Chapter 141

What is the power of the whole country? What is called a national protest, the East under the dawn of dawn at this moment has made the best proof.


Yanjing Yuxue Community, in the 8th floor bedroom. Ying Ziyue was by the balcony.

Now he can almost feel the pulsation of the whole country, the pulsating power of the people from all over the world, this is the best testimony and best interpretation of the power of the whole nation in the East.

In front of Ying Ziyue is a detailed and exquisite picture of the disaster trend of the Ice Age from biogeography, paleontology, history, and comprehensive academic analysis.

This is Ying Ziyue from before and after the disaster, from the last moment of life and death, from comprehensive analysis, and from the academic study of the Ice Age 1 million years ago, and finally produced a detailed disaster. The trend of the Ice Age can be said to have gathered all of his The power of knowledge also brings together the power of all the scientific research institutes, all physicists and other professors in this country. This is the most detailed disaster trend map, majestic and shocking!

Standing in front of this picture, feeling the messy and magical room like the Middle Ages, Ying Ziyue stood in this picture, and now the first feeling is the first blizzard, this is the first blizzard. He seemed to have seen a blizzard lasting for ten days during the civilization period. This was also the beginning of the ice age, and the whole nation proved his inference.

Then came the cold wave, which lasted for a month, and then all the snow and wind trains in the Snow Country appeared, so there was the most shocking collision in history. This cold wave collision is in front of the world!

Then came the normal direction of the glacier accompanied by the whistling hurricane, and then everything on the surface was frozen, all the crops, all the roads and everything were frozen and damaged.

Then the whole force of the Eastern Accounting built the steel wall of the mainland barrier, the barrier resisted the icy tsunami, which was a terrifying icy tsunami, the impact of the tsunami, and then the water was frozen and everything was frozen.

At this moment, these disasters that have already occurred have formed a picture in front of Ying Ziyue. These pictures also represent the power of the whole country, and these confrontation pictures also represent the whole professors of the whole eastern research institute, and all the eastern people are united. The consistent stalwart power also represents Ying Ziyue’s complete disaster prediction!


Standing in front of the window, Ying Ziyue took a breath. He now felt the air sucked into the nasal cavity, and a chill came, which was just ordinary chill. If it is outside the city, the ice crystals in the nose will start to freeze instantly. This is the power of the ice. Now Ying Ziyue only feels a chill, which makes him more sober.

He must remain highly fortunate now, because the next one will eventually be 1 million years ago, also from the first, second, third, and fourth comprehensive glacier disaster link!

That is, that is the collision of plates and the emergence of island countries. This means that except for the East and America, the rest of the continents will begin to shatter!

This means that the world will enter the era of islands. Except for a few areas, all the rest will become islands, which means that the tsunami era of the ocean age is coming!

So what we need to do now is to seize the biggest opportunity. During the Ice Age, above the surface, the East was the first, and in the next ocean era, the East would still be the first. This is the layout of Ying Ziyue covering everything, and the whole country. A huge layout that can be carried out by force.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, feeling the howling of the cold, Ying Ziyue gently stretched out his hand, he made a fist gesture to face the east, and then waved his hand high, his voice was in the wind and snow, in the clouds and mist. Among them, there is no compromise, and the power of the whole country will fight to the end.

This represents him, and also represents the hardest attitude from the civilization period to the disaster of the East! From the beginning to the end, the whole people have a one-hearted confrontational attitude!

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At two o’clock in the afternoon, Yanjing University of Science, this is an ice age university called Yanjing University of Mechanical Technology, which is mainly based on ice age mechanical technology. This is a high-end top university integrated with seven universities!

Mechanical Technology Department 2 is on a playground.

Now seven or eight students are sitting on the grass. There are steam pipes above their heads. They look very magical. Among them is a young man whose hair is yellow. This is the yellow born since childhood. His name is Zhang Chong. !

As a mechanical academic enthusiast, Zhang Chong is now sitting on the grass. He can’t help but look up. Now there is a school beside the school. The giant fountain in the city is beginning to make the final perfection. In front of them, it is 100 meters high. The fountain is flowing high, and there are wind generators, towering wind generators, just like giant ferris wheels, roaring in the sky, everything in the whole city is beginning to evolve!

Beside him, beside Zhang Chong, a little fat classmate couldn’t bear to speak.

“Everyone, according to this situation, the city is now equipped with fountains and smart fountains. The first layer of the city wall has also begun to post new models. We have analyzed it. This should be graphene and aerogel. There is also a lighthouse outside the city. It is about to be over, and the energy of heating boilers is expanding. It is said that the South has begun to study controllable nuclear energy. I always feel that everything is undergoing tremendous changes…!”

