Chapter 142

If you look at the galaxies, you will find that the earth is just a very small planet, just a silver-white ice ball, surrounded majestically, the sun is revolving, and the earth is walking among dense galaxies. This is the earth of the ice age. Entering a dense galaxy, its distance from the sun becomes longer, and his sunshine time begins to become shorter.

The sun broke on June 15th. On this day, the Global Meteorological Bureau, the Global Rose Country Meteorological Bureau, the Eagle Country Meteorological Bureau, the Eastern Meteorological Bureau, the Tsar Meteorological Bureau, the Kawasaki Meteorological Bureau, the Desert National Meteorological Bureau, and other up to 15 national-level weather At the same time, the bureau issued the most serious weather warning!

That is, with the ice age, as the crustal movement, the sunshine time is dense, the multiple influences of galaxy gravity, and the influence of super volcanic eruptions, the major plates may collide with a small magnitude in the next, this kind of collision will As a result, there may only be three continents left in the world: the East, the United States of Roses, and the Prairie State. The rest may all collide into islands, and the remaining continent may split. For example, Australia may split into thousands or even directly. Tens of thousands of islands!

This is the collision of plates that led to the era of islands in the ice age!

After the global meteorological announcement was issued, at this moment, the people from all over the world, scholars, professors, etc., really began to boil. Because this is a planet extinction disaster, there were countless deaths and injuries in the tribe at that time 1 million years ago, and the only remaining human beings survived a little bit of proliferation. This shows the horror of plate collision!

The first rose country issued a statement, and the director of the rose country Guoan Luo Di issued a statement!

The first hot search on Twitter-[People around the world, in the next 10 states such as Mars, Kamijas, the country of roses, all 10 states will be connected, and then a continent will be formed on the continent of the country of roses In the underground city of each continent, the underground world will be the second world of mankind. We white people will lead the world to a new super era. This is the final white project. We can resist all disasters until the end of the ice age. Will develop the greatest underground civilization geocentric civilization. 】

The head of the disaster in the Eagle Nation, Professor Ajaf conducted a live broadcast on the oil pipe for the first time, and the content of the speech was extremely shocking!

[Disasters before 993, people around the world should feel this miraculous era, and then the Eagle’s foreign space migration program is conducting part 3 experiments. The first part is the planting of seaweed in outer space. Isolate the living area to ensure that the oxygen humidity and temperature in this area are in line with human living conditions. Now the experiment has been successful. 】

[The third area began to use animals and humans for small-scale experimental settlements, and began to try to try immigration plans in Jupiter, Mars, Jupiter, the moon and other galaxies. The first immigration is small, about 10 people, the project is huge, and the total coverage is probably possible. It takes thousands of years, but this is the greatest progress of mankind. 】

On June 2 and 20, the Pacific Ocean and Rawls Island collided. The island split into small islands, and then the first split island appeared. This is the island era witnessed by all mankind.

The ice age has been half a year, and the surface is still minus 120 degrees.

On August 1, there have been 7 island collisions around the world. In the news of global weather reports, it can be seen almost everywhere that islands split in the Pacific Ocean, Kawasaki, Yangyin, Sansan and other seas!

Not only in the West, but in the oceans of the East, the West China Sea and the Liaohai Sea are undergoing plate collisions, as if the earth has become an annual ring crushing the surface. That is to say why the ice age is human beings The end of life is the new life era of living things.

The sun broke at 10 o’clock in the morning on August 2, on the 8th floor of Yanjing Yuxue Community.

In a medieval-style bedroom, Ying Ziyue stood quietly.

Now his eyebrows are deep and tranquil. He looks forward. In front of Ying Ziyue is the command system of the city of Yanjing and the core control system of the city of wind and snow. This means that this command room can guarantee the city, temperature, water flow, and agriculture. , Industry, the control of a system line.

Then in Houcheng is the shadow projection project. This is a full projection device, which can project the sky from the ground and cover the sky in a half-sitting city. This technology comes from the principle of Haishi Chenlou!

