Chapter 153

The miniaturization of the industry is over. When trucks of cotton-padded clothes and airships of cotton-padded clothes appear, only those people in the West will know how far the industrial system in the East has reached.

They did not have time to send barrage, because the East has greater confidence to make the next picture more beautiful, not only the roar of the machinery in the new city, but also the plants and seaweeds, and wild animals are also dotting the mainland. In this wind and snow On the mainland, it is still early on the seaweed iceberg, and the wild animals on the glacier are also adding greater vitality and greater color to the continent.

Here is Dongshan City, known as the agricultural land and ecological paradise of the subtropical continent.

The first scene of the live broadcast is the center of the ecological park. The fresh vegetables in the lettuce park are in Yunshu. This is the freshest vegetable transported by the pipeline. There are a lot of fresh vegetables, such as rapeseed, lettuce, lotus root, cucumber, eggplant, Tomatoes, winter melon and so on.

This picture is just the beginning, because the transportation has brought to the ecological paradise, and the poultry has been transported to the slaughterhouse. The meat of cattle, sheep and poultry, eggs, etc., are all transporters in batches. The slaughterhouse has begun, and fresh poultry. It became frozen, transported with airships, and national trains began to transport. This is the first time that people in the West have seen fresh poultry, which is used as mature food, and milk is being transported. Buckets of milk are being transported.

This kind of picture reflects the shocking beauty of agriculture, frozen poultry and eggs, food, milk, etc., all the things that existed in the civilization period, and even the food such as kelp.

Under the current curtain, the people in the East are very indifferent. They did not send any news because they have seen many such crops. However, the people in the West are launching barrage frantically!

Because for them, watching this scene, they doubted life, because their daily food is bread, dehydrated lettuce, steak, about half a month, and it is still close to spoiled steak, there is no real fresh vegetables, chicken , Pork, fish and milk are all a luxury, and only high-level people can enjoy it.

Therefore, the West has the most barrage.

[KOLLSP]: As a white man, drinking milk and eating steak is one of the staple foods, but now we are eating brown bread. Is this scene in front of us now the entire agricultural reserve power of the East? This is a perfect agricultural system. Poultry slaughterhouse, plant transportation is made into two airships for canned transportation, and there are trains sufficient to supply the country’s agricultural reserves, and it is a continuous reserve, and the wild animals on the mainland are almost No action, this is another batch of logistical reserves. It is simply amazing.

[KOOLS]: “Oh my God, the agricultural reserves in the East are simply terrifying. They have reached a perfect cycle of free reserves.”

What is called the engineering layout, from the industrial corridor to the industrial power, from the poultry and cow milk in Dongshan City in the north, to the giant airships that supply the country. When the snow country train begins to gallop, the daily supply is opened, as if this is not the ice age, but a super The trend of science and technology civilization is only that the trend of science and technology has mutated, and it has become the era of mechanical science and technology. Today, people who are heading to China and the West cannot see anything, the so-called sense of despair. They only see the strong vitality of the East. There is the power of the people who keep advancing!

So when the Beihai warehouse appeared, everyone’s expressions were extremely complex, because it was the Beihai warehouse, known as the only oxygen over-concentration warehouse in history, a large number of fish natural reserve warehouses, and a marine restricted area above the surface. The only place where there is peace, but now it belongs to the East!

In the civilized community, the East managed the Beihai warehouse. The Southern Ocean University began to manage the Beihai warehouse. The major ocean universities built marine warehouses here. The trains can transport this car of marine fish classified as seaweeds here. , Marine products and so on.

Meteorological satellites captured this scene perfectly and stunningly. Humans all over the world have seen it. They saw the calm ocean above the surface for the first time. The sky is still snowing. There are only waves of sea flowing, and the water here is even more intense. Clear, with higher oxygen concentration, humans can see at first glance what is the richness of marine species. Pieces of water are spitting bubbles, sharks, beluga schools, bass schools, crabs, prawns, squids, octopuses, Wait for all the fish races to appear, and wait for the big fish to all appear.

It seems to be a paradise for fish creatures. The fish races are all present, and there are so many species. It gives the impression that a lot of fish can be salvaged by one net!

After that, the mechanical fishing boat began to fly the fish daily. This is a fishing boat in the civilization period, but it uses a fully automatic mechanical checkered covering device. The mechanical fishing, yellow croaker, hairtail and other fish are caught and put into the North Sea. Warehouse, after these processing, heavy mechanical robots began to suspend the train carriage, and then the train carried a large number of fishes to transport the country, and the North Sea warehouse, more and more marine fish began to go to the North Sea waters, which formed a natural ecological cycle .

