Chapter 151

At 10:00 am on January 2, the second year of the ice age, almost the world is paying attention to the Eastern Mega-Ocean Project, and the whole world is paying attention to whether it can be realized and how to realize it!

From the perspective of the galaxy and the gas layer, more and more islands on the earth are now split. In such a split situation, one is either to avoid, or choose to hide underground, or choose to escape the galaxy, but no country has ever chosen He chose to confront directly, but Dongfang chose, so he attracted global attention.

At 10:00 in the morning, Dongfang took the lead to release an aerial live broadcast, which is beyond ocean engineering. The first scene starts directly from Guangcheng, Shanghai, Baicheng, and then to Chengyan City, and there are cars in front of each city. The snow shovel was galloping, and the horrible snow shovel was working before the blizzard, and it was driving forward. There was only one color, and that was army green. Underneath was an Eastern Iron Army, which was an Eastern Railroad worker, and a ground vehicle. The same is true for the snow shovel, which is also a railway worker in the East.

This means that before the storm across the country, the call for responses was opened again and again, and huge cars began to gallop. Their only purpose was the eastern coastal cities. Outside the stormy city, teams of railway workers were all going, all I was very shocked at the call to go. This is the first scene, the scene of the Eastern Railway workers dispatched!

When this first scene appeared, under the barrage, everyone in the East felt extremely proud, because now there is an extreme cold above minus degrees above the surface, with blizzards, hail falling, and horror. The avalanche, the glacier and snow, and so on, were deadly dangerous. But under this danger, no one in the east flinched. The snow shovel continued to gallop and the airship continued to travel. Everyone went forward without hesitation.

In the live broadcast, it started to go crazy, and the people in the East were so proud that they were sending out barrage.

[City Lord]: This is the Eastern Iron Army, and this is the Eastern Railway Workers. Whether it is during the ice age, whether it is a blizzard, whether it is icy cold or avalanche, there is no regression in the East. The positive power we show, we want To develop this continent, we have to confront, not hide, nothing else, long live the Eastern Iron Army!

[Little Fat Piggy]: I saw this group of lovely workers moving towards any danger. They are facing the danger of despair, facing an avalanche, but the teams are still moving forward. They seem to have no fear. At this moment, I saw that the East showed a real strength to make people strong. This would be the most powerful Eastern Iron Army in human history.

The people of the East are united, but the western people who are watching the live broadcast of the East at this moment have complex expressions, because they are still working in a 14-hour factory underground, and there are two slices of bread and a slice of dried lettuce a day. Everyone is pale. This is caused by the long-term underground environment.

Everyone hasn’t spoken yet, because the more terrifying and shocking live broadcast began to appear.

I saw that the picture of this scene began to change at this moment, and now it is the picture that is truly worthy of being called an amazing scene, that is…

Above the three sea areas of the West China Sea, the Liaohai Sea and the North Sea, layers of broken ice appeared and the ice layer began to freeze and superimposed, and the cracking sound of cracking above this ice layer was not the most terrifying scene of fragmented ice. Because layers of huge waves began to surging, what really caused the surging waves was a black super-giant flat-panel aircraft carrier!

One, two, three, five, a total of five super-giant flat aircraft carriers appeared. This is an ice-breaking aircraft carrier. With hundreds of and propelling engines roaring, slices of broken ice appeared, and the ice layer was more than 10 thick. It was crushed directly, and the sound of bang cracking sounded, making people fearful.

The five flat-panel aircraft carriers are close to 60,000 meters and almost cover a large area of ​​the sea. When all the five ice-breaking aircraft carriers are unveiled, the pictures and the sea are stunningly beautiful.

Western people seem to dare not continue to inhale, but even more terrifying waves hit, waves of waves continue to crash into the strong continental barrier of steel, and there are three boats that cause this wave flower, which can really be called. It is a “giant mechanical steam technology ship”.

The high-definition picture appears. This is a giant ancient steam hull, which looks like a giant medieval ship, because it is so huge, it is like a black behemoth roaring at night, and it emits steaming steam, and white steam is permeating!

So on the hull, bursts of white steam filled the hull, but the ship showed terrifying and propelling technology. The terrifying engine was erupting and propelling. It was telling everyone that the ship was not a medieval heavy mechanical steam ship. It is the appearance of a steam machine, and the super energy of the engine is nuclear propelled inside. This is the ice age horror super ship.

At this moment, the western people seemed to be stunned. They almost stared at them with stunned eyes, because when five flat-panel aircraft carriers appeared, they were stunned. When all three mechanical steam technology appeared, they completely doubted their lives. There are left these five flat aircraft carriers and three super warships.

There are waves of waves hitting the steel bridge of the eastern continent.

This is a scene of stunning and beautiful scenes of the ocean, the world is shocked, and all the ice layers that are shattered by the engine are horrible, and all the ice layers are being crushed. This is the roar brought by the explosion and the engine. Power, the roar of the heavens and the earth, the power of the world.

