Chapter 154

This is an underground Chinatown defense station in the West. At this moment, because the people hiding in the ground during the Ice Age are receiving food, many international students are shaking their fingers. They are watching the live broadcasts of the East on their mobile phones. Everyone does not know what to say. .

They watched the industrial cotton-padded clothes in the East and the Beihai warehouses of meat plants circulating throughout the country. They watched the people in the East carrying meat, fish and other nutritionally balanced food, fresh food, and the natural environment.

A 40-meter-high city wall stands high among the clouds. In this city, thousands of meters-high wind turbines are rotating, ensuring the sinking of hot air and increasing the temperature in the city with a balanced effect. .

The most important hot fountain in the city, which is 100 meters high, is also beginning to add moisture and fresh air to the city. At the same time, the seaweed on each residential building is also growing savagely.

The city is no longer equipped with machinery and steel. Seaweed has added vitality to the city. Outside the city, not only the northern cities have wild animals, but also many wild animals have begun to walk outside the new city. Few wild snow hares and wild boars are also gnawing on the seaweed on the iceberg.

What is called a major explosion of life species? This is the origin of the real explosion of species. It was the first in the East to do so. Industrial and agricultural supplies continued to be supplied, and the ice age was fearless.

Especially the current picture is amazing, with airships floating in the sky, snow country train moving vigorously on the ground, rushing through the vast snow, the roar of the engine is steaming, accompanied by the sound of avalanches from time to time, which belongs to the miracle of the ice age. Show it off little by little.

At the moment, the three PhD students who are working in the underground project of Chinatown in the West are in charge of the construction of Chinatown. They are all students from Stan College. The leader is called Li Jiang. Li Jiang’s expression is complicated at the moment. In his original impression, he thought that the long-term consumption would be the eastern one. The food will be the same as in the West.

But unexpectedly, Li Jiang looked at the mid-wheat bread and fresh bacon in his hands. Because “Zero Forty Seven” was the chief engineer, he ate better food than ordinary people in the West.

Li Jiang smiled bitterly. At his side, Liu Yang comforted him: “Our underground world project is the greatest. Didn’t you find it? From the communities to the counties and the states to connect Get up, and finally become a dungeon, a dungeon surrounded by 10 continents, and now we are going to connect all the continents of America and turn it into a dim super land. The name of this super land is the underground world.”

After Liu Yang finished speaking, the three Ph.D students returned to their senses. They only regained their self-confidence after thinking about the current project.

From here on, the major Western officials did not use agriculture as the topic again, but began to work hard to promote the concept of engineering contrast and the concept of the underground world.

In the major news on Twitter, and other news appeared.

[The West will be the representative of the civilization of the underground world, the prayer, the earth’s inner civilization will appear][The white man will be the greatest and pioneer of civilization in the center of the earth. Next, please see that the underground city becomes the underground world. This will be the origin center of civilization in the West]

At the same time, the first in the hot search, the Minister of National Security Office Luo Di also spoke to the public again.

A 35-meter-high building behind him began to take shape. This is a residential area for the people, using a simple mechanical construction style!

In this area, some trees began to experiment with planting. At the same time, the city began to use solar energy, direct the sun, and began to experiment with thermal energy heaters and air circulation.

Behind him are scenes of Western infrastructure construction projects, which seem to be quite miraculous. After all, above the head is the surface of the earth, and at the moment they are in the underground world, so they look quite shocking.

Looking at the largest project in the West, a faint air current blew past, and he seemed to have seen a glorious era!

[Gentlemen and ladies, this is the National Security Institute. In the next ten states, twenty states will see a new era coming. Underground cities are also called the underground world. Then underground agriculture appears, underground industry appears, and underground tunnels begin. Connected, this continent of America will carry the superpower of white people. We will be the originators and pioneers of underground civilization. We will also be the last civilization in the Ice Age. This is the power of the Western Rose Country]

After Roddy spoke, scholars from some Western universities also commented:

[Massachusetts Infrastructure Dr. KOO[S]: Underground agriculture and underground industries are connected by underground tunnels. This is the underground world. The composition of us white people is really shocking. After all, we have created a geocentric civilization, and we will be the only one to survive. Race of the Ice Age!

[Doctor of Stan KOOS Geology]: Since the civilization period, we have begun to create miracles. Although our materials are not sufficient, it does not affect the birth of miracles. This is the power of the West. We have the best scientific research. Good precision instruments, the best military forces, and the best scientific research forces, so they will become the strongest!

On the tubing, the outer space program from the Eagle Nation is also very popular and highly publicized!

