Chapter 134

From now on, including cold waves and blizzards, the ice age has lasted for nearly half a year.

Within half a year, everything on the surface was frozen, and the traces of human existence were about to be covered, as if a blizzard was drowning all traces, traces of the existence of all species.

In addition to the huge eastern city, there are countless people on the surface of the West who want to return to the surface.

On the 7th of April, the cold wind continued, blizzards and hurricanes swept through Mesal State. At the underground entrance of a community, seventeen white men in extra-thick cotton-clothes gritted their teeth and walked out.

“Ike believes me, there must be survival above the surface, we should return to the surface!” The roar of a strong man, these people escaped from the dungeon project. For them, they like the little ones above the surface. Villa life, that is the real life!

“Yes, sir.” A dozen strong men were about to gritted their teeth.

As the last entrance door opened, Ike was directly stunned as the first person, because the extreme violent blizzard hit directly before him. The terrifying hurricane was savagely to tear everything apart, and the bursting chill came. Everyone present really felt what is called despair, what is the feeling of despair of being crushed by heaven and earth!

“August 17”   -120 degrees below zero, the extreme frost covered everyone, the so-called cotton-padded clothes directly could not keep off the temperature, and one by one almost fell to the ground in an instant, the ice crystals continued to permeate, devouring everything.

This is just the prologue.

From this moment on, Mesal State officials discovered human ice sculptures, and then on ins, waves of news exploded!

This is a real explosion.

ins first——[on the surface, we should survive]

In the video, behind the famous Messal reporter Irink are the ice sculpture people, she is giving a speech with great voice!

[Aylink]: Messal ice sculpture, what a pitiful thing, I think the East should give up part of the snowy city, should give up a large part of the area, should let all the West go to the East and go to the equator. , To survive in the eastern cities, this is the international spirit!

After the video was released, the survivors and underground workers all over the world looked to the east, everyone began to stare at the east, looking forward to this great and amazing country!

Under ins, a bunch of people leave messages.

[Lotte]: A scholar in the underground bunker of El City, the eagle country. As a global scholar, I increasingly believe that the East should dedicate a part of the land. This is their own responsibility. They should let the world live in their wind. Snow City, otherwise the ice sculptures in Messal State are just the beginning, and the following ice sculptures will become more complex and dense!

[Martin Enke: The Indians of the United States of the Roses, nothing else, let the East dedicate your land and islands! !

This time ins is very hot, not only Western democracy, but also major Western officials.

Kawasaki semi-underground bunker official: As a populous country in the East, this is their responsibility.

Eagle National Bunker Center: We need a snowy city, we need a beautiful residence!

Rose National Security Bureau: Above the surface belongs to all mankind, belongs to the world!



Dawn broke on the 7th, and the sky was gloomy,

Dongfang’s meagerness, headlines, and other news have all been captured!

There is only one news enthusiasm left, and that is-[the pressure of all the people in the West to come to the East]

This time it is not just a request, but an armed visit, and even a direct order from the officials of various countries. This is a form of super-order!

In the center of the Yanjing Nancheng Military Region, the command meeting room of the Temporary Special Research Institute, with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, melted snow and dripped onto the windows on the roof, which gave a great feeling.

Ying Ziyue carried her hands behind her back, looking at the western official announcements!

Eagle country!

The United States of Roses!

Tsarist State!

Kawasaki Country,(Read more @

Underground base for desert survivors,

Underground base on the European continent.


Wait for nearly ten large countries and 17 survivor bases to request all. At present, nearly one-third of the world’s countries are frozen, and the remaining small countries have all become survivor bases.

It’s all official requests now!

“Ying group, close to the world, the world is asking the east to give up some giant cities above the surface!” Zhao Guofeng said.


Spit out, as if to make some kind of giant crazy decision, as the guardian of a great country, Ying Ziyue has the decisive and capable ancestors of the Eastern Yanhuang.

He raised his hand slightly, with a bright smile on his mouth.

“Military chariots are dispatched to the border to activate the anti-nuclear arrangement!”

“Arrange for the Guangzhou icebreaker aircraft carrier to go to sea!”

“Start a strategic plan!”

Ying Ziyue finished her voice, but the latter Zhao Guofeng trembled!

This is the crazy method.

