Chapter 140

This is June, and the whole land has turned white.

According to the history of the Ice Age, the world is divided into three projects. The eastern continent protects the continent, the western whites built dungeons, and the space of the Eagle Nation began to try to immigrate.

Now the decisive moment in history has come


6.7, ten o’clock in the morning!

Yanjing South City was stationed in the military area, and a red flag car drove into the underground Great Wall and sat in the car to win the night.

Afterwards, after passing deep underground roads, we came to a silver, huge scientific research center.

The red flag car stopped at the center of aerogel-graphene city wall scientific research institute. After stopping, a row of professors wearing scientific research clothing stood in a row, and then stood neatly and saluted Ying Ziyue!

The chief professor of the city wall, Zhang Haitao stood up. This was a middle-aged man wearing gold glasses and not very tall. He held the report and preached to Ying Ziyue.

“The report team leader has completed the construction of the initial steps of the aerogel graphene city wall, and tests can be carried out on various wind and snow-making cities across the country. Among them, the aerogel graphene city wall can ensure effective temperature insulation, and 02 will have an endothermic gloss in the dark. Gathering gloss treatment to ensure the perfection of various layers of ecosystems, industrial systems, agricultural systems, and multiple systems of seaweed planting. This is the best city wall material in the world, and it will also be the first in the world to use aerogel graphite. A super city wall with ene as the core.”

Zhang Haitao is extremely proud, with a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Ying Ziyue’s eyes flashed, and now there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, because of the scene in front of him, this is the reason why all the scientific research institutes were called to come to Yanjing 5 months before the civilization period. Now the power of the whole country is gained. The best embodiment!

In the second row is an information technology type double-layer prismatic architectural design research institute, which is called the urban core system center.

The urban core system professors have reported before. Now there are three old professors. They are all top doctoral professors in the information electronics department, the precision instrument department, and the core information manipulation department. Now the three are standing in a row.

Ma Jianghe, the chief scientific research professor of the urban core system, stood up. This is a 60-year-old professor with snow-white hair but bright eyes with the boldness of the north.

Professor Ma Jianghe said, “Report leader, the urban core system can be deployed. The urban core system can be fully operated by the operator. It can turn on the fountain, control the wind turbine, and heat the blast furnace. Control, as well as the control of the urban defense system, the super self-protection system of the city group, the tsunami protection device, the high-altitude protection device, and so on. The next super super technology device, as well as the panoramic projection device, ensure that this core device is The necessary means to enter the city of technology!”

Ma Jianghe reported with excitement that it was all his efforts and all his strength!

“not bad!”

Ying Ziyue patted him on the shoulder.

Now in Ying Ziyue, the 5000-kilometer underground Great Wall covering multiple underground provinces, in this deep giant space, he looked at the silver scientific research stations and the scientific research professors from all over the country. They struggled for half a year. This is the power of the whole country.(Read more @

With her back to the crowd, and then the uniform saluted, Ying Ziyue’s voice resounded through the audience!

“Everyone, start with the aerogel graphene wall immediately!”

“The city’s core systems are all turned on, and then my fellow Yan and Huang will watch a city of heavy machinery move towards a city of science and technology. This is the era of engineering comparison. Let everyone exclaim the global shock!”

“Tell me, do you have confidence!”

“Guaranteed to complete the task!”

The latter all the research institutes, all the professors in unison, shouted!

Start at 2 pm!

In the Yanjing North City Weather Forecast Room, Ying Ziyue was standing next to the panoramic rooftop. The first thing he saw was Haishan Pass, followed by hurricanes banging banging, and the sound of blizzard and snow, and the windows next to the panoramic view were smashed. The bang, this is the power of the wind and snow.

Turning around with her hands on her shoulders, Ying Ziyue looked at the city. Now the city has begun to develop super, and all the professors of the Underground Great Wall Research Institute led all the top engineering teams.

Those giant mechanical walls have not been dismantled, and the aerogel graphene panels are still attached to the outermost wall installations. This is a black installation with the luster of technological metamaterials. Many residents in the city are quite excited. Looking at it, after all, the scene before me was quite shocking!

And in the center of the city.

A semi-underground city operation center command center is under construction, which belongs to the core command centers of the four major military regions.

At that time, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, this was also called the Chinatown underground city of Mars.

In the underground gymnasium, hundreds of overseas students from the East were all sitting, watching the news from all over the world.

Zhao Jian, an international student, is a very ordinary one. Because of his love for Western culture, he chose to stay here.

But at this moment, Zhao Jian only feels exhausted. This is the reason for working 18 hours a day. Because in the construction of the dungeon, the whole people work for 18 hours, so the people are very depressed, and everyone is very depressed. At the same time, everyone’s food reserves and food delivery are generally dried vegetables, etc., ordinary food makes everyone want to become a gangster!

Now Zhao Jian is watching Dongfang’s Weibo, short videos one by one, some short videos are the steps taken by the Oriental Machinery City into a technology city, and other videos one after another new wall panels appear, one new city after another. The outer lighthouse appeared.

The lighthouse was shining, and the fountains in the center of the city appeared one by one, so the city looked more magical, more mechanical, with a tougher heavy mechanical steam style, but technology has swept everything!

Not only here, the Oriental Industrial Corridor, the industrial center of the East, Guangcheng has also entered the National Project!

The West is in infrastructure construction, and the East has never flinched!

In the No. 2 nuclear power icebreaking plant of the Industrial Corridor, all branch managers gather in the first conference room.

The factory director Zhou Quan was sitting in the main seat, and he looked at everyone with solemn expressions.

“Everyone, since the civilization period, the Supreme Supernatural Special Research Institute has issued the highest order, that is, the fishing shipyard will continue to build this connectable ice-breaking flat aircraft carrier. There is no quantity requirement, only one requirement, and that is to speed up. The speed of building this kind of ice-breaking aircraft carrier continues.”

Director Zhou Quan’s voice is extremely firm and powerful!

At this moment, the meeting room was silent, and the atmosphere was silent. After the director Zhou Quan finished speaking, the expressions of other branch directors couldn’t help but become complicated.

You know this is an icebreaker aircraft carrier!

What to do next to build so many flat-panel aircraft carriers?

The branch director Li Dahai couldn’t help but look horrified. He thought of the project in the East. First, the city began to move towards the city of science and technology, and then the 2,000-kilometer barrier was completed!

Then came icebreaking aircraft carriers one after another. What are they going to do?

And the western dungeon project is completed, the western outer space migration plan is completed, it seems that each global project is about to be completed, it seems that the super big era is coming!

And now, the East has officially stretched out its fangs and claws, and then told the world that it is ready to embrace the era led by the East! ! ! ! .

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