Chapter 157

This is the three years of the ice age. Hurricane storms, snow, and tsunami have sealed the global islands, and disasters have come oncoming one by one, making the earth’s surface an extremely cold forbidden place in the world.

And now on the surface continents, besides being covered by the vast white snow, there are also miraculous projects, such as the erupting volcano, where strands of rocks are frozen, forming a strange luster.

And when you look at the stratosphere, you can see the eastern surface. The coastal cities in the east are all submerged by seawater. The seawater of hundreds of meters inundates the coast, leaving only the high plains. The dam to defend against the tsunami. At the same time, above the dam, the 60-meter-high continental barrier steel wall is a new layer of dam. This is the super dam to resist the icy tsunami, also known as the East The wall of barriers!

Before the barrier, it was a magnificent ocean. If you observe the earth with the naked eye, you will see that the northern and southern glaciers are already frozen. That is the thickness of the ice that even an icebreaker can’t break. Now it’s in Nanbeichuan. It has long become an absolute forbidden place for humans, where the formation of cold air can quickly freeze the icebreaker, and can freeze human cells and tissues from the inside to the outside in just one minute.

However, due to the eruption of super super volcanoes and the hot gas surging of the five oceans, the five oceans including Indosanyo, Kawasaki Ocean, Pacific Ocean, West China Sea, Liaohai, etc. caused the sea water to move significantly, and at the same time, the melting of a large amount of snow caused the sea water to rise. , The waves churned, so waves of tsunamis continued to crash.

But above the sea, the tsunami is not eternal. The truly eternal picture is those cross-sea bridges that stand more than 300 meters high. The black diamond metal luster, the steel structure of the bridge penetrates directly from the bottom of the sea. Layers of ice crystals are covering the bridge, but the bridge surface warming device Qidong, and then the ice crystals are slightly decomposing.

Therefore, the continents in the east are not the same as the glaciers in the north and south and the surface of the west, but with a kind of embellishment beauty.

The sea-crossing bridge covers three sea areas, and the snow country train tracks go around the country. The black train tracks are like traces of a dragon walking. A snowy city with a scale of more than one million stands at the highest point.

In front of each city, there are icebergs and glaciers covered with green algae, and on the rolling iceberg slopes, there are a group of wild animals with different skin colors and hairs, such as Tibetan antelopes, wild boars and so on. They are also there. This continent is dotted with the North Sea sharks and beluga groups. All this makes the East the only one in 073. The uniqueness of the continent is also the only and most unique big country in the Ice Age!

At 11:30 in the morning, behind the Liaohai Iron and Steel Wall, a group of national scientific research team, supernatural special research institute team, Liaohai Xihai and other chief engineer chiefs, a group of nearly 400 people, they passed through the steel wall, and then the first person took the lead Stepped onto the cross-sea bridge.

In the impact of waves of tsunamis, Ying Ziye stood on the cross-sea bridge. In front of him, it was close to 70 meters high. Waves of tsunamis were constantly colliding. When standing on this 300-meter-high bridge, he stepped on heavy machinery. The impact and strength brought by the steel bars, this kind of cross-sea bridge, gives people an ultimate sense of peace of mind.

A group of 400 people continued to advance. Below them, there was a submerged coastal city, which was faintly visible. You could see the rooftops of the tall buildings and the floating motorboats.

Walking for about 20 minutes, walking in the forefront to win midnight, he waved his hand high, and then all the teams stopped.

The scene in this scene is like an expedition to Mars. People in the West and the East are watching and watching this terrifying scene, because once you fall from the sea-crossing bridge, you will fall into a super giant a few hundred meters deep. In the ocean, the extreme water temperature will freeze instantly, this is the horror in front of us!

Ying Ziye looked ahead. In front of him, when the pictures of the aviation equipment were all turned over, it seemed that at this moment, at 11:30 minutes and 39 seconds, this scene was worth remembering, because in those heavy waves A piece of different islands from the Liaohai to the West Sea appeared in the middle, this is the floating artificial island.

Individual man-made islands with an area of ​​10 kilometers. The first layer of the construction process is a floatable temperature insulation layer, and the second layer of the island is a floatable layer. After that, floating bases are continuously added. , Multiple tests of sea water flowing water, the islands in the final test will not flow drastically in the ocean!

