Chapter 148

From the beginning of the ice age in mid-January, not only satellites, but any continent can feel the horror of avalanches above the surface!

The snow-capped mountains that were close to tens of meters or even hundreds of meters began to collapse, and the snow flakes merged into a sea of ​​snow to drown everything, very terrifying, devouring everything!

Any tall buildings above the surface, any human habitation, any human survivor center are all submerged, and only the humans below the surface are barely lingering and avoiding.

The disaster is not only these, but also the major volcanoes from the west began to erupt, the magma confronted the wind and snow, and the terrifying extreme cold continued, so in a short time the magma was frozen again, but the terrifying volcanic ash began to darken the snowflakes. .

So this formed a very shocking picture, that is, the magma appeared and then collided, and the terrible cracking sound sounded, and the world was shocked!

Layers of magma were covered by the wind and snow, the temperature continued, and the terrifying disasters spread even more. People all over the world realized that this was an ice age that could truly destroy the world. This was the ice age that made mankind desperate. This is the real disaster!

And in this terrible disaster, every city in the east such as Guangcheng, Dongshan City, Yanjing, Baicheng, Anhui, the South, the North and so on stood majestically on this continent.

The sound of avalanches constantly resounded with the impact of snowflakes, and coastal cities were hit by waves of tsunamis, but the 60-meter-high arched steel wall of the coastal continental barrier was resisting all icy tsunamis and all earthquakes in the ocean. The impact, like a horrible steel wall, guarding all this, represents the strongest power of mankind, none of them.

In the current YouTube Twitter, ins, the global island disasters are the hottest searched first.

The second most searched is Eastern Engineering.(Read more @

For the first time, the global island disasters showcased the project in the East, because the global island disasters involve the fragmentation of snow peaks and icebergs, ocean crustal movement, and the crustal movement of individual continents. This means that avalanches will impact every city, and it also means The icy tsunami will hit every coastal city, even inland cities-cities.

However, the continental steel wall in the east and the chain city of wind and snow perfectly guard the entire east, so in the second hot search, the people in the west are a bit complicated, from the people of the eagle country, the people of the rose and the tsar, and the people of the desert country. The survivors, they don’t know what to say, because this is the only successful thing for humans on the surface to fight against disasters!

“God, since we didn’t know it, the East Wind and Snow Chain City started to build huge black walls. Initially we questioned it, but now, when the avalanche hits, I only know that the East Wind and Snow Chain City is close to 40%. The meter-high, towering city wall turned out to be so terrifying and shocking. God, the power of the East is so desperate!”

“The first surface avalanche, the first time in the East, let us witness the strength of the mainland barrier steel and the powerful power of Feng Shui Link City. In the era of global engineering comparison, the East scored full marks for the first time, and the next one will be the final. Contrast the era.”

At this moment, the Eastern Project is very hot in the West. In the East, the people of every city live and work in peace and contentment, go to work normally, and the small buses in the city are in operation. They are trains driven by new energy. Because in the new city and other places, the crude oil is extremely high. Less, so new energy is used.

On the 8th floor of Yanjing Yuxue Community, Ying Ziye stood on the balcony, with his hands on his back, his eyes were clear, and his eyes were low. He stared at the spacious streets not far away, with drops of wind and snow in the sky. The hot air began to melt and turned into water droplets dripping on the ground. Pedestrians were holding umbrellas and began to commute to get off work in an orderly manner. Shops were opening.

The civilization of the East is not at all chaotic, and there is no sense of panic at all. Although the city is still facing waves of avalanche at this moment, the order within the city is proud and orderly. This is the power that a city brings.

Not only that, huge airships are being tested on the rooftops of individual official buildings on the streets. This is the first time that manned airships are lit with flames!

On the streets, densely packed steam pipes are all over the city. Outside the city, airships are impacting and flying, but inside the city is a quiet color. The airship is military green and follows the airship slowly. Slow flight, stunning and beautiful scenes, magical flying, magical Ferris wheel, magical hot blast furnace, and the giant city wall roaring in the sky that avalanche hits the mainland barrier and so on, casting the magical east!

0 ··Find flowers··········

The disasters on the islands around the world are coming. The reason why the people in the East did not feel the smell of the disaster is because all the projects have started to work and they have begun to make the strongest preparations. Therefore, everyone is extremely happy and extremely comfortable. The comfort it brought was very comfortable, and they all sighed all the time.

Win Midnight took out his mobile phone on the balcony and directly sent a text message. This is the text message with the highest status of the special research. It is called the final plan of the island. As the message is sent, closing the mobile phone seems to have closed an era, and it started immediately. The change is about to begin.

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On March 15th, the first small passenger jet engine erupted over the square. The motorboat was 35 meters long and 10 meters wide. It was extremely huge and equipped with aerogel graphene temperature layer. The center, as the airship center.

In the airship center, with the howling of the cold wind, the city minister and other high-level officials boarded the airship. Then, a roaring engine sounded, and the airship slowly flew up, shocked, and continued to fly with surprise.

Not only here, in Dongshan City, Ecological Park Minister Liu Qiang also boarded a silver-blue airship with Dongshan City 01 written on it. As he boarded the airship, there was a roar and the airship slowly rose. The thermal power began to slowly push, straight up and straight up, and then the push has sounded, and the horrible push sounded, under the extreme cold covered by ice crystals, the graphene began to emit temperature, and the ice melted.

This is the Shanghai Airship Center. Minister of Shanghai Liu Xuelong boarded a sky-red airship engine roaring, and then the airship rose to the destination of Yanjing.

So under this satellite, the meteorological satellite captured the most stunning and shocking scene, that is, a giant airship flying out, all airships from military green, sky blue, silver gray, colorful airships, from the strong winds of the country Snow City went to Yanjing, just for a final meeting! Death.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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