Chapter 150

On April 1, the first half of the ice age, the ministers of every new city took airships back to the major new cities in the first half of the year. The use of aerogel graphene insulation layer became the first airship material in the ice age, and thermal energy was used to promote Floating, this is also the first time humans fly into the sky during the Ice Age.

Therefore, there are many airships over the east now, which have become one of the characteristics of the east, as well as the snow country trains that are running, and the cold-resistant transportation manned vehicles have begun to slowly appear!

One is the global airship, and the other is the Snow Country Train, which is stunning around the country.

On April 1, at 11:00 am, the Special Research Institute issued an announcement. The content of the announcement is as follows: “From now on, the East will begin to use the mainland as its base and the ocean as its development, so as to respond to the global island era, and hope that the whole people will innovate in the ocean. era!”

Afterwards, in every city, such as Yanjing, Guangcheng, Dongshan City, Bincheng, etc., the big worker community, railway worker community, engineer community and so on, the community broadcasts all sounded at the same time:

“From now on, the world will enter the era of giant ocean engineering. The general public is invited to study oceanography, construction, and infrastructure, and make preparations. In the future, my country will accelerate the development of oceans. A vast project is about to start. Prepare!”

After the release, people on the streets looked at the sky and the direction of coastal cities.

By the Dongshan City Ecological Park, many workers are looking in the direction of the West Sea. Outside the city is a group of wild beasts, some wild wolves that have adapted to the extreme cold, they are all running on the snow, running on the glacier, chasing For herbivores such as antelopes, these workers looked at the direction of Xihai and couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Ocean engineering, do you all know? Now, in addition to Subreme, Prairie Island, and Eagle State, all other continents have experienced small and large plate collisions and splits. All kinds of split islands Began to appear.”

“Yes, yes, there are more and more islands now, indicating that the disaster may be getting bigger and bigger, so the official is about to take action, grandma’s really exciting!!!”

The workers all spoke with excitement, and they all looked up at the coastal direction. There will be the starting point of great projects!

The No. 10 factory in the Southern Industrial Corridor is extremely mysterious. It is a comprehensive project consisting of small shipyards and small flat slab factories. The shipyard covers an area of ​​50,000 kilometers.

The name of the factory is the floating board factory. In the No. 2 workshop of the floating board project, the current 10 branch factory directors are all assembled, and one piece is hanging in front of everyone. It is 2 meters from the Yanjing National Research Institute. 2 meters, nearly 50 cm thick floating slab!

The floating plate uses a variety of plastic materials and floating waterproof performance. Among them, the surface is called aerogel, which can withstand the force to float on the sea surface. This is the floating plate. A large area of ​​the floating plate can be formed on the sea. An island in a habitable form, extremely stable.

The leader who came to take the lead was Zhao Guofeng, the deputy team leader. Zhao Guofeng stood in front of everyone. He pointed to the floating board in the projection: “Everyone, this is the floating version of the construction drawings and construction plans. Next, there will be countries and countries. Young professors from the research institute and the official research team will come to assist you.”

“Next, the floating board factory, the biggest task is to build floating islands in large quantities. Now can you tell me if you have confidence!”

After Zhao Guofeng finished speaking, everyone saluted and saluted. For them, they have more or less touched this kind of floating material board, and they are very experienced.

After Zhao Guofeng left, each factory started an academic factory discussion around the floating board.

The second factory director Li Yangguang said with a solemn voice: “A large number of floating panels are manufactured. Once the floating panels are connected, temporary aerogel floating houses can be built on the snow, similar to plastic insulated houses, which are cold-proof. Very good sex, if it’s at sea”

The second factory director Li Yangguang’s voice paused, because his face was full of horror at this moment, and he was a little afraid to continue speaking.

Next to him, a factory director answered: “If it is at sea, these floating boards will become a giant floating flat board, forming a floating island, similar to a man-made floating island. We are an industrial corridor. There will also be a national scientific research team that will cooperate with us.”

“So the next production volume will be extremely large, so it is very likely to be used on the sea in the future, which means that on every piece of sea, artificial islands are beginning to float in the West Sea and the East Sea. Oh my God, this kind of project is too big. so horrible!”

Start now!

The floating slab machine of Factory No. 10 began to make a huge noise. The workers of the foundry began to make the first step according to the drawings. The truck drivers and forklift drivers began to transport raw materials. The Snow Country train also began to distribute aerogel in batches. Material transportation. After the special research institute issued instructions, the whole country began to transport materials, and the reserve work started.

Not only here, but in the No. 2 factory, a giant factory, the most iconic in the South and the most ranked steel factory in the world. Li Manshan is standing in the conference room. He is now in charge of a steel frame. Production Plan.

Li Guofeng was by his side. Both of them were black-faced and burly men. They stood together like giant bears, with fierce muscles and very burly.

