Chapter 155

In the first year of the ice age, the global forbidden area was 80%, and in the second year of the ice age, the forbidden area above the surface was 100%. From this moment on, time began to elapse. This is the fastest elapsed time during the disaster period.

On May 4 of the second year of the Glacier, 137 new cities in the East dispatched nearly 300,000 Blizzard trucks to major coastal waters to support the cross-sea bridge project. This is called the first trans-human ocean project in the East in the Chronicles of the Glacier. , The scale is huge, the Xuefeng glacier collapsed along the way, and the disasters lasted countless, and finally arrived.

For the first time, the East opened a super mega channel road, laying a foundation for future generations of engineering, which is called a surface disaster in the West in May.

The ice age is August 1, which is the second year of the ice age. This is a day that should be remembered by mankind. Because the population of the West has dropped sharply, and once again sharply reduced by 1/5, the underground city collapsed in Alaska, United States, as a civilian The state with the largest population, surrounded by colleges and universities, as well as construction workers, truck drivers, etc., caused nearly one-fifth of the population to be extinct. Call it Dark August.

November 12th, 2nd Year of the Glacier, this is the latest year, and it is also close to the new prologue. Humankind faces many disasters. Everyone’s survival is extremely depressed and extremely difficult. The blizzard on the surface becomes more and more roaring and more frequent. Horror, due to two or two years of blizzards and accumulation of snow accumulates into a large number of snow-capped mountains, avalanches, glaciers, glaciers, etc. occur almost every day in any area, especially in coastal cities. Large glaciers collapsed, triggering small earthquakes, causing large-scale cities to be flooded and almost completely burying the underground city.

Looking at the earth with the naked eye, almost everyone who came to watch it felt trembling, the global ocean water level rose, and the continent was submerged.

December 31 was also the last day of the second ice age. On this day, it seemed to be a disaster opening day. The global water level rose sharply, coastal cities were drastically submerged, and islands around the world were also experiencing drastic changes. The collision, the islands were divided and the sea was submerged, and the horror scene swept the world. This day is also called the dark December.

On February 31st, 2nd Year of the Ice Age, at 4:00 pm, the setting sun was about to fall, and the sky was very dark. Rows of Blizzard tanks lined up neatly. Army-green tanks and giant tires. Each 02 car looked like three. The size of a tank, this Blizzard chariot uses a passenger aircraft engine to eradicate the blizzard in the environment where the Xuefeng glacier is shattered.

Giant tanks are lined up in a row, with famous workers wearing cold-resistant suits and oxygen masks. They are all standing in the West Sea and Liaohai. In total, the steel wall is an infrastructure team sent from a city where the money is nearly 400. Engineering team.

This is a really large super team. The aerial photography of the motorboats developed in the ice age in front of these teams is undergoing aerial photography. Now the disaster of this scene is broadcast in the East, and TV has become accustomed to it. The waves in the picture are more blizzard than the wind. Crashing the mainland barrier, a 60-meter-high arched steel wall stands majestically at the highest point of the coastal city, standing tall like a pillar, the terrifying wall exudes an extremely hard-core luster, and the high wall stands tall. It’s daunting and terrifying.

The roar of bombardment and cracking resounded, and a wave of ice-covered tsunamis more than ten meters high, twenty meters high, or even forty meters high, crashed into the steel wall.

Constantly colliding, the aerial photography of the motorboat is being broadcast, and the Iron Wall vs. Ice Age is broadcast on public television. This represents the confidence of the East to fight against disasters. From now on, the three sea areas of the West Sea, Liaohai and North Sea are 2,000 kilometers, a total of 5,000 kilometers. The wall of steel stands majestically in these 5000 kilometers. Waves of icy tsunami continue to collide, and there seems to be only a burst of collision sound left in the world. Humans should always remember the miracle in front of them!

Behind this steel wall, every team of engineers, construction team, they all watched majestically without the slightest retreat in front of them, watching nature and human engineering battle, this feeling is not just real-time pictures, but any movie. Unable to shoot out.

Behind the steel wall, the teams from Guangcheng were chanting slogans, singing military songs, their headphones were singing military songs, and the chariots were playing military songs. Under the thin and cold air, Brother Jun It still sounded loudly, like that group of wild animals, thinking about this continent.

Army of Steel Steel of Steel

We are the warm-blooded sons of the motherland

We are not afraid of everything

We face the disaster

The battle is coming, we are the first group of eagles to confront

Behind the Liaohai Iron and Steel Wall, the military song is loud. Behind the Liaohai, there is a group of wild animals that are migrating and trying to choose the area to survive. There are just too many wild animals, such as brown bears, owners of wild horses, and snow rabbits. Lions, tigers, elephants and other wild animals,

Staring at this continent, wild animals dared not approach the giant Blizzard chariot, they only dared to watch from a distance, but this scene in the wind and snow, the airboat aerial shot is extremely beautiful, because this scene is really It’s too amazing.

