Chapter 133

Yanjing South City, Underground Great Wall and General Conference Room of the State Nuclear Forces Command.

A mega-engineering conference concerning the population of the world’s surface was opened, covering many domestic and foreign high-level officials.

“Except for the United States of Roses, the Eagle Country, the Kawasaki Country, and the Czar’s Foreign Countries, the others are nearly two-thirds frozen.”

“In addition, the construction of the underground city on the scale of the underground state of Mars State in the United States of Roses has been completed, and the announcement experiment has been carried out.”

“my country’s 2,000 kilometers, the mainland wall covering the three major coastal waters took two months and seven days. Under the extreme cold, 500,000 top infrastructure workers and construction teams were dispatched, and more than 150,000 Blizzard chariots and trucks were dispatched. The Snow Country Train has passed through the transportation of steel, agriculture, industry and other materials 3,200 times a day and night.-”

“I would like to invite Ying Group to speak below.”

The head of the interior, Lin Ping, had a strong aura. He finished speaking sharply, and then smiled in his eyes. He acted softly and elegantly, and the major engineering steps were amazing. Now his appearance is enough to make everyone present solemnly and look forward to.


Pacing, the black military uniform was gently blown by the hot steam, the exquisite black military uniform, short hair and short hair, cold eyes, Ying Ziyue’s appearance and aura are not immature, but standing here, the shining aura is enough Everyone has been asked to ignore his age.

Under the increasingly large-scale projects, under the manipulation of hundreds of millions of people, Ying Ziyue has a unique and cold aura.

“Everyone, one hundred years ago, humans on this continent suffered heavy losses and despair.”

“After a million years ago, humans experienced that some people were hiding and some people were fighting!”

“right now!”

The voice stopped for a while, Ying Ziyue’s eyes were torch, sweeping the audience.

“Now it will be a 2,000-kilometer steel wall to resist the coastal icy tsunami!”

“So, the Guangcheng icebreaker is ready!”

“The United Northern Species outbreak is on!”

“So, welcome everyone to the Great Ice Age!”

The voice fell, and everyone stood up.


The glacial April is taking shape, whether it is the extreme cold hurricane weather or the conditions of this planet, it is completely taking shape.

Now all the people in Guangcheng are wearing extra-thick cotton-padded clothes and standing on the city walls. The three hot blast furnaces ensure that even the temperature at the edge of the city wall is suitable for the human body.

On the northern city wall, Zhao Guofeng, the deputy head of the Supernatural Special Research Institute, and Ma Rubin, the head of Guangcheng, stood straight.

“Lieutenant Colonel Zhao, Minister Ma, the first wave of the icebreaker is ready to disembark.” Deputy Minister Liu Sunhai reported.


Zhao Guofeng spoke. This time it was the connection of the icebreaker aircraft carrier. It was the connection of the icebreaker that was witnessed by humans.(Read more @


In the first wave, the 01 icebreakers of the major southern provinces came from the major new cities. The ice was crushed piece by piece. The first icebreakers came from all directions, and then they began to gather. Rows of silver fully enclosed icebreakers were up to Hundreds, neatly arranged in front of Guangcheng.

Seeing the scene in front of me, the people on the city wall shouted in exclamation from time to time.

Before the hurricane and snowstorm, hundreds of icebreakers lined up in front of Guangcheng.


With the roar of Zhou Quan, the director of the icebreaker shipyard, along with the opening of the Nancheng city gate, the giant icebreakers, pulled by three trucks, disembarked one after another.

One by one,

This is the unified army green, a giant flat icebreaker similar to the style of a warship. As the icebreakers descend into the glacier, the horrible crushed ice pushes, and the glaciers are pushed again.

This is a total of one hundred giant army green icebreakers, and they are once again lined up in one shape. The scene before them is extremely magnificent. The people present seemed to feel something and exclaimed in excitement.

“It’s started, and the large-scale project is finally about to begin!”

“There are two batches of icebreakers. The first batch is for transportation. The new icebreaker is designed to be a real icebreaker!”

“Who would have thought that Guangcheng would be half of the glacier, half of the high-altitude train tracks, and now it has become the center of icebreakers!”

On the southern city wall, many students from Guangcheng Agricultural University said with excitement that as an industrial city, Guangcheng is naturally a large project with the magnificent icebreaker.


Factory Director Zhou Quan shouted again, this time his voice became louder and louder!



With the roar of machinery, a titanium alloy connecting frame began to appear on the flat icebreakers on the glacier, and then layers of connecting frames automatically began to connect.



Ten ships,

Thirty ships,

After thirty ships, there was only one scene left on the glacier in front of the city wall. Numerous glaciers collapsed, leaving only a giant nearly 10,000-meter super-giant flat icebreaker moving slowly, and all nuclear power propelled the engines on both sides, so When the sound of nuclear propulsion, it is directly like a giant island, as if it is savagely advancing, and the shock of horror resounds through the audience!

0 ··Find flowers·········

The remaining seventy ships are waiting, because the huge ship connection is just a test. The real shocking picture is that a hundred icebreakers are connected. At that time, the people watching are all dreaming about… that scene will be. What is it like!

On the wall of the South City, the students of Guangcheng Agricultural University all looked at them blankly, their expressions trembled…

“What is it going to do, to form an icebreaker into a giant sea plane, a similar concept of an air carrier, a marine aircraft carrier?” Qu An, a little fat man from the Agricultural 2 Series, couldn’t help but stunned, the scene in front of him. It’s so horrifying…

“This is an ice-breaking aircraft carrier in the Ice Age…” Next to him, the second school Tyrant Tanglong smiled bitterly.

“Flat boat design, uniform hull size, equipped with expensive titanium alloy connecting frame, what do you say this is…” The smile was bitter, and Xueba Tanglong’s eyes became more horrified.

……… …

The hulls were connected one by one, and the hulls were connected. Human beings personally witnessed the most terrifying miracles in history, and then the whole people witnessed the emergence of an ice-breaking aircraft carrier.

“What’s the effect…” The little fat guy Qu’an was stunned…

“Do you still remember the steel wall of the mainland? Once the big waves come, this kind of ice-breaking aircraft carrier can hit the first wave of impulse, and the giant aircraft carrier can almost dominate the sea surface. At that time…” Tang Long’s voice hardly needs to continue. That said, because the scene at that time is too frightening!

It will be a truly miraculous and shocking scene. The ice-bound tsunami impacts, waves of tsunamis impact, and then the ice-breaking aircraft carrier connects in the waves, and then rushes into the tsunami, and then the mainland steel wall stands against it. Bobo’s shock….

The ocean overlord during the ice age, the icebreaker aircraft carrier was successfully tested in the initial stage.

On the north wall, Zhao Guofeng and Ma Rubin nodded.

“Continue to test, we must ensure that the 100 icebreakers are perfectly connected, because it is a project related to the mainland, so there must be no negligence!”-

Zhao Guofeng solemnly looked at the director Zhou Quan, the branch director Li Dahai and others.

The latter nodded and promised to complete the project.


In April, the year of the ice age, the icebreaker aircraft carrier was successfully launched and connected for the first time. A giant icebreaker aircraft carrier was about to sail into an endless and deep tsunami, fighting against the sky and everything! wide.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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