It will stay in a sea area for several decades, a fixed sea area, and a moving distance of no more than 80 meters, ensuring the stability, buoyancy, and solidity of the island.

The island in front of me is Liaohai No. 1 island. Above the island, it is barren. On the seabed, the artificial island base has been covered with seaweed, and the island is now covered with dense cold-resistant plants, and there is vigorous life. The seaweed tissue, so the island carries the vigorous life of green algae.

This is only the first subsidiary island, followed by the second. The second island is 30 kilometers long. There are small observation decks, observation decks, ocean observation decks, and marine meteorological observation decks, all of which use the east. The written text appears in the global picture like dragons and phoenixes. This is also the first in the ice age. The marine meteorological observatory above the surface is built in the waves and on the island.

And the third is the place where the eyes can be seen at the limit, probably in the West China Sea. This kind of observation must be carried out with a binoculars. The motorboat is filmed live. This is a group of super islands over 100 kilometers in size. The area uses 4 islands for machinery. Spliced ​​together, floating majestically on the border of the Liaohai and West Seas.

On the island, a marine fishing warehouse, an automatic fishing boat, and a fish transportation warehouse have been built. At the same time, the island is closely connected with the cross-sea bridge, which means that the fish caught can be transported by the cross-sea bridge to achieve real-time cross-sea fish transportation.

Followed by the fourth group and the fifth group, they are all huge islands over 100 kilometers. Human houses have been built on this island, which can be called a full sea view house. At the same time, the island has been used for sea prevention in 4 weeks. Processing, stunning super-thick houses, small hot tall buildings and small wind turbines have been added to each island, so that small sea islands have been independently supplied. This is a military island, which means that the military can stay here and watch it all the time. Ocean conditions, this is also the ice age, the first time, marine military engineering!

When these scenes of huge islands line up, equipped with impregnable continental steel barriers, when combined, this kind of picture is amazing.

The underground white house community of Rose Country New Times Square is a high-end community, where there are celebrities, not only white people, but also top-level foreign students.(Read more @

Now the underground defense house has become a dungeon. The underground city is equipped with residential buildings and bars, as well as entertainment facilities. In a dark bar called the underground dark bar, elegant music is played.

International student Zhao Ziming, he is drinking the malt produced underground. The price of this wine is high. If it is not because of his noble status, then the average international student is not qualified to drink it, because this is the era of food shortage.

Next to Zhao Ziming, there are two inheritors of the chaebol family. Two white youths are his friends. One of them is a blond youth named Alklin. Now Alklin and Zhao Ziming are looking at the big screen in the bar. It is a series of super projects such as live broadcasts from the East, cross-sea bridges, and floating islands.

Looking at the new projects in the Ice Age in front of him, Ariklin, who is a family of pickup chaebols, felt very complicated. He then spoke.

“The science and technology of the East is probably still lagging behind. What do they want to do with mechanical bridges and floating islands? What can they do? Look at the opening of our underground world. This is what is called an epic-level civilization of mankind. Once the geocentric civilization is on the right track, then our development will continue to be hot.”

Zhao Ziming played with the wine glass in his hand, and then drank the sweet malt liquor. He flicked the wine glass gently, his voice was complicated and bleak.

: “Mr. Alklin, you are wrong. The cross-sea train bridge and the artificial floating islands are just for the East to open a new era. You can understand it as the age of science and technology or the age of mutation, maybe or something else, etc. The era can also be called the era of evolution.”

“In short, starting from the moment, the continent of the East will be completely consolidated. Their current transportation has reached perfection, and agriculture will no longer be lacking. They can develop with all their strength. The next era, so the East is full of infinite and variable. future.”

After Zhao Ziming finished speaking, he squeezed the wine glass vigorously. From now on, he began to regret choosing to stay here, because the direction of the great eastern country now really started to make him a little obsessed and a little eager.

He has already seen the Western dungeon civilization. This is not a great geocentric civilization in the legend, because the current human technology can’t do it at all. This is just a dungeon residence to avoid the extreme cold above the surface, nothing more.

