Chapter 129

[Glacier Chronicles on the 3.1st, the first national project in human history, the annual rings of the times are crushing every country, and the annual rings are roaring, the sound is loud, the world is shaking, and the roaring is rolling over one by one. In the end of the project, the frozen earth is left, and natural selections are made to thrive, so any creature that can exist at the end of the ice age will be the strongest]


Early in the morning, the clouds swept, and the hurricane snow was not a desire to come, but a real heavy impact on the surface!

The snow-capped mountains outside the city turned into icebergs, some crystal clear, exuding a white luster, some magnificent and huge, towering into the clouds, straight into the depths of the clouds, with a sense of magnificent times.

Hurricane storm snow, frost everything!

The world seems to change color “August 13”, the era is like reincarnation, and people seem to be about to witness the emergence of epic pictures one by one, and then feel the oppression of glacial growth rings!

It’s ten o’clock, and dawn is breaking. The city of Guangcheng is being hit by waves of terrifying hurricanes, but the forty-meter-high towering giant city wall stands in the way, becoming a symbol of the times!

The roar of machinery, the sound of factory operation, and the roaring of layers of machinery in motion, the sound of the giant technology is even louder.

The Guangcheng Industrial Corridor is densely packed with factories forming one by one. The State Nuclear Power Plant, which is known as the first factory with a huge engine, nuclear energy, and artificial sun, has a magnificent scale.

Ten days ago, Zhao Guofeng, deputy head of the Supernatural Special Research Institute, was dispatched by Ying Ziyue to record the production and distribution of steel plates in the mainland. In short, Zhao Guofeng is the head of the steel wall in the Asian hot continent!

Standing upright and full of energy, Zhao Guofeng has a strong aura.

Now his follower Minister Ma Rubin has just passed by the National Nuclear Research Institute.

At this moment, the No. 2 icebreaker shipyard, the engineer’s meeting room, the 200-square-meter large meeting room, close to hundreds of engineers, the area is crowded, the walls are silver-white, and there are a number of engineering orders, ship specifications, and ship specifications. Plate thickness parameters, icebreaker carrying capacity, performance data of new type icebreaker, nuclear energy propulsion and cold protection design.

It can be said that these data sheets on the wall represent Eastern warships, fishing boats, icebreakers, aircraft carriers, and 80 years of integrated marine technology!

Factory director Zhou Quan stood up and paced back and forth.

“Everyone, there is only one new icebreaker in accordance with the instructions of the Special Research Institute, and that is the giant connection, which means that one hundred icebreakers can be connected to form a super giant ship, and at the same time, it must be resistant to impact, extreme cold, submarine volcanoes and other crises as required! ”

Zhou Quan spoke. After he spoke, the eyes of other people began to change, and they all looked at him solemnly.

“Director Zhou, haven’t you found out? The Special Research Institute requires ice-breaking aircraft carriers to have collisions. What are they going to hit? This is an unobstructed view of the sea. Why do you have to meet this requirement!” Ma Yanke, director of the ship’s branch, said.

“Yes, it is necessary to prevent submarine volcanoes and connect them to form a giant icebreaker board. What is this going to do…”

With a blue face and a complicated expression, Li Dahai, the director of the deck branch, also smiled bitterly.(Read more @

“What do you say?” Factory Director Zhou Quan sighed, his face changed.

The expressions of the directors of the major branches at the scene began to change, because they began to think of the arrangement of the giant icebreakers in the past, and thought of the ice-bound tsunami that would be encountered along the coast.

The deck manager Li Dahai paled. He only thought of one thing, that is, who said that the continental barrier is only a wall of steel. If it is a huge tsunami or a huge seabed eruption, then this kind of giant ship can withstand the first wave of collisions. , Slow down the tsunami!

That’s why it has gathered nearly eighty years of marine technology, close to the strength of the entire warship icebreaker, to create this super giant icebreaker aircraft carrier!

Now it seems that this is also one of the goals!

“So… the next icebreaker hull must be extremely terrifying, and at the same time it must have barbaric nuclear propulsion, abnormal connection defense, and special and perfect steel as a defense!”

Li Dahai couldn’t help but his voice rang with excitement.


The door of the conference room was pushed open, and guards stood on both sides. This top-secret meeting was guarded by guards. Guangcheng Minister Ma Rubin and Special Research Officer Zhao Guofeng were standing outside the door. Zhao Guofeng was the one who spoke just now.

He was pacing, his brown bear-like figure was very oppressive, he was burly, tall and sturdy, and his muscles were high and bulging.

He is wearing a black cotton uniform, which is an army style uniform..

Standing like a sharp sword, Zhao Guofeng looked at several people solemnly.

“Everyone, you should see a fact!”

“Our country wants to build a continental barrier guard, a full-barrier guard, to protect this continent, to make this subtropical continent safe from now on, and sit back and relax!”

Zhao Guofeng spoke. After he spoke, the expressions of the directors of the other major branches changed, and everyone seemed to be excited!

Because it is so, the icebreaker aircraft carrier and the mainland barrier are tightly connected, giving people a strong sense of confidence!

“This is the production sheet for the total icebreaker aircraft carrier. This is the basic production direction that the scientific research center and the team leader will give. Next you will fill it. There are still thirty-five days. All the power depends on you!”

Standing upright, Zhao Guofenglou smiled, and then he saluted!

All the rest also saluted!

After Zhao Guofeng left, the project sheet was read back and forth again.

Icebreaking aircraft carrier: gather hundreds of icebreakers for standard connection, refer to the conceptual plan of the aircraft carrier, have the cold resistance of liquid nitrogen at minus 150 degrees, and create an ultra-steel super ice-breaking aircraft carrier with a body length of more than 5,000 meters. Take the industrial corridor ecological titanium alloy as the connection point, equip the scientific research institute with 25 kinds of metamaterials as multiple connection points, and the temperature isolation point “graphene, graphene, carbon nanotube, amorphous alloy, foam metal, ionic liquid and other materials Fully build infrastructure.

The subsequent data are the length parameters of the new icebreaker, the cold resistance parameters, and the specifications are extremely detailed.

The project order is completed.

At this moment, after reading it, each captain’s branch director looked at each other with complicated eyes.

“I have a feeling that once this icebreaker aircraft carrier is connected…” The deck manager Li Dahai said in a trembled voice. He can’t believe it now. Once this terrifying icebreaker hull is truly connected, the scene will be, The giant aircraft carrier moved forward again,

In this era when the world was hiding underground, this scene will shock the world!

“Okay, the discussion is over, the next major sub-projects, the project is divided, and the foundation construction is started!”

Director Zhou Quan, the voice resounded!



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