Chapter 159

On January 4, the third year of the ice age, there were no more roads, no crops, no verdant forests, and even the deserts that were called deadly threats. There are no more, slices of the ocean are completely frozen, and the ghost ship has become a ship of ice sculptures.

In the coldest galaxy in the universe, there are planets close to absolute zero, and among the planets that revolve the sun, the coldest planet is the earth.

For thousands of years, when the steam age of the electrical age appeared, humans arbitrarily felled trees, burned a large amount of coal, charcoal, and smoked crop chemicals. At the same time, a large number of materials began to be destroyed, destroying the planet, air pollution, and volcanic eruptions. The ocean was polluted and the hot air rose until the early arrival of the 200 million-year ice age.

This is not obtrusive. Because in the vast expanse of the solar system, the earth is just a small particle, while other planets are even smaller particles. In the long river of years, this kind of galaxy does not know how many there will be living, so it is now also Called the moment of extinction of all mankind, this can also be called the moment of all mankind’s decision, which is related to a certain kind of human decision.

At 10:00 on the morning of January 4th, here is Dongshan City. The snow country train is smashing, and the snow on the first floor is splashed. Now the industrial corridor of Guangcheng has begun to develop fiercely, and the environmental protection No. 1 controllable nuclear fission factory has begun. Engine research.

At the same time, on the morning of the same day, Guangcheng officially announced that it was ranked first in the hot search on Weibo. The official content is as follows

“Guangcheng officially announced that starting from today, the completion of the industrial corridor will enter a new era of science and technology. This era is called the era of technological mutation, which means that in the future the East will study the era of mutation technology, with high efficiency and The power of the whole nation to promote the development of mutant industries.”

This news caused great enthusiasm in the East, because the industrial corridor almost assumed the core of the East’s infrastructure, and it also represented the “zero-eight-seven” direction of the overall development of the East.

So all trembling in the comments and comments.

Because all the people felt that the small icebergs continued to break apart, this shows that an extremely terrifying island is finally coming, and a decision made by the East has already represented their determination, so under the message, the people are all Quite exciting.

[Zi Yuer]: “Finally is coming, the era of science and technology is finally coming, I know, judging from the airship and steam, there are also the artificial islands of the current cross-sea train, and those giant Blizzard chariots, This shows that the next research meeting in our country is extremely sacred, at least now we know that, before the next global island disaster, we have started to develop mutation technology in the first step!”

[Courier]: All universities, all vocational schools, national scientific research institutes, the national scientific research institutes in the Underground Great Wall, and the national scientific research team on this subtropical continent are waiting for them to study this project in order to deal with this glacier next. In human history, the East was the first to confront with science and technology. No one knows what the history of machinery will become. The historical trend of the East is just the beginning.

Now starting to consolidate the last underground world in the West, they are also carrying out the last step of disaster defense, while the first step in the East is set for mutation technology, and the Eagle Nation is migrating in outer space!

The first step of the three powers is to confront the global island disaster!

The controversy caused by the Guangcheng announcement is extremely high!

Because the people today are extremely keenly or even acutely thinking about the next survival issue.

After all, this is the ice age of hundreds of millions of years. After all, it involves the extinction of all mankind. After all, this involves the human race.

The train galloped, and the sound of huhuhuhuhu rang, here is Dongshan City, as the first tens of millions of agricultural masters in the north, the northern train station is also extremely magnificent, and the train station here is super-arched and super thick. The style is not like a bird’s nest, but with an oriental classical style, coupled with the magnificent architecture, so the trains come in and look quite spectacular.

After entering the station, they got off the bus directly, and a group of national scientific researchers also got off the bus. After getting off the bus, the Minister of Ecology Liu Qiang took him to Win Midnight to the No. 1 Ecological Park.

This greenhouse is called the No. 1 animal evolution greenhouse. Animal evolution is the mainstay. The scientific researchers in the conference room are all conducting a projection test, which can be called a cold resistance test, an evolution plan, and structural steps.

The test is a wolf. It was only a prairie wolf in the civilized period. It is a protected animal in the second-level state. In the civilized period, it can adapt to the extreme cold environment of minus 15 degrees to minus 27 degrees. Caused the death of wild wolves, because the prairie wolf does not have much fur. The prairie wolf is 1.2 meters tall and has agile body. It is a major evolutionary wild animal.

As the test video began, the prairie wolves were placed in a cold-resistant environment. As the temperature gradually dropped, the cold-resistant degree of the prairie wolves gradually appeared, but they still died in one year.

In the second year, the prairie wolf, which was still being tested, began to change. Its fur began to grow, and its epidermis became cold-resistant.

