremely high!

[LLOSSD]: The miraculous dungeon of the United States of the Roses has finally begun. Next, the only survivors of all countries in the world will know who is the ultimate eternity and who is the final dawn on this land…

[SAFADOO]: In a new and majestic era, the Western dungeons will represent eternity, and will represent the highest power of this country. Human beings will see our mighty power and exclaim in exclamation, but shocked, but silent!

[VOOPE]: After enduring it for so long, from now on, the United States of Roses will punish everything above the surface, and once again declare that once again, we are still number one!

The first hot search is the emergence of giant western dungeons, which makes western people extremely proud!

Then the second hot search was announced by the United States of Roses and Whites-[Disasters above the surface]

The first video became a satellite shot of volcanic eruptions in the five oceans.

The sky and the earth are whistling, and the cold wind is raging.(Read more @

I saw submarine volcanic activity, heat flow, magma, and steam eruption in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Sanyang, and Kawasaki Ocean, and violent movement of the seabed, so the sea water surged, and some glaciers were melting rapidly, and then the torrent headed to the eastern Liaohai, West Sea, and some others. Subtropical countries.

After the screen, the subtropical continent is only left in the east…

The rest are close to the coast, and they are all frozen.

In the final picture, the five oceans are surging, the blizzard melts, the sea level rises, and the last layer of waves appears, constantly beginning to hit the eastern coastal cities.

The empty cities along the coast have become land of the sea, except for the rooftops of high-rise buildings.

The last scene is the center of the picture, that is, huge trucks in the east are unloading, all of them are huge steel plates, and there are eastern workers wearing white cold-resistant suits.

The video shot was extremely magnificent, because it was taken by satellite. Under the sky like whistling mountains and seas, waves of sea water washed up on the surface, and then the surface was instantly frozen below minus 120 degrees.

This scene is magnificent and huge, making people tremble and shocking.

As for one kilometer away, the trucks in the East were still transporting, several engineering teams started surveying and mapping, and workers wearing cold-resistant suits were testing the condition of infrastructure cement fusion and construction materials.

Half of it was a cold wave, a snowstorm, and a tsunami, and half was Oriental infrastructure,

The end of the spectacular movie scene.

The second hot search is that Rose and the United States meteorological official are declaring that the east above the surface will face waves of disasters on the surface!

Under this video, Western people’s comments are complicated.

[LOOPON]: The East is always fighting. The first part of the dungeon in the United States of the Roses has been constructed. The East is still fighting. It seems that this big country is fighting for it. It is really a complicated country. Do you know what you will face next? , You will face waves of the most terrifying disasters, and you will face countless impacts during the ice age. Only if we hide underground is safe!

0 ··Find flowers·········

[FOONSU]: Yes, the East is probably too paradise. Do you really think that you can avoid countless submarine volcanoes and tsunamis by avoiding the cold wave? The disaster will tell you, and you will despair!


The underground defense station of Chinatown is not very spacious. In the 400-square-meter weather hall, nearly 300 international students are watching the second most popular scene of the submarine volcanic tsunami hitting the eastern coastal continent.

Chen Ze, an international student, couldn’t help but breathe in the air-conditioning. Now hiding in such a crowded room, he feels safe.

Because the confrontation in the East is too terrible, too fierce!

……… 0

“Half of the subtropical continent will be completely annihilated during the ice age…” Chen Wen, a student nearby, said.

“That’s why the dungeon is the real stalwart!!!”

Other students nodded.


In front of the South City of Guangcheng, Minister Ma Rubin and Deputy Leader Zhao Guofeng of the Special Research Institute are watching the Blizzard chariot moving forward, clearing the ground, clearing snow, and transporting goods.

“Old Zhao, now the Western ins is promoting dungeons and controversial subtropical continents. Many are not optimistic about the protection of the continental plate this time!”

Holding his hands, Ma Rubin spoke sonorously, and he smiled.

“The son of a bitch, let them see how strong this barrier wall can resist the tsunami below minus 120 degrees!”

“There are also connected ice-breaking aircraft carriers, as well as glacial life species. Then these will erupt on this continent, whether in the West or other countries. They will soon know that the chronicle’s largest record of the Eastern disaster layout will be revealed. .”

Zhao Guofeng speaks hard and is extremely powerful. After he finished speaking, he held his hands and continued to smile at the corners of his mouth. He spoke with confidence.

Because of the scene before us, giant snow shovel trucks are galloping, giant trucks are roaring, and the snow mountains in front of you are becoming more and more majestic.

Looking down from the Earth Space Station, half of it is a white dungeon from the West, and half is a continental barrier wall in the eastern wind and snow!

This has nothing to do with chronicles, but it is about a kind of spiritual collision that has existed for thousands of years. This is not convincing! wide.

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