Chapter 132

3, 10, in front of Yanjing, Guangcheng, Dongshan City, and the three giant cities, a team of extra-large workers Blizzard chariot teams began to be sent straight to the Liaohai, Xihai, and Haishan Pass. After the sweep, the frozen provincial highway was cleared again. Since then, the three major convoys have begun to sweep the snow 30 kilometers outside the city to prevent avalanches.

On the 20th, with Yanjing as the radiant point, the construction of the energy-concentrating lighthouses began. There were ten in the city. The 400-meter-long lighthouses were shining and illuminated in the dark and long night. A lighthouse stands 200 kilometers away. For the first time, the night on this continent is no longer snowy, but a faint white light shines, which is the rare first time to add life to the ground.

On the 25th, the West officially announced that the construction of the first “state-scale” underground city of Mars in the United States of the Roses was completed, equipped with an underground human paradise, a library, and an underground community. Such small-scale landslides, medical problems, personal problems, and poor environmental circulation, but it is worth it, because the state and the state will begin to connect next. In this galaxy, the first great dungeon for humans will be magnificent. appear!

On the 28th, the ice age was officially normal and kept at minus 120 degrees. There were hurricanes and blizzards on the ground. All the ground was damaged. At the same time, all the oceans except the five oceans were frozen, and the thickness of the ice reached 30 meters. The global survivor official Make an announcement, that is, “Stay away from the surface!”


It is now on the 30th, the third month of the glacier, and it will soon be the hundredth day of the glacier.

The surface is frozen, the ice age is extremely cold hurricane, the glaciers of the north and the south have dissipated, the population of the Eagle Country and the United States of Roses has dropped by one-fifth, the underground environment, diseases, labor, most of the defenses have failed and frozen, and scenes of tragic scenes are all Recorded in history, only by experiencing this era can you feel Tao, what is desperate depression.

In front of Dongshan City, this is the second team of the Continental Wall. The first team is the 700-kilometer long wall of Liaohai. It is now the wall of the North West Sea.

Now in the northern coastal city, Huangshi Island, the city has been completely submerged. Only 20-story tall buildings are still showing their last roofs in the water. Probably hundreds of years ago, these buildings will become submarine buildings. Human investigation may Shocked and sighed, the horror of the ice age was just like a pyramid under the sea.

At the heights of Huangshi Island, rows of giant arched walls nearly 60 meters high appear majestically. These are a single triangular arched defensive giant wall. The wall is tall and majestic in size.

However, this is the Liao sponge extension, a straight line approaching 700 kilometers. From the height of Huangshi Island, watching this giant continental wall tower like a border barrier, the infrastructure workers present felt proud.

Qin Hai, a northern engineer wearing an oxygen mask, watched the ice crystals continue to condense. He couldn’t help but frown and looked in front of him. The water level in front of him was getting higher and higher, and the tsunami began to hit high places on a small scale.

“I’m afraid that time is not enough. Before the Ocean Professor analyzed it, there will be about seven days before the tsunami will continue to impact and continue to impact this sea area.” With dignified eyes, the northern man Qin Hai spoke to the heads of several engineers around him.

“The Liaohai Sea is 700 kilometers, and the West Sea is 1,000 kilometers. In the end, the Haishan Pass is a small area of ​​300 kilometers. Now there are 800 kilometers left. Due to the steep mountains, labor and transportation, it will take about one month to complete the construction. !” The Minister of Surveying and Mapping frowned.

“It won’t work for one month. There are still seven or eight days when the tsunami will hit the coastal cities. There is no danger of flooding in the southern new city without blocking the wall.” Marine engineer Ma Changshan shook his head.(Read more @

“Look?” The Minister of Surveying and Mapping pointed to the snowy provincial roads behind him. On the provincial roads, snow and fog were boiling, and huge blizzard chariots were heading, even in the hurricane. The sound of the loudspeaker is still transparent and loud!