The official announcement of the Eagle Nation: [Outer space migration, there are currently 4 human beings. After a week of experimentation, the Eagle Nation will start a new space age. 】

[The oxygen zone in outer space is normal, the era of outer space is about to open, and the underground world is about to open. 】

The official also released a video of outer space, starting with the launch of the rocket, and then the space station began to arrange the area, the selected area pilots began to plant seaweed in the fixed area, and began to try to survive, although everyone’s face is pale and the breath is depressed, they prove It can survive in a short time. This is already a very great proof, so the enthusiasm caused by the Eagle Nation is so great that the people in the West are excited.(Read more @

In the Beihai Meteorological Observatory, the original panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows have been turned into single windows. Because the National Research Institute of the Underground City has studied temperature-insulating single windows, they are now replaced with single-layer windows, which are very sturdy.

In front of this window, Ying Ziye carried his hands on his back. Behind him are Zhao Guofeng and Lin Ping, the head of the interior, who are making a basic report on the Industrial and Agricultural Ecological Park.

Ying Ziye waved his hand and stopped everyone’s report. He stretched out his hand and tapped his fingers lightly on the window to make a banging sound, just like the sound of hail hitting the window.

After a pause, Win Midnight spoke slowly!

“Since you want to announce it, then play to the end, let the West thoroughly know what is called the Eastern Project!”

“They really think that the underground world is perfect, they really think that the outer space program is very strong, or that many people think that the so-called development in the East, the so-called scientific research in the East, are just for survival, just to resist disasters, then let Cross-sea bridge, let life species erupt, let all the truth tell them, what we have to do is to be the only existence for tens of thousands of years, we want this continent to have only one name, that is Yanhuang!”

After winning the midnight, everyone else clenched their fists in excitement!

Because this means that the front of the global islands are all open!

On January 5, the Eagle Country Institute of Biology was located next to the dungeon. This Institute of Biology had many tasks, such as the preservation of human genes, animal genes, and plant genes in outer space. It can be said that this office represents the highest level in the Eagle Country. The biological gene research force, because they want to preserve the global genes, here is also a gathering of many professors and doctors who have won the Nobel Prize in Biology and the Gold Medal in Medicine from the Eagle Country.

The underground environment here is top-notch. In the white and bright hall, no one would have imagined that it is an underground fully enclosed bunker 25 meters below. The warm wind is blowing, making this scientific research base warm like spring. Nearly 17 biology professors are there. Underground, there are two tables in front of them. The first table is the storage table of human genes in outer space, plant genes, animal genes, and the second is the number of animals extinct during the ice age, the number of marine life rice, the number of plants extinct, and the number of microorganisms. , Human beings only have the final quantity.

Above the surface, this team used to wear cold-resistant suits and oxygen masks to the surface, risking avalanches and other dangers to pay 17 military protectors, and finally explored the list of some animal extinction materials. On the list, the ocean All the creature quotas in the game have become black, which means extinction. The grasslands above the surface are dominated by the extinction of a large number of animals such as kangaroos, and all the quotas have become black.

Animals in the past civilization are close to or on the verge of extinction, and the black spots make every biology professor look complicated.

The biological representative director is called Alantis. He has won three Nobel Prizes in biology. Alantis looked at the two lists. Alantis didn’t know what to say. He only felt the sorrow of biological extinction. This is extinction. The sorrow that he brought was reported by the scientific research professors behind him.

“Professor Alantis, now the grassland is almost extinct at 9/10, and only nearly 70 species of animals are left to linger and pant directly in the underground caves, but they are also close to extinction!”

“But now the East presents a weird ice age species life direction!”

The life trend pictures of Eastern species compiled by Dr. Markland. He analyzed the major headlines, short videos and so on in the east, as well as the video pictures released by multiple parties, and then conducted an overall analysis.

In the meeting room, Oriental image materials appeared!

This is the first act!

A pack of wolves appeared. The fur of these wolves was different from normal wolves. Instead, they became snow-white. They were all very thick. They looked bloated and burly, and they became much taller. Now they can It deserves to be called the Snow Wolf.

In the eastern subtropical continent, there are not only snow wolves, but also wild boars. Their hair has become three times longer and their body size has become a lot bigger. They look like an elephant, and there are also pheasants. I have become extremely cold resistant!

The most representative among them is the mammoth, which is exactly the mammoth evolved from the elephant!

The elephant herd is also advancing in the snow glacier. The elephants begin to grow long fur, and at the same time the ivory begins to grow. Their thick fur and hard skin allow them to walk on the snow glacier perfectly. , Nibbling on some newly grown cold-resistant plants grown in the East and so on.

At the same time, some tigers also began to grow thicker fur. Lions, leopards, foxes, brown bears, and cats all began to grow thicker fur. They became more ferocious and thicker. Even more can escape in this extreme cold weather!