The same is true of the West China Sea. The West China Sea is within the northern range, and the waves in the north are larger. Therefore, above the West China Sea, the five branded aircraft carriers are connected together for a total of 65,782 meters, and the five giant flat-panel aircraft carriers are moving against the huge waves!

Crashing against the huge waves, directly on top, hundreds of nuclear propulsion has been activated, a lot of seawater has been evaporated, the terrifying nuclear propulsion almost crushes everything, the roar of the wind, the discoloration of the world, everything can almost be called The sound of bursting is sounding, and human beings are witnessing pieces of real-time pictures being ignited.

This is not the final scene, this is just the beginning. In the live broadcast room, every engineering team’s name is marked as the oil engineering team, engineering team leader Zhao Yan, engineering Ma Lianghai, Zhao Boen, Sun Yangyang, etc., their names are all recorded On, like the hero memorial album.

Under the aerial camera, there are not many bullet screens sent by Dongfang, but each one is extremely confident and proud:

“I believe in the power of the East, and now I believe that in the future there is nothing else, the power of the East is invincible.”(Read more @

“What about the global islands? We in the East have never been afraid. We are also fighting now, and we will fight again in the future. Congratulations to the East for fighting with a mechanical mutation technological civilization. In the first step, we will succeed.”

“Humans will always remember the East, because we told nature for the first time what is human will, and such things as will can fight against anything.”

This place is extremely hot in the East, which can be called a burst.

The Eastern team is fighting against disasters, and the West is doing its best to avoid disasters. For example, Alaska, now Alaska looks like a giant sinkhole from the surface. At this moment, there are waves of wailing on the surface. Sound, because there are still some people preparing to smuggle from time to time, and they are fainted by the extreme cold just a few minutes after walking out of the tiankeng, and then ice crystals cover the body and become ice sculptures. This tiankeng is also known as the land of ice sculptures.

On December 31st, 2nd year of Glacier, it was dark at 4:00 in the afternoon. It was close to the coast for nearly 5,000 kilometers in the east, and they were all fighting against the ice-bound tsunami!

In the West, the 7 million-scale bunkers in Eagle Country suffered frost, a large number of extreme cold invasions, and the sound of avalanches and glaciers everywhere, causing a large number of casualties. The casualties are unknown, but they lost nearly 1/20 Of the population, there are still 300 million people left in the total population.

This is the last day of the ice age 2 years, but the whole world knows that the ice age crisis is coming.

The disasters brought about by the global islands are coming, just like the blizzards, hail, blizzards, hurricanes, and extreme cold areas in the past, the agricultural vacancies, industrial vacancies, personal cotton clothing, etc., reserve vacancies, working hours system!

Together with the consequences of the splitting of the last part of the world’s islands, the most terrifying disaster is about to come. This is why the ice age will be a disaster that will exterminate mankind, because from now on, in this era of dying things, mankind will happen. All kinds of human nature problems, but now the problems are in succession, all the problems and all the disasters are coming.

On this last day, the world began to issue warnings. The super warning issued by the West. Minister of State Security Roddy published a video. The video was all frozen things above the surface. His voice was extremely sharp and solemn, and he pushed up. Special ranking first:

“People from all continents of the Eagle Country, gentlemen and ladies, I know that you are very depressed due to the work market and food, but please remember, please do not choose to go to the surface, and now start issuing super warnings!”

“Please remember that the next time is the time for super disasters. Don’t go above the surface. We will vigorously develop industrial and agricultural industries. Then, within ten years, there will be an absolute forbidden zone above the surface. Anyone go!”

Not only is the National Security Bureau in the West releasing news, but it is also releasing news in several other regions.

Not only did the Western white rose country announce the news, in neighboring countries, the Eagle Nation also announced that the surface is a 4s super restricted zone, and it is forbidden for anyone to go to the surface. This seems to be a signal. Almost people around the world are aware of the horror. The disaster spread.

All major officials, major weather bureaus around the world, and the Ice Age all issued warnings at the same time, warning people that it is strictly forbidden to go to the surface, and at this moment, the top tweet search is the restricted area on the surface.

Under this hot search message, the western people are caught in a decision. They are eager to return to the surface to survive, but the news of disasters makes them desperate.

It is only the second year of the ice age and the third year is about to begin. However, the disasters faced by mankind are countless, and mankind seems to be desperate in this era.