In the third year, he will become more resistant to the cold. In the fourth year, the prairie wolf begins to return to nature and become a sign of a snow wolf. He can survive hard in an environment of 120 to 135 degrees. To this degree, the prairie wolf has completely reached Returning to the ancestors means that it is connected to the journey of ancestors’ advancement, and has successfully possessed super cold resistance.

This scene is just the beginning. Snow leopards, lions, tigers, rabbits, pheasants, yaks, pigs, dogs, ducks, geese, etc. are all undergoing a one-minute cold resistance test before poultry and wild animals, except for about 1 /3 of the animals died in the plan, and the remaining animals showed vigorous vitality. They evolved cold resistance in the extreme cold and could survive the snowstorm.

This scene is simply a miracle of life. It is also a combination of several professors from the Northern College of Biology, Geology, and Biophysical Sciences who formed the team of the Life Species Outbreak Plan. This team spent everything to research and test it.

Their team is to study this kind of life explosion. First, for the development of this continent for thousands of years, and second, it can be guaranteed that this continuous biological evolution will ensure a continuous source of food. After watching this After the miraculous evolution, Ying Ziye nodded, very satisfied.

At the beginning of the civilization period, he ordered the North to start studying the evolution of life species during the ice age, and now the first part of the evolution is completed.

Behind him, Liu Qiang, Minister of Ecological Park, began to report.

“Leader of the report, the oxygen concentration in the North Sea has reached 72.5, and the normal oxygen concentration is 42.7. The oxygen concentration is now close to twice that of the civilization period.”

“At the same time, the oxygen concentration in the continent was 62.1, and the oxygen concentration in the continent was 31.1 in the civilization period. The oxygen concentration in the continent has now reached twice that in the civilization period, and the global oxygen concentration has shrunk to 25.7, whether it is ocean or land.”

“This means that breathing on the western surface in a blizzard will be depressed, and walking will appear dull. This reaction is due to the thin oxygen, which was present in the plateau areas before, but now it appears in the west. This is the oxygen concentration. The disadvantage of coming.”

Behind Win Midnight, Liu Qiang finished the report, and at the same time he spoke again.

“The oxygen concentration in the ocean is now twice as high as that on the mainland. Ancient extinct creatures may appear, such as giant crocodiles, dragon king whales, and even giant dinosaurs that have been extinct for millions of years, giant centipedes, etc. appear.(Read more @

This means that under this triple oxygen concentration, super-evolution will come. Humans were unable to develop the Cambrian for various reasons. This is the biggest blow to the theory of evolution. Now, after the global island disaster, those extinctions The creatures may appear one by one. ”

After Liu Qiang reported, his voice was trembling. To be precise, his voice was accompanied by fearful news, that is, the outbreak of species!

Obviously, the clearest thing next is the outbreak of species!

Liu Qiang was very excited. To be precise, he felt a sense of extreme depression from the times.

After all, every city in the East now has a sense of mechanical magic. Some of the mechas developed by the southern factory are giant mechas, and the same is true for the cross-sea bridge.

The same is true for the development of the north now, and some large terrestrial and marine creatures will appear in the following development. This seems to be a heavy signal, that is, the eastern continent will become a magical continent, which can be understood as dinosaurs rampant. Pterosaurs roared in the sky, giant trains were galloping, and Blizzard forklifts were shoveling snow. Technology and ancient creatures were mixed together, which was very magical.

Walking out of the ecological paradise, standing on the roof of the train station, the cold wind blew, and the hail kept coming.

The panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows stood tall, and Ying Ziye looked ahead with piercing eyes. Behind him, Zuo Yan took out the drawings from the National Research Institute!

The first drawing appeared, with a large line written on it. During the three years of the ice age, Dongfang began to inject anti-gene drugs into the next generation of new humans. The height grows to 1.9 meters. At the same time, the body is tall, burly muscular, and resistant to cold. This is the first generation of genetic medicine, and it is also the scientific research direction of the northern research team.

Then the second wave is also a brand-new cold-resistant agent. This is called the second-generation cold-resistant agent. In the following, humans can adapt to the ocean and draw oxygen from the ocean, because the future development of the East is mainly based on the ocean. , So a strong and cold-resistant body can quickly adapt to the ocean.

Extracting oxygen from the ocean also means that the future development of the East will be dominated by the ocean.

Two drawings, printed in the heart of every professor of genetics and biology!

Afterwards, all the senior executives of the Supernatural Special Research Institute evacuated, leaving a biological team to assist in the research of this genetic medicine!

At this moment, the eco-park, the level behind the train begins to open, and the senior management of the Special Research Institute still has an important thing to do, and that is to defend against the global islands!

And inside the train station, the heads of major biological research institutes in Dongshan City are still ringing in their ears to win the midnight.