In front of the two of them were the factory directors of the black-faced brawny man. Everyone was very energetic, and their fingers were a little rough. This was made by manipulating steel for a long time.

The drawings began to be projected, and the drawings were very simple. This is an extremely common sea-crossing bridge that has appeared since the 1950s. There are many sea-crossing bridges in our country. Every year, sea-crossing bridges are under construction, such as the largest sea-crossing bridge in the world. Bridge, Huangshidao Sea-crossing Bridge, Liaohai Sea-crossing Bridge, and other sea-crossing bridges. But the drawing in front of me made every worker in the branch of the steel plant and the director of the branch a little frightened.(Read more @

Because the drawing of the sea-crossing bridge in front of us is unprecedentedly huge, and it has never appeared before. This is a super-giant sea-crossing bridge covering the West Sea, the Liaohai Sea, and the North Sea.

Above the sea, a cross-sea bridge is made of steel, the black heavy metal structure exudes pitch-black light, and the power of mechanical texture covers the entire bridge body. This cross-sea bridge carries a shocking force, which will It is the most shocking super bridge in history, extremely shocking.

On the drawing, there are sea-crossing bridges connecting the three continents of the West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea. On the seashore, there are continental barrier steel walls, and above the sea, there are huge and majestic sea-crossing bridges impacted by the ice-bound tsunami. Everyone was stunned when this blueprint appeared. They knew that the first major mission of the Ice Age, the Ice Age, and the Industrial Corridor was here.

Zhao Guofeng bowed, and then left the team members, scientific researchers, and engineers behind, and he evacuated by himself.

Li Manshan, the general director of the industrial corridor steel plant, Li Dahai, the director, and others, as well as the National Research Institute, the chief designer team of the cross-sea bridge, and the chief engineer team, a total of nearly 50 high-level seniors, all standing on this giant sea-crossing bridge drawing Before the drawings of the sea-crossing bridge covering three sea areas, they stopped one after another.

There was the sound of raindrops dripping outside. Before 150 meters, they were blizzards and hail. At 80 meters, they were wind and snow, and at 50 meters, they were water droplets.

The voices of major engineers in the conference room, or branch factory directors all sounded one after another

“God, the sea-crossing bridge covers three seas and is close to the steel wall of the mainland barrier. I am not mistaken? This is probably the most terrifying sea-crossing bridge in history. A project of this scale is simply frightening. This should be It is the biggest project of mankind during the ice age!”

Director Li Dahai’s complexion changed drastically. He couldn’t help but breathe in and then said: “Did you not think of a flat aircraft carrier? Didn’t you think of a steam warship? It is equipped with these sea-crossing bridges, so you say you can walk on this bridge. what?”

“I heard that the construction of floating artificial islands, artificial islands, sea-crossing bridges, continental steel barriers, steam warships, and flat aircraft carriers began in Factory No. 10. It’s shot.”

Li Manshan, the factory director, made an ancient etiquette with his fists, which means full assistance. Then everyone followed their fists. In the rainy weather, the machine construction of the cross-sea bridge began, and the steel began to burn with a roar. , The city seems more and more warm.

On August 15th, 1/3 of the world and other places were all split into islands.

On November 20th, except for the subtropical continental grassland continent and the Eagle Nation continent, all the rest of the world began to split into 1/2. Now the number of islands in the world has reached millions. From the perspective of the Earth’s galaxy, almost except for the East and other landmass, The other earth than Ai Mian is no longer a whole continent, but an island that has begun to split.

Those islands are covered by snow and ice, standing above the sea, becoming a vast expanse of islands, an island with endless ups and downs.

On January 1, the second year of the ice age, at this moment, the global islands were completely formed. There were only three continents left in the world. The West entered the era of super engineering, working 14 hours a day, and food was reduced.

The West began to try to cultivate food underground and space to cultivate food, because the food crisis began to strike, and at the same time, the birth of the population was forbidden to grow. Everything must first be kept in order, food and other energy sources should be sufficient, and the world has begun to enter a crisis era. Especially the era of global islands is about to take shape.

On January 1st, 2 years, the sky was rare and white. It was very rare that it was no longer a dark sky. The sun had been blocked, but the white sky made the earth bright, which was extremely comfortable for many people. The weather is up.

The avalanches outside were still going on, and there were sounds of various avalanches, and even the sound of glaciers crashing, crashing into major buildings and high-rise buildings, and now the forested high-rise buildings above the surface are almost completely submerged.

Inside and outside the city are the sound of constant impact avalanches. In front of the Dongfang Iron and Steel Barrier, the East City Gate is always open. Super powerful snowplow trucks and blasting trucks are all carrying out snow shoveling and blasting in the wild to prevent the super-thick snow from being submerged. .

