Chapter 156

Dawn breaks at 10:00 in the morning on January 1st of the three years of the ice age. From now on, if someone starts to look at the map of the eastern plate, they will see coastal cities almost flooded by the tsunami, and the formerly famous coastal tourist cities have become the seabed. The city has become an undersea relic.

By the sea, Deputy Team Leader Zhao Guofeng looked at the submerged cities. Only the roofs of some huge high-rise buildings were left, showing the height of the ice-bound tsunami sea level!

He thought that during the Ice Age, Win Midnight had issued an order, that is, Win Midnight ordered all the people in coastal cities close to 20 million or more to evacuate the coastal plateau. After the residents were all evacuated, the tsunami came. After the tsunami escaped, the audience shocked the audience. Now comes the biggest advantage of the evacuation, that is, the icy tsunami has been avoided, so this coastal migration plan can be recorded in the annals of history.

In Zhao Guofeng’s memory now, the Eastern Meteorological Bureau is reporting from time to time, reporting on the western desert countries and the coastal cities of the northern and southern glaciers. With a population of one million and ten million, all coastal cities have been submerged, and all giant ships have been submerged. Frozen, so, now they have got the best proof.

It was 10:00 in the morning. Now it is on the Liaoning Sea. Nearly 10 airships have flown into the sky. There are more than a dozen airships carried by meteorologists surveying and recording the sky!

At the same time, in front of this huge steel barrier steel wall of the mainland, all the engineers stood in a row. Engineers from major cities in the north and south, the team leader, and the high-level ministers from this city, as well as supernatural specialties. The leaders of the Institute’s Geology Group, Mechanical Group, Biology Group, Physics Group, Geology Group, and Ocean Group are all standing in a row. Everyone is wearing a black military uniform and wearing a black, military-green cold-resistant suit. The word Yanhuang is written on the clothes.

Now they, with a total of nearly 2,000 people, are all wearing oxygen helmets of the same color. This oxygen helmet can prevent severe impacts and ice, while ensuring the dissolution of ice crystals and ensuring clarity. At the moment, they are on the snow-covered surface. These people seemed to be walking on Mars, magical, and in the front of this group of people, Ying Ziye stood with his hands on his back, his burly and slender figure stood quietly.

Accompanied by the ticking sound, he was stepping on the snow. On this piece of land covering a thousand kilometers, the surrounding glaciers had all been cleared. So far, giant snow shovel trucks are still shoveling. Snow, the white snow was either turned into a glacier snow mountain or pushed into the sea.

The time passed by one minute and one second. It is now 9:59, 25 seconds. As time starts, the last 5 seconds begin and it ends at 10:00.

Mankind should remember this date. On January 1, the third year of the Ice Age, at 10:00 am, all engineers from the East and the leaders of the super energy cables gathered in the Liaohai Sea, outside the strong barrier of steel!

At the same time, the aerial photography of 10 motorboats was fully followed by adjusting all the TV channels of the East to 1. All the people in the East were watching, all in front of the TV and the computer in front of the radio, listening to the aerial video from Liaohai, and from the host Announcement.

Because the current date is a date worth remembering among all the people in the East. Starting from the glacier year and from the civilization period, the East has begun to prepare for this project, which is to resist global island disasters and resist the greatest disaster of mankind.

The sound of the wind continued to whistle. Behind Win Midnight, Zhao Guofeng paced forward, then he bowed slightly to signal a solemn opening.

“Report team leader, now the Guangcheng infrastructure team, the Huangshicheng infrastructure team, the Dongshan city infrastructure team, and the fashion sea second surveying and mapping 7 colleges and universities, nearly 500 students all went, and the surveying and mapping team of the National Academy of Sciences arrived, and the train surveying team Expired, the first test of the cross-sea bridge and track laying is due, and the cross-sea train test can be carried out in the following!”

