Chapter 145

At that time Oriental….

In front of the highest level of Yanjing Haishan Pass, the reason why the city wall has not been submerged by snow and wind is that each team of forklifts is shoveling snow. On the highest city wall, Ying Ziye is dressed in a silver-white and silver-black suit. Winter clothes, wearing an oxygen mask on his head, he stretched out his hands and looked at it all in fascination.

The hurricane roared, the snowballs hit and splashed ice crystals on the winter clothes, watching the snowflakes start to condense, then freeze, and then fall. The winter clothes are made of graphene and aerogel, and begin to emit heat. The ice crystals cannot condense, otherwise in just 10 minutes, people will passively lose consciousness, and then get closer and closer to death. This is the horror above minus 100 degrees.

Behind the win of the midnight, the deputy team leader’s left eye, the geology team leader Zhang Aiguo and other team leaders all wore this cold-resistant suit. Dozens of people stood behind him. Because of this ice age, on January 2 of a year, they Looking at the Snow Country Train in front of you and the iceberg in front of you, you have an immense sense of pride in your heart. This is the great building that they have worked hard to create with the power of the whole country. So everyone is extremely proud.

Behind the winning midnight, Zuo Yan’s excited voice sounded: “Win leader, now the United States of Roses has opened the dungeon project, and the dungeons of the United States of Roses have begun to be established, forming a great underground world plan.”

“The outer space program of the Eagle Nation has also officially started. In the glacier year, the West has all entered a great and shocking ice age, and all shocking glacier projects have appeared incisively and vividly.”

Ying Ziyue nodded. He looked at everything in front of him with fascination and enjoyment, watched the impact in the wind and snow, picked up the astronomical telescope, and watched the undulations of the continental barrier on the coastal continent. The coastal plateau, the border of the city, is a wall of steel nearly 5,000 kilometers in total.

Behind him, Zhao Guofeng also spoke. !

“In the winning group, the five ice-breaking aircraft carriers in Guangcheng are now connected to form a super-giant flat-plate aircraft carrier with a total length of nearly 60,000 meters. It can operate under a 30-meter-thick glacier and can break ice. The West China Sea, Liuhai Sea, Haishan Pass and other sea areas are all dangerous sea areas that are impacted by tsunami ice and these aircraft carriers will always guard the maritime borders of our country!”

“At the same time, the project has built three new heavy machinery warships, which use steam and nuclear power. This appearance uses heavy machinery and steam grid functions. The mobile energy hub uses nuclear power. Propulsion will be a terrifying nuclear power source, and it will carry out crazy waves of propulsion, and the propulsion energy will be great.”

Then on the wall of Snowstorm City, Zhao Guofeng took out a top-secret picture taken by the military in Guangcheng.

With a smile on Ying Ziye’s eyes, he looked at this picture.

This is a huge city standing in the wind and snow, this is an industrial corridor, this is a place where thousands of people gather, and this is also the stalwart and first battlefield, Guangcheng!

In the picture, the three ships are up to 40 meters wide and close to one thousand meters wide. The steam shell is made of heavy metal steel plates, the steel iron plates and the aerogel graphene are the cold protection layers. This is a victory of technology and mechanical cohesion, which guarantees the hull. At the same time, steam is used as the overall heating, and the real energy of the ship comes from the energy behind it, that is, nuclear power.(Read more @

The stunning scenes of this scene make people feel stunning.

Ying Ziye stands on the city wall. Only at this moment can he feel the greatness and shock of the nation’s power during the year of the ice river. Then he stretched out an arm high to the sky, as if to take the wind in the sky The snow mass hurricanes are all crushed and gathered together so that they can be seen on the surface of the world. You must know: the big power project compares the era, the West has taken action, then now, the East… also has to take action!

“Everyone prepares.” Ying Ziye said.

Behind him, the geology team leader, the heavy machinery team leader, the physics team leader, the train science team leader, the active learning team leader, the paleontologist, the marine team leader, the university general manager organization, all major team leaders, and internal affairs The foreign ministers all stood in a row.

“Take down, all the aircraft carriers, all steam warships, and all cities in Guangcheng have opened the age of technology and machinery.”

“The Western choice is underground cities and outer space, while the Eastern choice is to guard the mainland and the world’s islands as the number one.”

“At the same time, order the giant engine group, start the super giant engine, speed up the development, and then let the West know that not only they can develop space, but the East’s super space technology will also be developed.”

“At the same time, I spoke to Dongshan City, and began to release super-large quantities of seaweed against wild animals, animals and plants, and began to grow seaweed on a large scale to release oxygen in the North Sea. Perhaps next, people will see the evolutionary journey hundreds of millions of years ago. The subtropical continent of the East has been reproduced. Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, Deng’s fish, titan snakes, short-faced brown bears, strange shrimps, and other extinct ancient creatures may reappear!”

As Win Midnight spoke, it seemed as if a scene of stunning scenes appeared, and the scenes were extremely stunning.

Behind him, led by Zuo Yan and Zhao Guofeng, everyone shouted!



During the one-year ice age, in front of Guangcheng Beicheng, the torrential floods of the past were frozen into a 30-meter-thick layer of ice, but at this moment the sound of brittleness and bursting was heard from the solid ice layer, and the ice layer was shattering. , Because now as engineers begin to assemble three giant mechanical steamships from the Victory period!

Boom boom boom!

As the huge ship went to sea, the terrorist nuclear drive sounded, and the engine started to start the crushed ice. They were crushed directly. This is a 100,000-ton super huge ship equipped with a large nuclear drive to crush everything!

Above the city wall, the people of Guangcheng were all watching and exclaiming, because the scene before them was really shocking, five ships! Oh no! It is a flat ice-breaking aircraft carrier composed of 500 ice-breakers occupying a sea area!

Three giant erupting steam super nuclear-powered giant ships occupy the entire sea!

There are always three giant ships and five aircraft carriers, occupying the surging glacier in front of you!

The people on the four walls of Guangcheng were all exclaiming.

“Finally, China’s trump card exploded.”


Next, the underground world project, the outer space project, they will all usher in a terrifying global island, the comparison of major power projects, the world’s last era of battle!

From this time on, the giant ship, the 10,000-meter flat-panel aircraft carrier, and the magic city have been completely revived…

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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