Chapter 147

Ice Age-The ice age is 10 days a year. From the moment on, the rose is outside the United States, the grassland continents, and the subtropical continents. The rest of the world has begun to show a collapsed nationwide earthquake. In all coastal areas, there are patches of plates. There was a fierce collision.

The main city of Ike in the desert country. This is the main city of the desert country. Now patches of desert are covered by snow and glaciers. The temperature above the surface is close to the limit of human temperature. However, from time to time, there are still meteorological department personnel surveying the surface environment and doing their best. The construction of semi-underground defensive infrastructure houses.

Engineer Marantis, he is now standing in the old civilized buildings, watching the high-rise buildings flooded by the wind and snow. He has a solemn expression. Behind him is a meteorological team, and then conduct real-time monitoring and reporting. Suddenly , Dr. Lanter, Professor of Meteorology, his face changed drastically. In his hand, the temperature-isolating geological instrument showed a large amount of movement, and Lanter spoke.

“Everyone, this is a large-scale geological manifestation.”

“If you guess right, the next era of the global islands may begin here, and the Desert Congress is one of them.”

After he finished speaking, everyone looked far away with complicated expressions.

Subsequently, Marantis began to receive calls for help from other desert state survivor bases in the headset.

“This is the ninth surviving base of Hastel in the middle of the desert state. We have now encountered a large-scale plate collision, causing two-thirds of the plates to split into islands, and then slowly moving towards Moving along the ocean, islands will be formed, requesting rescue, requesting rescue.”

“This is the Bell Four States. We are the base for black survivors. Now here, a small city of nearly 100,000 people has turned into 7 islands. At present, there has been a small-scale earthquake on the islands, as well as a large number of ice and tsunamis. , Request global rescue, request global rescue, this is an emergency signal from SOS.”


The voice continued.

Look at the signals one by one. Marantis’ face changed completely, because the meteorological professor Rand behind him spoke up.(Read more @

“Gentlemen, the islands belonging to the desert country are divided.”

As Professor Rand finished speaking, in front of a snow-capped land, I saw glaciers begin to crack. This was a terrifying crack, and accompanied by a roar, it seemed like the high-rise buildings were collapsing again and again. The icebergs and snow rivers piled up to 100 meters, when these icebergs and snowy mountains collide under the ground, they will begin to collapse due to the movement of the crust, and there will be pieces of glacier fragmentation and collision!

From now on, as if the whole world was shattering, there was a terrifying crackling sound from the earth, a deafening noise rang, and then a crack appeared under everyone’s feet.

The crack was at the foot of Malati, and the sound of creaking creaked, and cracks appeared one after another. These were the cracks before the earthquake. Seeing this, everyone’s face changed completely.

The glaciers are collapsing in front of us. The desert state does not rely on the sea. However, the terrible glacier collapse and the earthquake caused by the splitting of plates have made everyone despair and let everyone know what is the era of global islands. At this moment, The desert country has issued an SOS emergency to the world, and the world calls for help!

The top news and hot search on Twitter is the split of all islands in the desert state!

The huge island of nearly 300 million people and the state of 300 million people have become more than 300 giant islands. The snow and ice tsunami covered everything, and each island seemed to have become the eternity of mankind.

Under the hot search, the western madness is panicking and commenting!

“God, our Eagle Nation has just encountered an earthquake, and glaciers are also breaking up. The world is starting now. This is simply terrible…”

If you look at it with a global satellite, you will find that the glaciers of the Eagle Country are also cracking, and a huge glacier is also cracking and cracking. The terrifying snowstorm and avalanches cover everything!

As for individual coastal countries encountering ice-bound tsunamis, it is a truly terrifying “ice-bound tsunami.” The tsunami can even reach hundreds of meters. The “ice-bound” means that when the tsunami approaches the ground, minus 100 degrees will cause the tsunami to be a piece of tsunami. The ice is sealed up, but anyone who is submerged by the sea will be instantly frozen in the ice layer, lingering on the ice, watching the last life pass, this is the ice-bound tsunami! ! !

However, there is a hot search number one that quickly appeared, with a brand new number one and a high popularity, and that is the Eastern Showdown!

This is a video from the Oriental Special Research Institute. In the video, the trend of aerial photography satellites is used. The shooting is accompanied by the emergence of global islands and global crustal movements. Although the subtropical continents have not burst, the terrifying glaciers and icy tsunami are all there. Raging!

For example, the Liaohai Square is close to the Liaohai. Now the tsunami has flooded the coastal cities, and the giant black continental steel wall barrier stands majestically. A wave of waves accompanied by bangs continues to hit the steel wall barrier, and the sound of collision behind it It continued, and it continued to hit the black steel walls in between. The walls of the continent began to be covered by frost, graphene began to emit temperature, and the frost began to melt. This is the most terrifying collision between humans and nature.

The picture is shocking! ! !

In front of every city in the east, individual unstable snow-capped mountains began to crack, and the sound of avalanches continued to sound. Two dozen terrifying snow-capped mountains began avalanches. , Issued defensive instructions, and then every city wall, graphene aerogel was turned on, and the nearly 40-meter-high city wall entered a defensive state. In the city, people could only hear a bang, a bang, and satellite aerial photography. Angle down.

Everyone saw a wave of terrifying avalanches crashing into the snowy cities, this is an extremely stunning and beautiful picture of the world, as if the whole world has been reduced to snow and wind!

But at this moment, the continental barrier in the east, the wall of steel, and the city of snow in the east have started a crazy collision. The whole world is watching the scene of this collision. This is the first time that mankind has used infrastructure to confront a terror avalanche and a tsunami. !

This is also the first time in the chronicle that Fengxue Chain City has officially shot! .

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