Whenever the night begins, the panoramic projection of every new city in the Eastern Continent begins. This is a picture of the ice on the surface of the global disaster ice age. It reminds the people that a global island era is coming. The picture of the ice boat made in the east, The icebreaker aircraft carrier, the mainland barrier steel, the ecological paradise, and the northern ecological paradise are also on the screen, and panoramic projections are being carried out in every city!

This is equivalent to post-disaster propaganda work, telling the public that the next crisis will be under great pressure!

By the bedroom, the cold wind is whistling. Ying Ziyue is looking at the residential buildings in front of the community. Now the walls of the residential buildings are densely covered with those crisp green seaweeds. These are cold-resistant seaweeds, shaped like small ones. Ball composition!

Not only Yanjing, but other cities are all overgrown with this kind of seaweed, so the air oxygen concentration in the subtropical continent is increasing, the oxygen concentration is continuously increasing, and the oxygen concentration is gestating new life!

The ferris wheel-like wind turbines also roared. Behind the ferris wheel is a stunning 100-meter-high fountain. The fountain descends from more than 100 meters high. The water splashes freely and the heat is flying. The picture is quite shocking.

This is a giant fountain, and behind the fountain is a small suspension train that goes around the community. This kind of train is mainly used for people to work, go to work, and transport materials in the city.(Read more @

Seeing this scene, Ying Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief, very good, each new city is becoming more and more magical and technological.

At this moment, in the semi-underground weather bunker in the new era of the United States of Roses, the head of the National Security Office, Luo Di, is standing in front of the bunker window, and the windows are covered with frost.

Even through the window, you can feel the chills, which is the terrifying force brought by the frost.

He was looking at three directions, the first is their underground world, the second is the outer space of the Eagle Nation, the outer space installations are in progress, and the other is the above-surface engineering in the east.

Behind him, Deputy Minister Thomas stood straight, and he was reporting.

“Mr. Minister, now the Meteorological Bureau has detected the era of islands for all people. Even if the east is not compatible with the islands, it will be the ocean era. The ocean era will have a step-by-step tsunami impact, and the world will become thinner and denser. Decrease, survival will be more difficult!”

“But the East does not seem to experience survival pressures such as oxygen scarcity!”

When Minister Roddy finished speaking, the faces of the other ministers changed!

The information personnel opened the Dongfang News, and at first glance they only saw Guangcheng, only 100 icebreakers, 100 icebreakers began to go into the sea, and then mechanical arms, titanium alloy mechanical arms began to connect to form an icebreaker flat aircraft carrier.

The flat-panel aircraft carriers are nearly 10,000 meters long and almost occupy a piece of sea. At this moment, Minister of State Security Luodi knew that the current ocean engineering of the East has reached its limit, and the East is now taking out the king bomb in the era of islands for all people!

Time continues to progress at a rapid pace. In September, the era of global islands intensified. It can be seen with the naked eye. From all over the world, the Pacific Ocean, Kawasaki Ocean, Indo-Sanyo and other places, the mega-islands have become obsessed with lines. Because the five continents have seen small-scale plate collisions, Many islands appeared!

The disaster crisis brought about by normal collisions is great, and at the same time it makes the world aware of what is called a global island and what is called an ice age in the ice age!

Yanjing is located in the southwest. There are many icebergs and snowy mountains. The mountains are steep and white. Pieces of lighthouses stand, emitting a faint light in the dim weather. According to the chronicles, this is winter, and it has entered early winter, but Now, this is an extremely cold weather that is colder than winter. The low temperature above the surface has reached minus 125 degrees. Accompanied by hurricanes and snowstorms, the occasional thunderstorm field has caused the weather above the surface to become more and more severe.

In the Beicheng Meteorological Observatory, the team leaders of the Supernatural Special Research Institute, Physics, Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Literature, Meteorology, etc. all watched. Everyone outside the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows was very amazed. 1 million years ago, the ancestors of mankind were there Facing the ice age, it was a tragic and terrifying confrontation scene. At that time, it was not like the world is now frozen, and some equators will still be inhabitable, so they ran toward the equator from the cold!

