Chapter 144

January 1st of the first year of the Glacier Chronicles!

During this period, the Rose Country released a plan for the underground world. Among them, 10 state dungeons were successfully deployed, which shocked the world after they were issued. For a time, Western whites were hailed as the leader of human civilization in the ice age and the creator of underground civilization!

On January 2, Glacier, the country of Roses at this moment has been submerged in ice and snow. On another western continent close to it, it is the seat of the Eagle Nation. The capital of the Eagle Nation is called Pamir’s main city. Its million-scale main city extends towards other cities. It is a variety of semi-underground bunkers with millions of people, and even millions of people!

Pamir’s main city bunker is huge. This bunker can accommodate a total population of 970,000. It gathers nearly 2 million engineers, professors, and doctors from the scientific research and infrastructure of the Eagle Country. The final construction is completed.

This bunker is also known as the first bunker of the eagle. The black bunker is like a rolling mountain, with huge bumps and incomparable darkness. It exudes the toughness of the black steel texture, and exudes the breath of the heavy mechanical age. The style of the times, so it looks amazing, tough and shocking!

The Pamir bunker is 87 meters high and uses 7 layers of high-tech insulation. It is jointly built by seven “Zero Zero” colleges and universities. It has a total of 11 underground floors. Each floor has a huge area. Among them, the civilians living further down. The more humble the identity.

The third floor above the ground is the Pamir Meteorological Observatory, which is also the general research bunker. It is also called the Eagle Nation General Disaster Center. Here is a gathering of all the Eagle Nation’s professors and doctors to fight against the Ice Age. Wait for disaster!

The head of the disaster, Robert, is now in front of the window. His mind is reminiscing about the past civilized period, and he sighs infinitely. Behind him stand doctors from various universities, doctors of astronomy, doctors of aeronautics, and doctors of engine propulsion. Doctor of Biology, Doctor of Oceanography, etc., and Dr. Landing, the head of the Space Migration Project!

Dr. Rand is making a professional report.

“Report to Minister Robert that the Rose Nation has started the underground world project. Now the whole world feels that the Rose Congress is the greatest and longest underground civilization in the ice age. The whole world feels that the East is the bravest civilization on the surface, but everyone treats us. The Eagle Nation has forgotten!”

“Next, they will know that, as the initiators of the first steam age and the creators of the first industrial revolution, we will lead all mankind to a new era. We are the greatest witnesses of history. At the beginning, our outer space migration plan will tell the world what human history is, covering hundreds of millions of years of history, and the greatest project in history has begun!”

Dr. Landing’s voice is exhilarating. He is a native of Eagle Country. He has achieved remarkable results. He has won three comprehensive awards of Nobel Physics and Oceanography and Astronomy three times. The ancestors once created mechanical computers, giant steam warships, and so on!

So he is proud of the honor of the Eagle Nation!

Dr. Landing was very capable in his exquisite black military uniform. He looked heroic and handsome. He had a long golden back and paused for a while, then he continued to report:

“Minister Robert, now the first batch of space seaweeds is in the Mars a17 area with an area of ​​20 kilometers. The two seaweeds are divided into 20 groups, of which 12 groups died and 8 groups survived normally. Then we tested the mutation radiation of the seaweeds. It is confirmed that there is no mutation, which means that when the oxygen concentration in this area is reached, it is completely in line with survival!”

“At the same time, we conducted animal tests. The first batch of animal tests were for pheasants, hares, and large animal pigs. In the seaweed area, wild animals began to live normally within two seconds, and then died. We Continue to expand the oxygen concentration, and you can survive for five minutes, and with the survival time reaching half an hour.”(Read more @

“After that, we tried the prisoners. In the first step, we started planting a large amount of seaweed, fixed at 20 kilometers. In this area, the prisoners only felt depression in their chests and other depressive conditions, but they survived normally for half an hour and then their internal organs ruptured and died. , The final test is to plant seaweed within two kilometers and build a fully enclosed barrier. There are currently 20% of the prisoners left without any exceptions, but it takes a lot of engineering, and the amount of movement and transportation is huge. The planned time is about 4 In 2010, the total population was about 2,000, but this is already the world’s first super outer space project.”

“After the report is completed, this is the Eagle Nation Human Outer Space Tinder Project. We spent a year and a lot of energy. Now we are basically finalized, and we only need to develop it next!”

After Dr. Landing finished his report, Robert, the Minister in charge of General Affairs, knocked on the checkered window with satisfaction, and the sound of crisp texture sounded. He liked the sound of frost falling on the window!