Because these methods combined are equivalent to-[Military activation, entry is strictly prohibited, the subtropical continent will never compromise! 】

At this moment, an instruction from Yanjing went to the whole country.

The first vigorous project has begun!


The world changed color and struck suddenly.

Yenching began, and the community radio sounded again.

“Opening today, the East has entered the combat readiness project, the city gates are closed, and no one is allowed to go out!”

Guangcheng began, Nancheng opened, and a flat icebreaker began to launch, a total of 100 ships, it seems that the next step is for a huge project!

And in the north and south of the major military regions, in the ice and snow, one after another Blizzard military vehicles cleared their way and began to head to the border, risking great danger to go, seemingly for some kind of huge project, this is the order!

At this moment, Dongfang Meager appeared again.

——[Dongfang responded with action, Guangcheng was launched, the military went to the border, and the community reported on the state of combat readiness]

This one comes from the announcement of the Special Research Institute, and it is what really makes the people of the East excited and crazy!

[Chen Zike]: We do not need to make a verbal reply, but directly reply with action. The Wind and Snow City here was built by us and owned by us. It is now and will be in the future!

[Dihuazhe]: Two billion of us have paid a huge price, just for this moment, I can only say one thing, Dongfang now chooses this result, and then it also chooses this result. This is a city built by ourselves!

At this moment, the people showed the unity power like a monster.

At this moment, it is located in the Dungeon of Mars in the United States of Roses. The center of the dungeon is now the National Security Institute guarded by giant guards. In the adjacent area are a new type of community that stretches and undulates. This is a giant underground space, with a height of only 50 meters. Now all kinds of dungeons and buildings are still under construction…

In the National Security Institute, Minister Luo Di stood straight, he became dignified and solemn, and his eyes were full of sacred taste!

“Gentlemen and ladies, let the whole people continue to pressure the West and let the West give up part of the snowy city!” Roddy said. Now he has united with the global survivor base and is putting pressure on the East because he now has space above the surface. It is extremely important for effective weapon deployment and defense..

“Mr. Roddy, Dongfang Shi did not reply directly, but they have done a lot of projects now. This is the video released by Dongfang Internal Affairs!” The information satellite department staff looked complicated.

As the video opens, a standard video appears.

The first scene is the community broadcasts of the East one by one.

There is only one voice, enter the state of combat readiness!

“Sheet!” Minister Roddy’s face changed. Now, he has realized that a kind of extreme depression is coming.

The second picture is much simpler, that is, on the ice and snow, covered with frost, giant chariots are galloping forward, and the chariots are roaring. As the video picture continues, the chariots finally gallop to the border.

The picture disappears, but this scene is absolutely epic. The Blizzard chariot is approaching three thousand miles to the border. The road is cliffs all the way. The satellite Beidou positioning of the east guarantees the convoy to reach the border, and then shovels snow. It seems that For some kind of huge project.

“Nuclear prevention arrangement!” Minister Roddy clenched his fist silently, and now he can feel it more deeply. This time, the Eastern method is crazy!

The next scene is the ocean. Above the endless glacier ocean, the glaciers make the sound of cracking layer by layer. It seems that there is a giant moving sound. As the sound becomes louder, the sound of the trembling millet bursts through, and then there is a miraculous sound. One scene!

That is, a flat icebreaker appeared, each of which was over 100 meters, then under the satellite picture, these icebreaker titanium alloy mechanically connected arms appeared, and then began to connect piece by piece, making a crisp sound, connecting complete!

This is also a miraculous scene, which has been recorded in history!

The giant icebreaker has become a giant flat aircraft carrier with a length of 10,000 meters. When the engine is propelled, the ice layer is shattered and shattered at 10,000 meters and 10,000 meters…

After watching the three pictures, Minister Roddy’s face was extremely pale.

“When did they arrange the icebreaker aircraft carrier, do they really want to dispute with the whole world?” Roddy frowned.

“Mr. Minister, the East took the whole country to fight the cold wave before the disaster. They probably wouldn’t be afraid of the current crisis.” Deputy Minister Thomas said.

At this moment on the ins, the Western people all looked at the Eastern’s response was extremely complicated…

In the West Sea, Liao Sea, and Haishan Pass, a 2,000-kilometer steel wall barrier was established. At the same time, the ice-breaking aircraft carrier also came to this sea area.

Because an ice age uninterrupted ice tsunami is coming! .

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