Ying Ziyue stood straight. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched as the wind and snow were hitting the windows one by one, banging endlessly!

Behind him, Zhao Guofeng, the deputy team leader, saluted and reported!

“Leader of the report, first of all, 500 flat icebreakers have been built in the Southern Industrial Corridor, all of which are propelled by small nuclear power, ensuring that the icebreaker’s hull is resistant to cold, flooding, and propelled by extreme cold glaciers. Then these 500 icebreakers can form 5 giant special aircraft carriers, each of which is guaranteed to be 10,000 meters long!”

“Report team leader, now coastal cities, subtropical continents and all coastal barriers have been built. The continental barriers have been built. This time, a total of 10,000 people have been paid. The best infrastructure workers in the major engineering teams have paid close to 800,000 engineering vehicles and Blizzard engineering vehicles. , Blizzard Chariot, Blizzard Mobile Vehicle, School Surveyor, etc., a total of 276 people suffered frostbite. This cost the country’s top mechanical power, but the great result is that this wall of steel along the coast can withstand a thousand-year-old tsunami ice. Seal the shock!”

“The report, at the same time, the oxygen concentration in the North Sea is beginning to increase. Because there are five oceans in the world, the oxygen concentration is lowered by submarine volcanoes, and the ocean ice covered seaweed has lowered oxygen, so that a large number of fish and subtropical oxygen are converging. In the North Sea.”

“The North Sea Ocean Warehouse now gathers the most fish on the planet, and at the same time the highest oxygen concentration. The oxygen concentration of the subtropical continent is now

Twice in the civilization period. In front of Dongshan City, a large number of wild animals formed a system, such as brown bears, lions, tigers, hares, antelopes, and wild boars forming an ecological natural cycle. The bottom cycle is algae, and then The cycle of algae is some special fertilizer. It is now being cultivated by nature. It is artificially cultivated and planted. The comprehensive report is complete! ”

Ying Ziyue nodded!

His eyes were cold and he spoke quietly.

“Next, let the whole people go crazy. From this blueprint, let the icebreaker produce medium-heavy mechanical giant ships, because next will be the era of the national ocean, and only this heavy-mechanical giant ship can fight the ocean waves!”

After Ying Ziyue finished speaking, Zhao Guofeng, all the team leaders saluted, he seemed to have seen it, and the super project started slowly!

After the meeting, the Snow Country Train departed from Yanjing to Guangcheng. The train resisted the wind and snow all the way and galloped all the way. The information department was carrying out an important drawing transmission. After the South Plaza, the icebreakers in the South Plaza began to pick up supplies, and then the icebreakers transported the materials in the provinces. The previous layouts were all shaped, industrial technology from the south, industrial supplies, agricultural supplies from the north, and agricultural technology from the north. It is transported from across the country by snow country train.

On November 5, at the icebreaker shipyard, in the factory director’s meeting room, a huge drawing nearly three meters away, was slowly spread out!

Afterwards, the flat-panel factory directors present at the scene, including the deck director, the ship director, the push branch director, and so on. Every director stood in front of this drawing, and their expressions changed from being indifferent on the surface. Surprise, from shock to shock, from shock to trembling, all just because of the appearance of this drawing!

Director Zhou Quan speaks!

“All gather, the shipyard branch director gather!”

“Follow-up to promote the collection of departments, the power deck combines titanium and the robotic arm to connect the department collections!”

“All the crew members gather for the construction of the heavy machinery nuclear-powered ship!”

In early December, it was still extremely cold, severe winter, above the surface. Snowy.

This is the largest project opening in Guangcheng, because from now on, the four gates are opened, and the transportation of parts and components will begin!

Those huge ship parts have become more mechanical and technological. To the people watching, it seems that a giant medieval technological ship appears, which is a combination of heavy machinery and nuclear propulsion. The ocean age is slowly coming. At this moment, the East has taken it out for the first time. Hole cards!

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