Moreover, there is a shortage of food, and agricultural industry has not taken place, but now the ocean and development in the east, the ecological paradise and development in the north, and the complete formation of agriculture means that they will no longer worry about food for thousands of years. At the same time, their industry When the speed is high, it means that they will not worry about the lack of cotton clothes, but now the West is just catching up, so he regrets it and he should choose to go back.


On the black reinforced sea-crossing bridge, walking for half an hour, standing almost in the middle of the sea, with a height of more than 300 meters, which is equivalent to walking the glass plank road on the top of a mountain.

With his hands on his back, the spirit of winning the midnight was a little excited, he turned his back to everyone, and said solemnly!

“From now on, a big era will slowly come, so do the final finishing touches.”

“Start to let the internal affairs office foreign objects issue a global notice, the content of the notice is as follows”

“From now on, for thousands of years to come, the Eastern Wind and Snow City will become a place of fixed-point weapon defense. The big countries are in a state of blockade and the sale of any quota is prohibited. It also means that in order to ensure the constructiveness of the Wind and Snow City, The plan is top-secret. For thousands of years, no one will be allowed to enter the East!”

This directive is equivalent to turning the country closed into a common development for the whole people, not accepting any quota.

It also means that the person who put forward this order will be hated by the world, and Win Midnight is the one who put forward this place, and at the same time, he will also be subject to global attention.

At this moment, Weibo’s hot search is the first, the top search is the first, and the news is the first hot search. The content is

——Thousands of years later, what will the East look like? Especially after the closed-door country, what does it mean for hundreds of years to close the country?

There are the most comments on this hot search, and the people are all extremely excited comments:

[Xin Ruo Bingqing]: “I support the instructions of the leader of the Special Research Institute. For thousands of years, we will be closed and closed. Without Western industry, without Western scientific research, the East can rise as well. Now our city of wind and snow crosses the sea. Bridges, snow country trains, and mechanical airships are the best witnesses. Our technology has entered the era of mechanical technology, and we have reached the peak without them!”

[Chen Zichu]: “Support the leader of the special research team. He made the most wise decision in thousands of years. This is the ice age, it is a terrifying ice age, and the West will not risk the global ice cold to come to the East. , But then it also guarantees the multi-faceted development of the East, which means that the whole nation is compatriots from Yan and Huang, and can develop the East with more effort and effectiveness. In the world, Ying Ziyue will be called the so-called villain, but now, he will be the number one. A pioneer of the Yanhuang Era!”

After the release, the controversy aroused was extremely high. It was not only the East on Western Twitter, but also the hot searches on the oil pipes. The first hot search was the announcement that the East had closed the country for thousands of years.

At the same time, the Rosehip official of the Western Eagle Country left a comment message, expressing their attitude:

[Official of the Rose Country]: The announcement is as follows-I can only say that the East made a wrong decision. Our geocentric civilization is the greatest. In the ten thousand years of ice age, geocentric civilization will tell the world that the white race will be the last The existence of a big country does not even need tens of thousands of years. It only needs to be proven within a thousand years. Because the earth’s core civilization, our agricultural industry, and scientific research will fully develop, and the mechanical civilization of the East will be among our high-end scientific research. Down, was completely suppressed!

[Announcement from the Eagle Nation is as follows]: ——The East chose to stay on the surface alone, also chose to close the country alone, and began research and research alone. Our outer space civilization will also choose to develop independently, which means that we will not each other in the future. Related, there will be no more substantial agricultural assistance such as scientific research, so no one knows what the future is, but it can be determined that the Eagle Nation will become the first country in outer space to have a new planet, and it is also a new planet. Country of origin.

Perhaps in a few decades, we will come back and take a look at the barren earth, the only remaining subtropical east, and then say that the Eagle Nation has won. This is the attitude of the Eagle Nation.

At this moment, the global preliminary conclusion is over!



Over the sea-crossing bridge, above the 300-meter-high sea-crossing bridge, Zhao Guofeng, behind the winning midnight, reported on the attitudes of countries around the world to the Eastern announcement.

Win Midnight just waved his hand faintly, his voice calm.

“I will do it for the wicked. I only hope that the world will be green every year!”

“I only hope that the two characters Yan and Huang will survive forever!”

“I only hope that the flag of the East will fly above the surface of the ice age for thousands of years!”

“So, we never regret it!”.

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