Everything the East is doing now is a supernatural ecological cycle. Whether it is an ecological paradise in the north, an industrial environment, or the current Beihai warehouse, these are the three paradise areas of the three ecological agricultural systems, stunning and perfect, and all cycles are ultimately complete. It is supplied to the whole country.(Read more @

This scene is not the beginning, this scene is only the beginning, because the current scene has arrived at Yanjing!

As the most famous commanding city in the East, Yenching represents the Dragon City of the East.

This is divided into inner and outer cities. Engineers live in the inner city. The basic facilities of the inner and outer cities are exactly the same, ensuring a reasonable differentiation.

Now the community broadcast is starting to ring.

“From the beginning of the food collection, please bring your ID card and start to collect the food.”

“After school, you can receive a nutritious meal.”

In every community, the broadcast is the same. You only need to bring your ID card and go to school to receive food, you need to receive better food, you can work in the city to get food coupons, such as maintenance works in the car hot high buildings Wind turbines can get food rolls, and you can get better food, such as some soft-shelled turtles, some noble foods such as velvet antler.

The order of receiving food in the East is very calm. Lined up and started receiving it without rushing. Now the screen switches to a person, that is, Win Midnight in a black military uniform. He is preparing to receive food at the gate of the community!

Behind him was a staff member who was shooting. Ying Ziyue received food for a week, including 7 yellow croakers totaling 20 jins, a white chicken, 5 jins pork, and 5 eggplants, cucumbers, and winter melons. A catty, a bag of 30 catties of flour, a bag of three catties of noodles, 10 catties of rice, three catties of millet, two catties of mung beans, some condiments, eggs, etc. This is a family of three food!

0 ··Find flowers··········

Pushing the luggage trolley, I won the midnight and drove home slowly. The staff in every community and people in each community received the same food next to the midnight.

Individual engineers can take out food rolls to receive better turtles, as well as marinated pork head meat, pork legs, etc., or better meat.

The picture began to split, splitting into Night Baicheng, Guangcheng, Xishan City, Dongshan City, Beichenghuang, Shicheng, and Yansha City. Great Wall, Hecheng, Nancheng, Wanze City, Xijiang City, Biaocheng, Xibiao City, Tianbei City, Harbour City and more!

This is true in every urban community. Every community broadcast is sounded. The people are receiving almost the same things. At the same time, according to the tastes of the north and the south, the staple food supply is also different. The south can receive more rice, and the north can receive more flour. Ensure the regional restrictions of food and taste restrictions.

0 …. …….

At the same time, with the certificate of attending school, you can receive the native chicken, and you can also receive more milk and goat’s milk, and wait for some nutritional supplements.

As for the people in the city, you can work, computer maintenance, road maintenance, snow shovel work in the city, etc., you can get a better time to exchange good, noble ingredients.

A perfect system, perfect cycle, natural and outstanding is formed.

The screen still switches to Yanjing, Yuxue District Bacheng, the kitchen is cooking at Win Midnight, stewed pork ribs with winter melon, braised chicken nuggets, fried pork head with pancakes, and scrambled eggs with chives and other side dishes!

His parents were looking at the engineering table in the living room. The kitchen smelled so fragrant, plates of stir-fried vegetables were placed on the table, and the housekeeping staff were taking pictures. Then, Win Midnight smiled at the camera.

“Everyone, how good is this meal?”

When Win Midnight spoke, the barrage in the West was completely blown up. They looked at the 16-hour labor hours, the bread in their hands, and the rare dehydrated vegetables that were about to go bad. They were frantically annoyed.

The people in the dungeons have bitter and sad eyes, grief and anger. They thought that the other party was still gnawing on the bark, but the other party created a system cycle!

People from all over the world are posting barrage.

“Oh my God, the East has formed a perfect and stunning agricultural system!”

“From the ocean to the agricultural paradise, poultry and fish all kinds of flour and the like, they grow all of this, they supply the whole country, and at the same time workers from all over the country can work perfectly in the city.”

“Their working hours are now very few, and they can still eat nutritiously balanced meat, or the freshest food, transported by airships and snow country trains. They really have achieved an industrial cycle. This is an ice age! It is simply impossible. Believe it!”

“East, this is a crazy country…”

At this moment, they fell into a life of crazy doubt.

For the first time, the East just showed a small ecological cycle, which caused the western people in the underground city to fall into a low period of life!


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