“Report team leader, at the same time, now the cross-sea bridge, the primary bridge body is being completed, and the basic train tracks have been laid. It took a total of nearly one and a half years. The total time was more than 2 million top frontline workers and nearly 2 million vehicles were dispatched. Vehicles, the total cost of national materials accounted for 1/3, this is the cross-sea train bridge project, the report is complete.”

After finishing the report, Ying Ziye stood up. He watched that 10 meters below the steel wall in front of him was a layer of completely transparent new protective material, and it was also equipped with a small openable door. Now he is wearing a cold-resistant after opening. After all, the group of people walked beyond the barrier, and they could witness the cities flooded by the ice tsunami with their own eyes. The aerial photography in the sky was taking a higher degree of shooting. This scene is not only amazing but also shocking.

Because the immediate tsunami is nothing, and the flooded cities are nothing. What can be called magnificent is the man-made bridge project, which took one and a half years!

The strength of the whole country, because the main development during the Ice Age was this kind of project. If you start from the bottom of the water, this is a super sea-crossing bridge with a height of nearly 400 meters. The total coverage extends from the Liaohai to the North Sea, covering three huge sea areas. , Uninterrupted, can’t see the edge at a glance, very magnificent.

From now on, Ying Ziyue in front of the team spoke up!

His voice also represents the power of the nation and the power of the 2 billion people behind it.

“Preparing to start the first cross-sea snow country train, preparing to start the trial of the cross-sea bridge, from the Liaohai to the Beihai to carry out the cross-sea test of the train, and then adjust the national channel, so that all people can see this great project that has been recorded in history. At the same time, preparing for the artificial island floating work, we must fully see the island floating work〃〃!” Ying Ziye continued to speak.

The latter, Zhao Guofeng, all the engineers in charge of the special research institute, the major engineers, and all the fleet, shouted in unison!

“Guaranteed to complete the task!”



This is the sound of the biting wind roaring and the sound of hail falling. At the same time, accompanied by the avalanche above the frozen tsunami, the human eye can see a wave of tsunamis that are more than ten meters high and several 10 meters high. The Sea Bridge, the black King Kong version of the sea-crossing bridge, stands like a giant tree above the sea and the sea, and the tall high-speed rail frame stands tall, exuding the luster of mechanical variation.

This is a collection of all the industrial power of the Eastern Industrial Corridor. It can be said that it is a real effort to build the sea-crossing bridge in front of us, especially in this extremely cold surface and cruel environment, so the project in front of us is real. The magnificence, the picture in front of you has a real epic feel!

So when the live broadcast started, the people couldn’t help but get excited.

This is the underground bunker of the Kawasaki country. The disaster center of the Kawasaki country is called the Disaster Defense Center. This is a Kawasaki country with a small area. After the cold wave rages, the population loss here is 1/2!

The rest of the population hides in underground bunkers. They used the dungeons and underground bunker complexes of Eagle Country and Rose Country. The cold resistance can only belong to the upper middle class. As a developed country that relies on precision instruments, this is theirs. The disaster in Kawasaki is not strong because of the economic and agricultural industry in Kawasaki. Now the people are under great pressure during the ice age, especially the lack of food.

In the defense center, the semi-underground bunker meeting room, the weather satellite screen is showing the global weather, and the weather in Kawasaki is a high-end technology. In the panoramic meeting room on the rooftop, the giant TV screen is broadcasting the broadcast from the east. Ichiro Kojima, the head of the reserve center, was playing with a piece of jade with his fingers.

The crystal jade, like ice crystals outside, is covered in layers!(Read more @

Ichiro Kojima, a conference room on the half-ground, looked at the live broadcast center. The live broadcast from the east was silent. The picture could only feel the howling wind and the greatness of the project. No one explained it, but the picture before him was enough to make people fascinated. Because this is the only scene on the surface where humans are confronted, that’s enough.