Now these biological professors in the Eagle Country, for the first time, they felt the direction of complete Eastern life. From the genes of their ancestors of animals in a civilization period, they began to grow hairs and began to adapt to this climatic environment. It’s like a perfect evolutionary sequence, amazing..

With the finishing of the video and image data, Director Arantis raised his hands, pointed in the direction of the east, let out a long sigh, and finally roared in excitement!

“If the guess is not wrong, this is only the first experiment of the life of the Eastern species. The East will use the evolution of these animals as the first experiment. They will do the most shocking evolutionary project in the world, that is, the East will connect hundreds of millions of years ago. On the journey of advancement, they not only want the only animals to evolve, but also make the extinct animals have a stronger evolution.”

“So in the future, even mammoth saber-toothed tigers, dragon king whales, and the five extinction eras from the Jurassic era, some large-scale large animals and other creatures that can meet the ultra-high oxygen concentration may reappear. This will be a miracle of the outbreak of glacier life species. , If you don’t guess wrong, this is the final plan of the East, which can be called a crazy move!”

After Arantis finished speaking, he almost trembles, and several biology professors around him also felt it, a shock from the bottom of the heart, because no one thought the Eastern Project was so terrifying!

Now the Oriental Project is not only naked, but has been announced. They are really doing it. They really want to extend life hundreds of millions of years ago. They want to perfectly embellish this continent and extend the material of life. evolution!

Director Alantis continued to look in the direction of the North Sea. He pointed to the land of ultra-high concentration of the sea, and his voice trembled a little!

“Didn’t you find out? The sea near the northern and southern glaciers was all frozen, and there were five oceans, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Kawasaki Ocean. There is only one direction in which these fishes finally converge, that is, the eastern North Sea waters, the eastern North Sea warehouse, can accommodate a large number of fishes around the world, but any fish that can reach the North Sea waters will evolve and become the best. Perfect fish.”

“At the same time, there is an ultra-high concentration of land over there. No one knows what will happen next. 95% of the creatures in the ocean have been extinct. Some giant land animals and giant marine creatures have been extinct, such as bite force. It can surpass blue whale creatures, so the North Sea warehouse will be the first area where life species in the east have exploded, and the eastern inland will be the second area.”

“So it’s not just us, but the whole world will see that once the North Sea begins to explode life species, some extinct, terrifying life species will completely erupt. Humans cannot imagine that once life species erupt, those animals will return to their ancestors. Times, king squid, giant octopus, etc.”

Alantis couldn’t speak anymore. He widened his eyes and paused for five minutes before saying: “From now on, their North Sea life species are about to explode, and the East wants to spur an era of glacial life species explosion!”

Professor Alantis’s hand is still trembling. As a biologist, he is the continuation of the creature he most wants to see. It is simply a dream thing to follow the journey of life evolution a few years ago. In the earth, a total of 5 biological extinctions, terrestrial life, marine life, almost completely extinct!

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the evolutionary journey of life was completely broken. Why did the Cambrian life explosion become an absolute problem? It is because of the extinction of organisms hundreds of millions of years ago, and now the East will be connected to the evolutionary journey. They want to embellish the ocean in front of this continent and breed new species of life, and allow the eastern continent to breed new species of life!

As Professor Alantis was talking, the biology professors at the scene all thought of the East Sea Bridge. Now the construction has started, the flat aircraft carrier has also begun to float, and the giant battleships in the East have also appeared. Now the East is almost fully engaged. The development of the ocean is also working hard to develop species outbreaks. They want to achieve true perfection before the global island disaster!

This scene is happening in the Rose Country and Kawasaki Country, and other institutes of biology are also happening, because the East is now being watched by the world, and almost every plan of theirs has been made public. The major biological research institutes are horrified, watching one by one. The trend of the times.

If you stand on the galaxy, you can see a beautiful picture, that is, the continent of the east no longer carries the hopeless white vitality. The east has begun to plant a large number of cold-resistant animals, some are cold-resistant flowers, some are drought-resistant plants, and a lot of Plants, a large number of wild animals, ethnic groups are all advancing, and they are all dotted with this continent!

At the same time, all snow shovel trucks were dispatched to remove a large number of blizzards. The large number of coastal cities that were abandoned before now have the greatest effect, that is, the inland cities have reached the ultimate stability.

Looking at the earth from the direction of the sun, an ice-colored planet is in a dense galaxy, and the western continent is almost close to the broken axis. Almost all of them have begun to split into islands, but in the east, the black spots begin to connect. It can be called a wind and snow chain city, or it can be called a snow country train!

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