Chapter 131


There are only two hot searches in the East at present.

Hot search NO.1——【Under the hurricane storm and snow, the construction of the steel wall covering the coast begins】

Hot search NO.2——【Under extremely cold temperatures, the northern continent once again reproduces the cold-resistant gene beast species】

Yenching breaks dawn, and the night is rustling.

As if the sky was gloomy, the giant gates of Yanjing North City were constantly impacted by layers of impact, and hurricanes were impacting.

The rolling icebergs stand side by side, chilling, but this city is the only one that stands tall, resisting waves of impact!

At ten o’clock exactly, in the Nancheng Military Region, rows of soldiers were garrisoned, army-green red-flag vehicles galloped, and groups of professors from the Underground Great Wall Scientific Research Center headed to the Beicheng Forecasting Room.

Along with the red flag cars, there are also trucks with special aerogel panels, panoramic simulation projection devices, etc…

The professors of the four teams arrived at the weather forecasting room and then saluted and reported.

“Report Ying Group, now starting from Yanjing, every glacial snow mountain, uninhabited plain, sea area, mountain forest land, all started the construction and placement of a new type of lighthouse!” The intelligent lighthouse professor submitted the planning sheet.

The planning sheet shows that starting from Yanjing, every city, every city outside, every city center, all will start this kind of lighthouse coverage plan.

This is a large lighthouse, extremely huge, using aerogel and graphene, steel plate as the three-layer insulation, and then using concentrated solar energy to illuminate in the middle of the night, the temperature will be emitted during the day, and the air flow will be improved as much as possible!

“Ying Group, using Yanjing as a template, the extremely hot fountain in the city has also started. The fountain is set up next to the wind generator and uses a semi-underground ground rotating device. Now it has been installed. Next, it can be tested and can be built in a new city across the country. This kind of fountain can make the city hot, ensure the air is humid and comfortable, and ensure the growth of seaweed in a large area~!”

The fountain is responsible for teaching Mabe speak.

Then the remaining two professors were also very solemn.

“The extremely cold aircraft surgery uses graphene, polymer, aerogel, and special aviation material steel plates, and is equipped with a new type of generator. Next, it may be possible to develop a passenger aircraft that can officially fly in the extreme cold…” Professor Chang Chuyang of machinery said.

“The semi-intelligent control system in the city is also under construction. This is similar to a command device. Each city has this kind of panoramic projection command device, which can achieve the ultimate defense, management, resource opening, etc. in the city.” Feng Haiyang, Energy and Precision Manipulation Opening,(Read more @

Four professors,

Solar lighthouses and glacier fountains have already begun to be deployed and constructed.

The wind and snow plane, the giant city control center has a preliminary conceptual direction!

Zuo Yan’s eyes changed, and the first step was to move towards the city of science and technology.

The second step is the extremely cold aircraft, as well as the method currently being studied by the Southern Shipyard, the ice-breaking aircraft carrier. These are all connected and formed directly.

On this continent, the life of species is boiling. In the ocean area, the waves are surging, the giant ice-breaking aircraft carrier is galloping, the weather airship is flying in the sky, the extremely cold plane is roaring again, and the city of science and technology is glowing with science and technology.

Everything presents a natural trend, stunning and perfect… Thinking of this, Zuo Yan’s face is even more shocked, he has a feeling of being impacted by this era.


Every step is a sonorous pacing sound, and the clear picture is unobstructed in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Wearing a black exquisite military uniform, the hero stands.

Ying Ziyue turned around, his eyes were piercing, and his aura was majestic. He looked at the scientific research professor and the head of internal and external affairs present, and his voice sounded clearly and firmly.

“Everyone, ice-breaking aircraft carriers, conceptually cold aircraft, and the city of science and technology are coming soon. Welcome to the age of ice chronicles!”

“After that, please contribute every bit of strength to this era. We are compatriots who have broken bones and tendons, and we will do our best to make this continent and the whole East amaze this chronicle!”

“So everyone, please be the guardian of every great country!”

Ying Ziyue bowed slightly, this was the highest courtesy he could give!

“Our generation will definitely lead the East into a new era!”

The four research professors bowed and then paced back.

There is a rare faint sunlight in the sky. This is an extremely difficult scene to see when the earth is in a dense galaxy. Therefore, looking at the direction of Haishanguan from Beicheng, you can see the faint sunlight shining on the white snow, and the hurricane blowing the white snow again. Some snow-capped mountains began to crack, some became glaciers, and some joined together to form glaciers.

But under this extreme cold, the giant Blizzard chariots are still galloping forward, one by one moving forward, without the slightest stagnation!

Other workers and giant chariot tower cranes appeared and began to install lighthouses. Giant lighthouses with a height of 400 meters were placed one after another, inside and outside the city. From this moment on, the city once again brought a new breath of scientific and technological life.

It was originally desperate, pessimistic, and stormy outside the giant city, but now it has a new breath.

Turning around, this is the city. In front of the kilometer-high silver-black wind turbine, a 100-meter-high extremely hot fountain circulation park with ten football fields is presented on a scale. Then water is drawn from the blizzard outside the city, accompanied by the wind. The generator started to energize the heat, the snow melted, and the tens of thousands of meters of fountain paradise was steaming, beginning to add a new breath to the city.

The air is humid and the seaweed clings to it, and it begins to grow in a larger area, savagely.


Ying Ziyue let out a long sigh, and finally all returned to the right path, and everything was progressing perfectly.

The ice-breaking aircraft carrier of the Guangcheng Industrial Corridor and the formal infrastructure, construction, and design of the mainland barrier, that is, (good money) will take shape, and it will be able to withstand the continuous impact of coastal ice and sea waves.

In front of Dongshan City, he also read the reply from the senior officials in the north. Now the wild animals and cold-resistant plants there have begun to genetically adapt to the wild, a large number of seaweeds have also begun to increase the oxygen concentration, and the Beihai warehouse has become probably the only one in the world. In sea areas with extremely high oxygen concentrations, the oxygen concentration will then reach a critical value. The chronicles may record that in one year of glaciers, the subtropical continents erupted with glacier life species.

In the Yanjing Underground Great Wall, the scientific research institute has also started national scientific and technological research, with a tower of lighthouses, extremely hot fountains, core operating devices, aerogel graphene insulation panels, and the next large-scale scientific research. The city of machinery is moving towards the city of industry.

All walked in, orderly, now Ying Ziyue has a smile on the corner of her mouth, which is very good, this is the real power of the nation! .

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