Because of the ice age, many human dwellings were completely submerged, and the two bunkers of the Eagle Country were submerged, and then the message disappeared. As for what happened to it, you can imagine.

At 10:00, every city in the east still maintains order and order, trains and airships are constantly transporting material factories, and industrial corridors are all urgent and busy builders.

Under the maintenance of the order in the city, the jet suspension train began to send humans to every place in this new city. At the same time, everyone’s radio and working community broadcasts sounded from the Supreme Special Research Institute on this day. Announcement sound, at this moment, it seems like an era is about to begin ——-

The contents of the research institute’s announcements were all pushed to Weibo headlines and other news and became the number one in the hot search.

The content of the announcement is as follows: “From now on, mankind is about to enter the era of global islands. From now on, in the next or a new era for mankind, it will be the future era of the East, so the East will open the cross-sea train artificial floating island, steam technology The era of warships, flat-panel aircraft carriers.

“Next, the East will develop the ocean into the ocean as the second ecological paradise, and the ocean will provide the East with a lot of food, etc., and even in the next millions of years, the people in the East will focus on ocean development, so This will be a huge project that will shock the country!”

Under the hot search, the people who left comments were extremely excited.

[Chen Wenshuai]: “Islands around the world are disintegrating. It is said that the time in the West is as high as 14 hours. The daily food is three slices of bread and a pack of lettuce mixed with lettuce. Because the underground world, the West has tried more than a dozen times of agricultural planting and planting. The speed is extremely slow, so only the powerful can eat fresh vegetables.” Now we in the East have begun to prepare for large quantities, we have the Beihai warehouse, we have the ecological park, and the next project is successful, we will have the entire ocean ! ”

[Tang Shuaishuai]: I’m only shocked, because we can eat enough food during the ice age, that is, our preparations during the civilization period, agriculture, and the reserves of Beihai warehouses, so that the people of the East don’t have so many working hours. , So I support any decision made by the Special Research Institute! ”

At 11:00 in the morning, Twitter also ranked first in hot searches on Twitter in the West, and then the major Western officials directly questioned it.

The official of the Eagle Country and the official Marantis of the Shanhai Center released a video, which he himself recorded in the bunker!

In the video content, Marantis is wearing a black suit with a half-ripe steak next to him. He stands in front of the camera and talks, quite gentlemanly.

“Gentlemen. Next, we will develop outer space and lead the West into outer space. The Ice Age is the saddest era for mankind. Now all the projects in the East cannot be completed. They can only wait for the ice age to pass, or find a place to live on the other side. Planet, so the Eastern choice is wrong.”

At the same time, Roddy, the head of the National Security Office of the Eagle State, also issued a statement. Each of his words represented his judgment as a Western white man.

“I don’t need to say a lot of complicated things, I just want to say that the East simply cannot complete this kind of plan. This will be the saddest plan that humans care about the most. Humans can’t complete it, and no one can complete it, only the white underground world. Is the best.”

“We are now beginning to experiment with large-scale planting. Although the white people have the longest working hours, once the underground world opens up, we start to grow vegetables and grow food, then we will be the best place to live, and at the same time, our Allies have also begun to go to outer space. Our underground world can, and we can also choose outer space. This is the preparation of the West, and this is the best plan for the white people.”

Under the hot search, people in the West have also expressed their attitudes, because the plan in the East is really crazy. The cross-sea bridge covers three sea areas with trains and artificial floating islands. Each of these plans is shocking. It’s unbelievable.

The hottest search is number one, and western people are starting to leave messages!

[KOOLO]: “I am an Indian. As a member of the Eagle Nation, I am now in the underground world. The dungeon is perfect. Despite the long working hours, I can imagine the future social civilization in the dungeon. , That is, civilization in the center of the earth, perhaps after thousands of years, underground civilization will be eternal, and the surface above will become a forbidden place for wind and snow, a super forbidden zone for mankind, so the western underground is our ultimate destination, the eastern one Projects are all crazy, they are all conceptual, and they can’t be realized at all!”

[OPPNI]: “This is the Eagle Nation. As a professor at a university, I think even more that the underground world and outer space migration is the real cross-age plan. In outer space, we have chosen a fixed area, 4 of them Aeronautics have been living in it for a week, and they will continue to migrate. Mars is the ultimate destination for humans. The ice age of the earth will become a forbidden place. Humans will not survive, and the East will not be able to complete this. project.”

From now on, the whole world is ridiculing, controversial, and waiting, because almost everyone thinks that the project of the East cannot be completed at all!

No one has seen all the news trends since January 1, 2nd of the Ice Age. After the announcement of the East, the mega-project of the ocean started directly!

This country has always been like this, under all pressure, brave the wind and waves, suppress everything! .

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