Under the barrage, the people in the West were almost wailing and roaring.

“What the hell is God Dongfang doing〃〃?”

“Medieval mechanical steamships should be equipped with anti-cold treatment. What kind of civilization are they going to start?”

“The direction of their civilization is not science and technology, nor is it a retrogression of ancient civilizations, but more like a mutant civilization, with mechanical steam, technological civilization, nuclear propulsion, and new energy development. This terrifying civilization has no traceability. They chose this step, they chose to fight against disasters, so they chose a mutant civilization.”

“God, the white people chose the underground civilization, the Eagle Nation chose the outer space civilization, and the East chose the technological mutation. This is not just a comparison of major power projects, but a comparison of civilizations, a super-contrast era!!!”

The barrage began to become quieter, because the last scene appeared!

The third scene appears. In the first scene, the national railway workers take the airship and the snow car, the Blizzard chariot, to the West Sea, Liaohai, Beihai and other sea areas. There is also a team of engineers, one by one, all the Tyrannosaurus wagons from the steel plant also went to the sea. Coastal waters.

The current scenes are converging, and some avalanches are starting, and the horrible snow floods the Blizzard tank, but the technology engine uses super power to roar, so the Blizzard tank directly rushes out of the snow. This scene is quite amazing.

Especially when hundreds or even tens of thousands of Blizzard trucks gathered in a row, the scene of this scene was astonishing to the extreme, adding a bit of vitality to this desolate white snow continent.

And here in the north is the West Sea, where wild animals begin to gallop, brown bears, wild wolves, etc., are still dotted with this continent, and they have begun to evolve their long fur and long cold resistance!(Read more @

Many vehicle engineers on both sides of the road are watching. Now Western people know that this is a living species in the East, so how terrifying the next major explosion of living species will be, benefiting the biological rewriting hundreds of millions of years ago. And now, the scene is finally reuniting, turning into the final scene, that is, all the teams gather in the coastal area.

Until the final scene of the satellite weather appeared, these flat aircraft carriers began to release pieces of giant floating boards, which are silver-white floating boards, and 60,000-meter-long aircraft carriers began to float on the azure water. Carrying a large number of floating boards, pieces of floating bombs began to float, and then the robotic arm automatically began to connect.

On the three seas of the West China Sea, the Liaohai Sea and the North Sea, five flat-panel aircraft carriers are scattered over the three seas. With the launch of the aircraft carriers, these aircraft carriers all begin to drop floating boards, and then the robotic arms of the floating boards are automatically connected. A scene of natural circulation was formed, and the three warships continued to patrol, guarding and defending like fighters from the East.

Above the three seas, when the floating boards start to connect, from 10 meters to 100 meters, from 100 meters to 1000 meters, from 1000 meters to 5000 meters to 5000 meters, floating panels appear. It directly forms a leisure island in the ocean!

Then the flat aircraft carrier released heavy machinery, the robot began to walk, the ice tsunami began to impact the floating board, waves of tsunami protection boards were submerged, but then the floating board floated up again, this is just a man-made floating board base!

This will be the most classic scene in history, that is, above the West Sea, four or five floating island bases appear, one after another floating island bases appear in the North Sea waters, and above the West Sea, floating islands are also magnificent and magnificent. Appeared, floating islands appeared high above the sea, exuding a silvery white light of surprise.

For the first time, the desolate sea has a human breath!

Beside the floating islands, this is a silver-white flat aircraft carrier, as well as black steam warships. On the coast, there are railroad workers, Blizzard or convoys all lined up one after another. Rows of cars, a total of 10,000 cars, are like a super roaring black giant snake. Workers wear cold-proof clothes and oxygen masks to get off the cars, cross the sea bridge, and the train project starts. Only at this moment everyone knows. What will the East do? They want to build a cross-sea bridge! ! !

I saw that these materials were all huge building materials, steel, and bridge steel. They were piled up just now, and they were covered with frost just now, but the coated aerogel layer just started to emit spontaneous temperature. After the ice melted, a pile of The pile of steel appeared, the engineering team began temporary assembly, and finally the tower crane began to install, and the crane began to install.

In the extreme cold, in the distance, snow-capped mountains are experiencing avalanches and glaciers are bursting, but here, the Eastern workers are shielding the steel wall and are still stubbornly unloading and installing them. They have no fear at all!

This is building a cross-sea bridge. To be precise, this is a cross-sea bridge train, which will be a cross-sea train track.

Equipped with those super islands, so this has formed a scene of super amazing scenes, the cross-sea bridge train stands majestically, when the train starts from the north and the south to the West Sea, the North Sea, and the Liaohai, a floating island begins. Work, start breeding, start planting, start as a marine observatory!

When all the classic pictures of this scene appear, then the most beautiful and shocking marine engineering prototype in history appears!