In the live broadcast of the Orient, this is a building from the Liaohai to the North Sea, spanning a total length of 5,000 kilometers around the three sea areas, the seabed water level is 60 meters, the height above the sea level is 300 meters above, and the total height is close to Above 300 meters-[Black Mechanical Sea Crossing Bridge]

Like before the mainland barrier steel, the dragon-like cross-sea bridge exudes the luster of mutation technology.

Especially above this kind of cross-sea bridge, the mechanical airship is flying, this kind of magical technology luster, more and more give people a sense of novelty.

The meeting room of the precision instrument with the silver band is a bit quiet, and the ice crystals are still continuously covered with a layer of ice crystals on the glass layer, which is absolutely beautiful!

But who can think of it? Beneath this beautiful ice crystal, there will be the culprit murderer who freezes the world. They gather, split and freeze, and finally turn into ice crystals from the inside to the outside. In the end, everything becomes beautiful ice sculptures, dotted with this planet, just like human beings. It became a virus, and the Ice Age was like cleaning up the virus. Anyone who can’t resist will die. Only those who resist can survive in this environment. This is the same as the law of nature. Therefore, Kojima Ichiro will have this Kind of horror.

The current East can be called, they are fighting against the crushing and sweeping from the era!

Before the century of civilization, Ichiro Kojima was Professor Zhong of the Meteorological Institute, and at the same time he was the head of precision instruments. Since 1950, his family has been determined to study high-precision military meteorological technology and other fields. In this family Thanks to his excellent cultivation and cultivation, Ichiro Kojima became a well-known Ph.D. in Kawasaki.

So after the Ice Age, he was elected as the head of the Disaster Defense Force to take charge of the safety of the people and the development of Kawasaki Valley.

Like the West, Kawasaki chose to retreat underground, because he thought it was irresistible in the face of this nature. He chose to retreat just like the West. But now, when the train on the East Sea Bridge appears, he seems to be retreating. Feel wrong.

Behind him are the high-level leaders of the Kawasaki country, and other responsible persons as well as the ministers and high-level congressmen are talking. The source of everything is because of the appearance of the Oriental Haiyang Sea Crossing Bridge. The Haiyang Sea Crossing Bridge is not the end!

But this represents the East, a certain declaration of war on disasters. This kind of thing can be understood as the continuous development after millions of years. From here, we can see the Eastern belief after 1000 years and even tens of thousands of years!

Because the cross-sea bridge represents the Snow Country Train, when the Snow Country Train runs over those sea areas, then artificial islands will also appear!

This is what shocked the leaders of Kawasaki Country!

On the morning of January 1st, 10:15, the top three major news platforms in the East are the first in the hot search, and the first news is called, [Oriental Ocean Engineering Open]

This live broadcast is oriented to the whole world, and now the scene of the picture is outside the continental barrier, which is processed by a group of sea-crossing bridges covering 5,000 kilometers. This is the picture now!

This kind of image horrified every western citizen who entered the live broadcast room. They didn’t know what language to use to express this black and black oolong bridge. Individual western people no longer pride themselves on dungeons. !

Because the dragon-like sea-crossing bridge in front of them made them completely silent!

The huge black bridge was standing, and roaring roars came from the Liaohai!

The meter-long train track, the new train track began to spread to the cross-sea bridge, and the roar of the Liaohai began to sound

The ice-bound tsunami was colliding, and just in the roaring sound of the roaring, avalanches, avalanches, and glacier fragmentation began in the snowy mountains passing by. Layers of snow were washed away, and those snowflakes formed the most With the beautiful white snow fog, as the train galloped for the first time, the train began to rush on the cross-sea bridge!

The scene in front of us can really be included in the epic picture, the people of the East, the people of the West, all the engineers of the Oriental Supernatural Special Research Institute, the high-levels of the big and snowy cities, every citizen of the East, and the West. Airmen in the outer space of the dungeon, etc., all human races in the world, they are all watching the scene in front of them, that is the scene when the Snow Country train enters the sea-crossing bridge, which is like a manifestation of civilization. This moment is The East announced to the world, from this moment on, the East is moving towards mechanical technology. Mutated civilization!