The North opens the era of technological mutation, and the South opens genetic mutations, complementing each other. This is what I think, what the East wants to do. 】

Win Midnight returns with the train. The director of biology, Zhao Leiting, looked at the distance, looked at the snow outside Dongshan City, and looked at the crowds of people. He only felt that after the next genetic evolution, once the research began, then he really walked into a super unknown Road, this road no one knows what it will be, what will happen 0 ..

The train station conference room is a bit quiet.

“The first generation of genetic medicine, the second generation of genetic medicine, what will this cause?” Liu Qiang, Minister of Ecological Park, asked, looking at Zhao Leiting.

“It means that the average height of the people in the East is 1.9 meters, and they are strong and burly muscles. They can adapt to oxygen in the ocean. They mainly develop in the ocean. They don’t even need to wear a cold-resistant oxygen mask and can walk alone in the city. Besides, this is the evolutionary journey of mankind!”

“Then equipped with the industrial corridors of northern cities, supplemented by the technological mutation in the north, coupled with the current trend of genetic evolution, I don’t know what the future of the East will look like, but I know that once it takes place, it will be the most terrifying. So the first step starts with the global island disaster.”

Zhao Leiting was extremely excited!

From this moment on, the Northern City Biological Research Institute and Biological Research University, in the class, in the classroom, every professor has received the news that everyone here is a master of biogenetics.

Professor Liu Zi’an, Class 2 of Baicheng Biological College, wrote a few large characters on the blackboard, Eastern human genetic evolution, after writing these large characters, there was a long smile on his mouth.

Because there are two big characters, the first generation height, physical plan,

The second generation, the ocean absorbs oxygen, and a comprehensive ocean development plan.

This means that the East wants to develop the ocean, and the people in the East must reach the ultimate physique, and at the same time they can play in the ocean.

At this moment in the classroom, the schoolmaster is exploded!

“If it develops in this way, then I can almost see that they have not chosen the direction of evolution in the West, because the direction of evolution is too difficult, but the East has chosen to evolve the body and adapt to the ocean. my country’s development is an industrial corridor for marine development. The future is simply terrible. You must know that this is an ice age of tens of thousands of years. Humans must evolve to a perfect level to fight against. Our country’s preparations have indeed begun. Long live the great country!”

“Professor, I can only say that I feel that a new era is coming. The level of horror in this new era is almost terrifying!”

From this moment on, this scene was happening in all major elite colleges and universities, and the academic tyrants were exclaiming, and the whole country was slowly implementing it.

The Snow Country train arrived at Yanjing at 5:00 pm on the 4th.

Ying Ziye walked out of the station, got on the red flag car, and was sent all the way to the inner city.

In the community, Ying Ziye received vegetables, eggs, beef, chicken, and fresh fish, sixties, crabs, and went straight home after receiving the food. He only followed Zuo Yan.

Parents haven’t got off work at 5:00. Recently, public officials are maintaining and managing major new district projects, so they are very busy.

On the way back home, the inner city is busy, the hot blast furnace is increasing reinforcement, the wall is covered with aerogel laminating machine, the steam pipe is undergoing final reinforcement protection, the fountain in the city is also starting to increase, and the water temperature is starting to increase. , All of this is to resist the imminent global island disaster!

Next, other places above the surface of the east are also doing reinforcement projects, because small earthquakes and other disasters will strike. In short, not only this city, but other cities are also undergoing a lot of operations, all of which are doing everything. Do your best to make this city perfect.

Zuo Yan’s voice also rang.

“Due to the disaster, the team leader is now trying its best to make every city perfect. In short, from this moment on, every car is doing its best to reach the extreme, and every city is trying its best to wait for the global islands. advent.”

Ying Ziye nodded, and he continued to move forward. He was not in a hurry for the changes in front of him. Dongfang had fought so many disasters and never feared any of them.

When I got home, the basic three dishes and one soup, steamed crabs, spicy fried flower gar, spicy fried chicken, the staple food is pancakes, rice, noodles, and a green vegetable, tofu, no one would have thought that the food in the East during the ice age was still so rich. The West is still eating dry bread.

In contrast, agriculture is too obvious. Although there is such a rich supply of food on the table, no one will waste a little, including winning the midnight, because everyone knows that everything is hard-won now.

After eating, Zuo Yan spoke!

“Winning team, next is the development of technology or genetics?” Zuo Yan said.

After a moment of silence, Ying Ziyue spoke.

“Southern technology is mutated evolution, and the north is genetic evolution, but the direction of evolution in the East is!”

“I want it all!”

His voice became firm

“Not only need the evolution of the two epochs, but also make this confrontation, the global island confrontation perfect!”

Ying Ziye opened his eyes and his eyes were far away. At this moment, he seemed to have come to the sky above the earth.

His gaze was far away and divided into many directions. He seemed to see that a mecha in the south was about to take shape, and he saw the people of the East evolve into the most perfect human beings, and the last scene was a showdown in the East after the full level. A scene of the global islands! .

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