At this moment, the western people are in horror. They are firing barrage frantically, and the barrage is extremely hot.

“God, what the hell is the cross-sea train going east? They not only want the Snow Country Train to go around the country, but also the Snow Country Train to go around the sea, around these three sea areas. This is an ice age!”

“This is the recent era above the surface!”

“The East is crazy. They are fighting against the disaster and they have to develop in the disaster.”

“Their mutated science and technology civilization has reached this level. It is really a crazy country, the unity of civilizations like crazy!!”

In the picture, what really shocked the people of the West was the unity of the East. Those railway workers faced the sound of surrounding avalanches and glaciers, as well as the sound of coastal winds and tsunamis. They were not afraid at all. They were still wearing winter clothes and oxygen masks. ,continue working!

In addition, they have to develop the strongest ocean background in the global island era, which means that once the ice age is on the right track, then in the next era of global hegemony, the East will become the only country with maritime strategic power!

They are laying out plans covering thousands of years, which means that in the future, the country of the East will last for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. This is tens of thousands of years. It has always been the first in all aspects and has always been the super first.

The West is amazed, and the live broadcast of the East is telling the world that even in the Ice Age, even in the Ice Age, ice, tsunamis, blizzards, ice cold, hurricanes, etc., or global islands and other disasters, the East has never I have been afraid, I have always maintained the spirit of resistance, and I have never been afraid of any disasters. Now I have got the best proof.

The picture continues, the floating island continues to be laid, and the Beihai is behind. The Beihai Sea Warehouse is the first marine warehouse developed by the East during the civilization period. There is no movement in the Beihai now.

Due to special geographical reasons, the concentration of oxygen in the North Sea is extremely high. In this unhurried sea area, schools of fish are seen appearing, including bass, sea fish and other turtles, and even whales and sharks. Now, this sea area is exuding super brilliance like a creature, and the bright brilliance is shining, radiating the vitality of life and the vitality of animals.

For the first time, the Beihai Warehouse demonstrated the power of the Eastern layout. Now the world knows that the layout of the Beihai Warehouse is the largest ocean trump card in the East. The East has already started a beginning layout in the ocean age. From now on, all the layouts are connected and formed. Super large ocean engineering layout

The moment the screen closed, all kinds of barrage were still developing, some were unbelievable, some ridiculed, some were ridiculed, some were amazed, and some prayed to go to the east. In short, life is different, but the screen is still closed…

Bang bang bang!

The wind and snow are colliding, above the city wall, above the city wall of Yanjing Haishan Pass. This is the place where Win Midnight likes to come. He likes to stand on the high wall and look down, his eyes gleaming and staring down. , Watching the howling blizzard hit him, watching the snowy mountains collapse, watching the glaciers in front of him, the broken ice falling, this shocking feeling of the times made him infatuated.

Behind him, there are constant reports.

“` ¨Report team leader, five flat-panel aircraft carriers are going to sea.”

“Reported (good) to the team leader that the three giant steamships are ready to go to sea.”

“Report team leader, the floating islands are being laid out.”

“Leader of the report, the live broadcast of Beihai Warehouse is over.”


He was not watching the live broadcast, because he had arranged all the layouts now. Next to him was Zuo Yan, the leader of the infrastructure team, standing quietly with his left eye!

Under the blizzard, Zuo Yan spoke.

“Team leader, it is two years of ice age. Eastern order and agricultural industry are all normal. What are we going to do next? Do we continue to develop silently?”

Ying Ziye shook his head, he stared in the direction of the West and said Cai.

“The work in the West is now 14 hours long and food is scarce. Now the underground living environment in the West is depressed and the space progress is slow. Now our agricultural, industrial and oceanic layouts are completed, so…”

The voice of Ying Ziye was silent for a while, but it was only silent for a while, and then he directly stretched out his hands, both of them pinched two wind and snow groups, and then he broke out the ultimate fighting intent!

“So next will be the naked announcement of the Eastern trump card. The West will see where our industry has reached, what the people in the East are eating, and how long the workers’ working hours are. We must let everyone in the West know. All the cards that the East made during the civilization period are about to come out, and the people in the East must also be told that they have chosen the power of the whole country to be the most correct choice!”

“Next, the era of global engineering comparison is about to come to an end, with a real showdown from the East, so please prepare globally.”

After Ying Ziye finished speaking, Zuo Yan couldn’t help being excited. He began to tremble. To be precise, he waited for this time for a long time. He waited for the last-minute showdown. After waiting for a long time, now it is finally about to showdown. NS! ! !

The showdown in all areas from industry, agriculture, etc., the East will tell the world that now we are invincible, and then we will be invincible. The descendants of Yan and Huang are still invincible, and we will still be invincible even after hundreds of years on this continent!

This is what Dongfang will do next, before the global island disaster! .

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