Boom boom boom! !

The bursting nuclear propelled engine roared, the rushing white snow and white fog sounded, all the snowstorms were smashed away, those so-called hurricanes were in front of this train with a width of more than 100 meters, all the disasters turned into Nothingness, there is only a train between the sky and the earth, and only a scene on the sea-crossing bridge!

The sound of the wind roared, the earth shook, and the sea-crossing bridge was roaring. Below these tens of meters, waves of frozen trains needed to collide again. Nuclear propulsion made the trains roar. In the last section of the train, there was a roar from a nuclear explosion!

Layers of ice crystals in the carriages were directly melted by the temperature barrier of the aerogel train carriage. Under the high walls, all the engineers in the East waved their hands high. They held the national flag condensed by the ice crystals. Wearing headphones, but the military anthem is still playing inside the chariot. It is a trembled military anthem. All the people in the East are sending out in the live broadcast room. It is a moving barrage from the heart and soul, because this scene represents the ocean of the East. The project has started completely

In one and a half years, the full power of the industrial corridor, projects of more than 2 million projects! 200 million tanks have created the cross-sea bridge train, and the 5,000-kilometer cross-sea bridge has the best testimony. Before, we were a big infrastructure country, and now we are also an infrastructure giant!

Everything is nothing but the roar of the train resounding in the sea. There are a total of 200-knot trains, galloping over the sea-crossing bridge 300 meters above, and waves of ice and tsunamis are crashing underneath. !

The mechanical sea-crossing bridge, under this gray and white sky, humans appear to be insignificant, but the train appears to be huge and magnificent. The train is galloping against the cold wind and departs from the Liaohai sea with a booming roar!

The train passed through the West Sea. In the West Sea, the steel blind date, the northern engineers raised their arms high, they were cheering and shouting. It was realized, which is really exciting!

Military song Liao (the Wang Hao) Liang, from Blizzard Chariot!

Me and my dear motherland

Can’t be divided for a moment

I love the snow of my motherland

I love the magnificent waves of my motherland

I love the thousands of miles of the motherland

I love the mountains and rivers of the motherland

At this moment, by the Xihai Sea-crossing Bridge, a shocking military song sounded. In every snowy city, in every neighborhood, on every street, the people were singing high and loudly singing. , Like those migrating wild animals, dotted with this beautiful continent

There is only one sentence in the lyrics, and only one sentence at the core-that is my dear motherland and me…

Boom boom boom!

The roar of explosion, and the crash of ice-bound tsunami like pops, the black train galloped all the way, and finally reached the North Sea. When it arrived in the North Sea, all technology seemed to stop before the eyes of mankind, and only this was left. The figure of a cross-sea train!

Then the train went from Beihai to the inland city, the next stop was Haishan Pass, the destination was the exit of Yanjing Train Station, and then another cycle, from Yanjing to Guangcheng, to Dongshan City, and then to the sea again and again to form a train cycle. son!

The world is witnessing this miracle!

In Liaohai, in front of the barrier steel city wall at this moment, Ying Ziyue is holding his hand. He knows that the people around the world are about to explode, but his face is calm, and then his magnetic deep voice sounded, resounding in the frozen tsunami land!

“` ¨From now on, the cross-sea bridge train is only the beginning, and in the next artificial islands, the eruption of glacier life species will be eternal!”

“Next, all mankind will always remember this new era opened up. Some people evade, some retreat, some will become the First Empire for thousands of years, and we are the originators and pioneers!”

“The name of that country can only be called Yanhuang!”

“Everyone, follow me to make Yanhuang the only superpower for millions of years!”

Ying Ziyue’s voice fell, covering three sea areas. All engineers and Blizzard tanks honked their horns, and the air defense siren in the live broadcast room honked, as if they were a call. Every city was honking!

This is the response, this is the call! .

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