Some white people left a message: This is a truly desperate and sad era. We want to return to the surface, we want to get a stable life, but now no one except the East seems to be able to do it, food crisis, work For a long time, this is a sad world after a disaster. ”

“This is a sad era. This is an era worth remembering. This is an era of countdown to human extinction. This is also an era in which the world’s major races, white people, and the three major nations of the Oriental Eagle Country, the Rose Country, are fighting. ”

“From now on, mankind will witness that terrible disasters will continue to spread, continue to wreak havoc, and continue to crush everything. Within 10 years, we will develop underground with all our strength and the West will no longer be able to set foot on the ground. This is simply sad. We When did the West begin to retreat? Now only the East is left, and only the East is holding it. We don’t know in what name to comment on it, but we can only say that the East is the only defender on the surface.”

“From now on, the world will build miracles one by one, and each stalwart history will be born. They will remember the miracles of their lives, at least so.”

In front of the fully enclosed checkered skylight on the rooftop of the National Security Institute in the underground half of the Rose Country, Minister of State Security Luo Di was looking in front of him, and he could clearly see the avalanche seven or eight hundred meters away began to cover his eyes!

The panoramic glass window in front was also covered by ice and snow, and then a machine carried out a small-scale removal. This can only be done on a small-scale removal, because now the surface snow has reached a certain level, and it has begun to freeze at the same time, making the project extremely difficult.

Roddy looked at the current weather and looked at the east, and the major meteorologists behind him reported the news of the east. The steel wall covering 5,000 kilometers of the continental barrier was still fighting against the tsunami, against the blizzard, and against the disaster of the ice age. , He listened in a trance, a little dazed.

In the countdown to human extinction, in the three duels, the West continued to encounter large-scale disasters and large-scale losses, but the East was stubbornly confrontational and the losses were not large.

Roddy looked at Dongfang and took a deep breath. Who was right?

At 1:00 am on January 1st of the three years of the Ice Age, this is a day to be remembered. In the third year of the ice age, the countdown to human extinction. Disaster race, the 0601st Ice Age since now told them what is called a step-by-step destruction of fixed-point strikes, a single area of ​​all destruction strikes.

Standing on the stratosphere and watching, watching the magnificent planet in front of you, watching the amazing planet in front of you, watching the plates collide and the islands below, this planet looks even more riddled with holes!

But in fact it is not, but the air concentration is slowly increasing, the air quality has improved to an excellent level, and the ocean is expanding step by step, just like the evolution of human beings extinction of the earth. This is an extremely reversal thinking process, but it Existence, real existence, and now this is recurring and experiencing step by step.

Everyone should remember the eternity in front of them. Everyone is like this, because this is the third year of the ice age. Maybe in the future, humans will begin to dissipate in this white snow. In the end, only one wall and one house are left. A space station drifted aimlessly, until thousands of years, until tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of millions of years, the traces of the new humans exist again, the technological humans appear again, and the humans once again look for this kind of evidence. This may be eternal. .

On January 1, 2003, at 1:00 am, in front of Yanjing North City, a thick version of the Blizzard chariot appeared. Winning Midnight was surrounded by a crowd of high-level chariots.

From now on, not only him, but also every large-scale project in front of the new city, there are engineers in front of it. This step of the project is called project acceptance. A total of one and a half years, a lot of manpower and material resources, and disasters have been paid. During the period, all the power of the eastern people, the large-scale transportation of industrial corridors, airships, snow country trains, and ecological parks were almost all being transported. The project was built by the real power of the whole country.

The cold wind whistled in front of the north city, the chariots lined up neatly to win the midnight and waved high, a well-proportioned black cold-resistant oxygen mask, his handsome face looked extremely clear in the wind and snow, he was steady, and then waved his hands high with a resounding voice. In the cold wind!

“The power of the whole country!”

“Go to the disaster, let’s go!”

Boom boom boom!

This is just the beginning of Guangcheng. In front of each new city in Dongshan City, Xihai, Anhui, and so on, there are high-level engineering teams standing in front of the blizzard, and then shouting for departure!

The sky is still dim, but for these high-levels, every day is a new day, and the West has always believed that everything on the surface will be extinct, but the East believes that this will be the second birthday of the East. This is the final event of the two great powers. The day of collision!

Now the East has formed a major project acceptance team, all going to the Liaohai Xihai and the North Sea. Now they will go to the Liaohai area at the first stop. They will take the lead in the third year of the ice age before the extinction of humans in the third year of the ice age. , Before the global islands split, the final acceptance of the project will be carried out. This acceptance will determine the ultimate fate on the surface.

And now the mechanical mutation technology of the East, the large-scale projects in the history of the East, and the construction of the whole country in the East have all begun to show hideousness. They want to live in this era and live as a hegemon. .

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