Robert stood up gracefully, his mouth hung an arc, and now he felt extremely proud. Although rose hips began to create the underground world, and the West began to create on the surface to protect everything on the mainland, the Eagle Nation was a great and magnificent one. The outer space migration plan officially kicked off. Although this plan is for some upper-class people and top dignitaries, it will be the beginning of the world.

Standing quietly, a black suit set off Robert straight, Robert then said: “Dr. Landing, how is the oxygen on the earth now?”

When Dr. Landing stood straight, his expression was a little dignified, because the problem before him was a bit depressed: “Now the global rainforest is covered by ice, snow and ice to form glacial ice caves. The global oceans have reduced oxygen, and the earth’s concentration has dropped by an average of 45%, and the earth’s surface has thin oxygen. In some extremely cold and warm fields, it may even cause respiratory syncope. Due to the failure of oxygen supply, altitude sickness may occur!”

“As for the West, oxygen is a little weird in the West now.”

Dr. Landing opened a global oxygen meter. Oxygen in all parts of the world, including the Eagle Country, Rose Hips, Tsar, and so on, all showed signs of red horizontal decline. This represents the rapid decline of oxygen, and in the eastern subtropical plate continent. , An oxygen meter rose vertically twice, which means that the oxygen in the east is now twice as high as before.

Robert’s expression was dull. He quickly stared at every place on the eastern map. He looked at the source of oxygen from the North Sea warehouse, which is the only sea area with ultra-high oxygen concentration in the world’s seas so far.

Seeing that every doctor present here had a complicated expression. They thought that in the civilized period of August, the East started to let the students of marine colleges develop the North Sea waters. At that time, they were criticized, ridiculed and ridiculed by the international community!

Now, everyone’s faces are horrified and complex, because at this moment they know how terrifying is this? All the arrangements and preparations in the East are for the Beihai Warehouse. Now the ultra-high oxygen in the Beihai Warehouse is the best interpretation and the best proof!

Then Dr. Lande opened the second message, which was a collection of information departments, satellite departments, Oriental Weibo headlines, and videos posted by the public. All the pictures were collected to form a large picture!

The picture is impressively in front of every snowy city in the east. The snow shovel team in the east piled up all the snow outside the city and piled it into a giant iceberg. Finally, the cold wave continued to come and the snowy mountain glacier became an iceberg. So just above the white and silver transparent glacier, there began to grow patches of verdant green seaweed, which are similar to the form of small grapes. The large-scale area, the number is extremely large, and it looks extremely large at first glance. Spectacular!

These seaweeds are almost covered with every iceberg in the east, and this seaweed grows in front of every giant iceberg, and it’s not just icebergs!

On the residential buildings in Eastern City, there are super-thick black residential building sky-concentrating solar panels, and on the giant residential buildings, black iron steam pipes are hanging, steaming, on that piece of wall. On the body, there are also pieces of seaweed that are attached to it!

Snow began to drip from the sky, and the snowflakes were turned into rainwater by the steam and hot air at 70 meters. The rain dripped on the seaweed, and then the 100-meter-high fountain in the center of the city was sprayed with water, so a burst of moist air struck, making these seaweeds even more The amazing growth has formed a perfect ecological system, this scene of ecological cycle is amazing!

Looking at the sky and thinking of outer space, Robert regained his former calmness, and he spoke!

“Everyone, let the Ministry of Foreign Education announce that the Eagle Foreign Space Immigration Project has been implemented!”

At 12:00 on the 2nd, the first hot search on the tubing appeared, that is, the overall picture of the outer space master plan announced by the Eagle Nation Disaster Center, equipped with detailed plans, and pictures of three major steps, which also read: Next, we will let the world know about the space program of the Eagle Nation, and then the global scientific research and global industry will be dominated by us!

This is the Eagle Country!

Under the barrage, the people of the Eagle Nation showed immense pride, because now is the era of comparison between major power projects, and their country has taken action!

[LOOGO]: “God, this is the greatest era. We are science and technology. We are the leaders of all eras. Whether it is a dungeon or a city connected by wind and snow, we will migrate from outer space to dominate. The Eagle Congress tells the world that the country that was invincible in scientific research has risen again, and the world will tremble with it!”

[HOOOPF]: “This is the real Eagle Nation. One Year of the Glacier. Not only the Rose Nation is being announced, but we will also announce it. Your dungeon is also good. Now we have the Eagle Nation crushing everything. The times are over, we are the greatest and the most powerful, there is no one 0 ..

At this moment, Western dungeons occupy the first place in ns’ hot searches, and Western outer space migration rushes to oil pipeline hot searches, occupying the first place.

The era of global engineering comparison has reached the last moment! .

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