Fat classmate Liu Yang couldn’t help but complicated.

Next to him Zhang Chong couldn’t help but stood up with a smile!

He pointed to the front, his voice was clear!

“Liu Yang, this is a smart fountain with a height of 100 meters. It can keep the whole city warm, and can moisten a large area of ​​seaweed. It means that the humidity of the air in the city will decrease and increase, which means that the number of seaweeds will bloom. Even the upstairs of the residents of every household will be covered with seaweed, which means that the oxygen concentration in this continent will become higher.”

“And the smart city wall has all been unified, which shows that the next step is to develop towards science and technology, but haven’t you found it? Now ocean icebreakers have become the main thing, and not only the ocean, but also the research on controllable energy, as if to prepare for the next kind of large-scale ocean engineering! ”

“Everyone, this is the most unexpected period of the ice age. No one knows what will become in the future. A few million years ago, a professor said that the surface of the earth was covered by more than 100 square meters of ice at that time. write.”

“And it’s not just that the earth is covered by ice, the other regional plates of the planet are also beginning to split, and the continents are colliding!”

After Zhang Chong finished speaking, these students seemed to realize something. They looked at them, at the south, and at the direction of the mainland barrier wall. Obviously, the decisive project is coming, and this project means All the preparations before the East, everything, everything, from the civilization period to the present will be the biggest and greatest preparation!

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the gloomy sky was on the north wall of Guangcheng before dawn.

Above the city wall, Zhao Guofeng, Minister Ma Rubin, steel factory director Li Manshan, and icebreaker captain Zhou Quan, and so on, are now standing on the city wall, looking high ahead.


Accompanied by a huge roar, it seems that the world is shaking, this is a terrifying shock, the sound is roaring, as if the sky is shaking.

The four gates of the city of Guangcheng were all opened, and the shipyard began to ship new flat silver-black icebreakers into the sea. The icebreakers were pulled by large trucks, and giant icebreakers began to launch.

This is a great project, because this one-time direct launch of 100 ships began one after another. In front of Guangcheng, on the ice-covered flood glaciers, icebreakers were launched into the sea like a shock, and the world seemed to be Shocked!

The scenes seem to be extremely shocking, because the hurricane roars outside constantly colliding with ice crystals to condense the icebreaker!

Minister Ma Rubin and steel plant manager Li Manshan were watching this scene. He was almost shaking, because the scene before him was too shocking, especially when he saw the direction of the west. Now the first ice-breaking aircraft carrier in Guangcheng is still wandering in the West China Sea!

It was connected by 100 icebreakers, and now there are 100 again. This time it’s clear to dispatch, and there will be another 100. Then the icebreaker carriers will flood the five oceans, and the East has begun to move the big trump card. Now, the Western trump card has begun, and engineering terror comparisons have begun across the country!

Minister Ma Rubin is holding his hand, and now there are only Ma Rubin on the wall, and Zhao Guofeng, the Minister of Special Research. Minister Ma is holding hands behind his back, and he can’t help but ask in a bleak voice.

“` ¨ The Zhao group, the next is probably the big ocean project, dungeons, and a comparison of space migration between the East and the West. In this (nono good) comparison, the West will only choose those powerful and powerful to escape from the earth, and in the next global island collision , They will flee, the horror of the disaster can be seen!!”

“And the East will face it majestically, so can the East face it? This time the most terrifying board collision in tens of thousands of years!”

Minister Ma’s voice has changed from bleak to a depressed burst for a long time. Perhaps he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

Zhao Guofeng held his hand, he thought of the plate collision mentioned by the leader of Winning, which was a piece of horrible plate collision, and it was also the most normal thing in the ice age!

The East has gone through everything. But now is the real difficulty facing the East! ”

Zhao Guofeng didn’t answer directly. He looked deeply at the icebreaker ahead, watching the city of science and technology about to appear, watching the mainland barrier, watching the snow country train, watching the wind and snow chain cities.

And he is also looking at the world under the West, the eagle’s space migration abroad!

He only knows a word, there is nothing in the East that cannot be done, because we are all doing it, and we are willing to give everything. Since 5000, our ancestors have learned to fight against disasters, and now we are also fighting, this is the spirit that is exclusive to the East!

Turning around, Zhao Guofeng told him the best plan!

“Fang Xiu will do it till he dies. This is the first spirit of Yanhuang now!”.

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