“North 002 Iron Army Engineering Brigade, 1,224 people, support the mainland wall project!”

“Guangcheng 001 infrastructure colleges and universities, 120 infrastructure students support the mainland wall project!”

“Yellowstone City’s agricultural infrastructure team, 3,720 workers, support the wall of the mainland!”

One by one, as many as hundreds of vehicles, Qin Hai, the studio of the West Sea Continental Wall, turned on his mobile phone blankly. The special research institute issued a national support transfer order. That’s why the scene before him appeared. Start to support!

“Grandma’s, it’s okay for seven days, even if there are ten frozen tsunamis, Laozi is not afraid!”

Backed by tens of thousands of Blizzard chariots, in front of them are workers wearing cold-resistant suits and oxygen masks. Chief Engineer Qin Hai said this with confidence!

“Go ahead!”


The impact of the ice-bound tsunami. The impact of the tsunami was caused by the eruption of submarine volcanoes during the glacial period, which caused large-scale submarine pressure in the five oceans. Therefore, a large-scale submarine volcanic eruption was formed. The submarine volcanic eruption is terrifying. , Extinct 75% of the marine life at that time, this is the super submarine volcano eruption.

Therefore, the Continental Wall is extremely important. After it is built, there will be no more ice-bound tsunami impact for hundreds or even thousands of years!


From this moment on, a shocking scene appeared. Dongfang Satellite was filming and broadcasting in real time, that is, the North West Sea, the Yanjing Haishan Pass area, on both sides are piles of icebergs and blizzards, and in front of the two sides are the majestic waves hitting, and the coast is submerged. land.

But on the snowy roads, the engineering tyrannosaurus engineering vehicles galloped, with red flags inserted, the hurricane roared, and the teams in the east were wearing cold-resistant suits, and the ice crystals were frozen, but the engineering team unloaded. Infrastructure.

Human eyes can see that engineering tower cranes, mixers, temperature-insulating materials, and huge integrated steel plates are all in the infrastructure. Once a hurricane hits minus 120 degrees, it is equivalent to liquid nitrogen. The terrifying chill makes people desperate.

But just in this despair, the satellite began broadcasting on the 3.30, and broadcasting at 4 o’clock every afternoon, and continued until the 3.4, with a total of 500,000 engineering teams and close to 150,000 Blizzard chariots dispatched.

On the day, the wall of the mainland took shape, and the weather broadcast became the final live broadcast. The final picture was a huge steel wall stretching 2,000 kilometers and 60 meters high. Behind this steel wall is the coastal city flooded by the tsunami. The strongest continental barrier in the Eastern Continent!

At this moment, the last barrage scene, the people are crazy, because they have witnessed the rise of the mainland wall step by step within three and a half months.

[The Existence of the Way of Heaven]: It is finally completed. This should be the biggest miracle of the largest ice age in human history. Under the environment of hurricanes under liquid nitrogen, what was hardened by the East was completed. All people, global people, all The public should begin to witness this miracle. According to Professor Ocean, waves of tsunamis will follow. I really look forward to this spectacular contrast! ! !

[Colorful Cloud]: This should be included in the infrastructure speed of the Chronicle of Variation. After the mainland barrier, against waves of tsunamis, the East can also make the city of science and technology, and the life species in the north erupt! ! ! As a physics professor, I really want to see this scene!


【The steel wall barrier of the Japanese East Continent is completed, the giant coastal city is submerged in the waves, and the tsunami is about to hit the barrier. This is also the first time in chronicles that humans have built a “golden water” continental project during the ice age. The collision of the tsunami is unknown, but it is already on the surface. The only resistance above! 】

On the dark night of the ice age, the lighthouse of the subtropical continent shines, and the 2,000-kilometer black arched steel wall passes from the Liaohai to the West Sea and arrives at Haishan Pass. It has become an eternal miracle of this continent! .

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