Chapter 143

Human beings look up at the starry sky, and the starry sky looks up at the universe.

This is like large annual rings, crushed one by one, from the beginning of the ice age hundreds of millions of years ago to the end of the fourth major ice age more than ten thousand years ago. The ice age seems to have become the eternal end of mankind.

Recorded in history, it is generally an ice age once every 200 million years.

. But from 10,000 years ago, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Steam Age, the Technological Age, and the Information Age, all the way Wildfires are burning, a planet is being destroyed, and other factors have led to the acceleration of the glacier. This planet is like a purge, which is cleaned once every 200 million years, but this time it is ahead of schedule.

The Chronicle of the Glacier, January 1, this is the first year that mankind entered the glacier, and it is also the most brand-new year. In the years that time flows, the year has changed greatly, from the first 10 days of blizzards. , This-is the precursor of the Ice Age!

Then came a cold wave that lasted for a month, forming a liquid nitrogen-like cold wave above minus 200 degrees. The West hid underground and hid in underground bunkers, but even so, nearly 1/3 of the western population disappeared, the snowy city in the east, the snow country The train erupted from the man-made solar volcano, and exhausted all its strength to fight against the past, successfully fighting the past in the history of this disaster, forming the most shocking-shocking confrontation in the history of mankind!

It is January 1st, a year of the glacier, and it is also human beings. In the real history of the glacier, it can be called the first year of life. Standing above the stratosphere, the earth overlooking the stratosphere, the silver-white earth, is magnificent and stunning. Covered with ice crystals, hurricanes roared, and the wind and snow masses condensed, wave after wave against everything on the earth’s surface, roaring endlessly, amazingly stunning, beautiful and flawless.

Within this year, the three projects were basically finalized, and now, at the time of dawn on January 1, at 10:00 in the morning, this is located on the ground floor of the New Times Square in Mars, West Rose Valley, where the National Security Bureau has launched a global , [Dungeon] live broadcast for the first time, because now western dungeons are completely taking shape!

. Minister Roddy, standing in front of the camera, he is wearing a black suit, gold glasses, a burly figure, with a back, exuding a full color, he talks freely, his voice with endless Zihao, behind him It is a high-level parliamentarian from the West, and the environment behind it is the entrance to the underground city. The entrance and exit above the ground use a panoramic super-lattice skylight, so beams of light can shine in.

Roddy said, “Everyone, in the next year and three months, all the army and all people in the West will be connected from individual underground residences to community underground residences, and then from community underground residences to small city underground residences, and then Underground stations in small cities have been linked to state-level underground stations. Until now, the underground stations in ten states have been connected, and they have completely become Western white underground cities!”(Read more @

As Roddy introduced the screen, the screen began to broadcast from Mars, one by one in the underground states!

The first one is the underground of Mars State, where the underground space is 50 meters high, the underground road, the underground lighthouse, and the basic underground building is a large apartment building with 4 floors!

Then there are rows of underground residential buildings, driveways, vehicles, and small vehicles. These are all military vehicles. Private vehicles are now prohibited. From Mars Week to Hezhou, Hari and other states, the picture!

In the dungeon, civil buildings, public buildings, military districts, lighthouse military weapons storage, and even western agricultural warehouses, agricultural paradise, etc., can be said to be a brand-new dungeon, but with a shortage of materials and people Long working hours are a drawback.

The final picture is getting more and more perfect, because the giant space close to 50 meters from the beginning of a state is like a giant and brilliant underground world. Now it is the first time that the West has proved it to the world. They announced the underground city project, and at the same time, it is also a global It was announced that the most shocking dungeon civilization in human history is here!

The last scene of the picture is the center of the underground Mars State New Times Square. This is the disaster state security institute. Minister Roddy stands on the top of the national security institute. The underground national security institute is 45 meters high, which is already the tallest building in the underground space!

On the rooftop, Roddy stretched out his hand and could almost feel the top of the mud. With a smile on his mouth, he bowed slightly in a suit, like an old gentleman in the Middle Ages, smiling at the screen, and then solemnly and proudly.

0 ··Find flowers·········

“Everyone, you have seen the underground world. In the future, the West will lead the world into a new world, our underground city, and then the underground city will become an underground world, and the surface will become a forbidden land for mankind. The underground world, industrial, agricultural technology, everything will begin to develop in an all-round way. The western underground world will become the ultimate paradise for white people. The whole world will be shocked and shocked by it. This is the underground city that the West has prepared for everything.”

The picture was over, and after this official video was released, it burst completely, the news was bursting frantically, and the popularity was extremely high!

In the first hot search on Twitter, people in the West are all leaving messages.

……… ……… …….

[Ike]: This is the Western Dungeon. We have worked hard for a year and three months. We have built the most miraculous place in history. We will start to shock the world and start to marvel. The world will witness, one by one. With the advent of technology, they will know what is the power brought by white people!

[Rodenk]: Now only the East is living above the surface, but the East does not know it. Now the Western dungeon is completely established. The East will surrender and marvel under the brilliance of the Western dungeon. They will see the greatest dungeon in history. Appear, the whole world will be shocked by the West, this is the greatest force in human history, there is no one.

On January 1st of the year of the Glacier Chronicles, the United States of Roses, the Minister of National Security Office Roddy officially spoke. Since then, the 10 states of the Roses have connected to form a Western white underground city. The next ultimate goal is the underground world. The white people must Become the predecessor of the first underground civilization in human history!

Above the surface, the cold wind roared, and the statue of Liberty on the western surface turned into a snowflake statue, only the last point was exposed. The rest will be submerged by snow. And beside the famous leaning tower of Eagle Country, the leaning tower It has been completely melted into a glacier, the glacier submerged the leaning tower, and a famous building complex in the world was submerged in snow by frost. Now it is the era of global comparison. For the first time, the West has produced the long-prepared [National Project]

This is the fascinating era of comparison between major power projects! ! ! ! .


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