Chapter 160

In this era of disasters, not only projects in various countries are developing, but disasters are also spreading.

The third year of the ice age.

In the chronicle, blizzards, hail, avalanches, glaciers, cold waves, etc., a series of disasters are all recorded, but this time in the chronicle is the most terrifying, terrifying, and most capable of destroying the world. There is no one. Global island!

As the name implies, the era of global islands means that the major plates of the world collide, and at the same time it will cause the temperature of the glaciers to flow between the north and the south, which will cause the global coastal earthquakes and small-scale earthquakes in inland cities. At the same time, with the exception of the Eastern Grassland Zhou Rose Country, the remaining plates will split into islands after this collision earthquake.

Above the surface, a wave of extreme cold will strike again and last for one to five years. This set can be defined as minus 120 degrees to minus 150 degrees. At this temperature, cold air appears In the form of liquid nitrogen, this is the extreme cold that can freeze roads and bunkers.

Chronicle January 10th, 3rd. Small-scale earthquakes occurred in coastal cities. The magnitude of earthquakes ranged from 3.025 to 4.57. At the same time, the seawater of major coastal cities was rising again, and disasters occurred all over the world. This gave the world a warning that a continuous disaster was imminent.

On January 20 of the three years of the chronicle, the global equilibrium air began to cool down on this day. Before that, it was finally minus 120 degrees. This was the year from the glacier to the third year. The surface temperature was basically minus 120 degrees, but The average temperature above the surface has now reached minus 128 degrees, and it starts to increase at 0.5 degrees every day, which means that the extreme cold temperature continues to increase!

At the same time, the landmarks nowadays are not just hurricanes and hail, but a generation of frost, which means that everything above basically begins to be frozen until everything on the surface is completely transformed into ice crystals, except for super volcanic eruptions. Outside the 5 oceans, the remaining glaciers are frozen again, similar to the basic thickness of the northern and southern glaciers reaching more than 180 meters.

On January 26 of the third year, this was the day that the Global Meteorological Bureau warned. During the civilization period, the Southern Glacier Donov Meteorological Bureau and the Northern Glacier Ares Meteorological Bureau were all frozen in the cold wave!

The subsequent meteorological bureaus are all top meteorological bureaus in nearly 10 countries, including the scientific research institutes of major countries, the rose country, the desert country, the east, and the Kawasaki country. They communicated on major news platforms to announce to all mankind that it is forbidden to go out!

The notice from the West is that it is forbidden to go to the surface to do reinforcement work, and at the same time, do a good job of vigilance to prevent cracks and other things from happening!

In the east, going out of the city is forbidden, and any large-scale operations are forbidden. The announcements written by the Meteorological Bureau are ———————— Please prepare for the whole people, a disaster that will exterminate all mankind is about to come!


From this moment, the underground world began to show many changes!(Read more @

On the 26th, at 12:00 noon, here is the food distribution center in the underground city of Mars. Everyone’s food has increased. Every day, three slices of bread, one package of dehydrated vegetables, one package of sauce, some senior engineers can receive some Steak, this is already a very high-end food.

At the same time, when the work of the first tomb is being processed, that is, on the ground of each dungeon, those engineers with workers in cold-resistant clothing began to reinforce and lay the foam wall foam in the small seismic zone at the surface cracks. Silk, this is to prevent extreme cold from intruding into the ground from the cracks.

At the same time, it can also ensure that the underground temperature will not decrease, and that the underground constant temperature will be normal, so that humans can be suitable, starting directly from the state of Mars, another state, a city, an underground city, a community, etc. The bubble above the surface The wall reinforcement works are beginning, and overall, the reinforcement work has reached the final step.

In the underground city, the laying of the support frame is about to be completed. This is a comprehensive support for the underground city. This is similar to a giant iron column. The railway is equipped with steel mesh. This is to prevent ground pressure, such as glacier fragmentation, or because of Earthquake caused by crustal movement and ground collapse.

Once collapsed, these people in the ground are equivalent to being submerged, so this kind of support frame is extremely important. From the beginning of 2 years to the present, one by one, seven or eight meters wide, forty to fifty meters high, giant steel support frames stand majestically. The major engineering colleges and universities of the Rose Country led the team. In the second step, the underground support frame of each underground state is fixed and is about to be completed!

At 2:00 in the afternoon, major Western reporters and a large number of senior officials from the National Security Institute were conducting the last inspection. This is the last inspection, which is to check the stability and tenacity of each underground city.

Check the dungeon’s compressive strength under the pressure of small-scale earthquakes, ice, tsunamis, and extreme cold temperatures, and then simulate tests, major pipeline tests, and support frame tests. The images of this test are also broadcast. write.

In the test, Rose Nation also showed the splendor of the underground city. For the first time, they let the public know, what is splendor?

That is, the underground states began to connect to form a transportation channel. This is a huge underground channel. Then the underground new energy train transports materials, and the new energy transportation belt in the surface channel is transporting soil!

This scene is almost the initial state of an underground civilization, and it is perfectly displayed all over the world. Therefore, this has given many white people self-confidence!

The inspection work ended at 4:00 in the afternoon. National Security Minister Roddy said the last paragraph on the screen. This paragraph also represents his attitude and confidence in the next disaster!

“Gentlemen and ladies, I am Minister of State Security Roddy. First of all, I welcome you to successfully resist the blizzards and cold waves of the ice age, as well as the tsunami, and now the last disaster is coming!”

“We can call it this continuous small-scale earthquake, the rapid cooling of liquid nitrogen above the surface, the large-scale impact of the ice-bound tsunami in coastal cities, and the division of plates into islands. ”

“So in the following, you will really see that the continents on the earth will begin to be torn apart like those fragments, so you can call it a miracle or a dungeon project. It is a catastrophe for all mankind.”

In short, the next thing will be related to the final survival of all mankind, so it’s time to witness. Our underground city has been built for four years. The power of the whole West is also the best witness in the West. I hope we will become the only one on this planet. Those who exist, we will also prove that we are still kings! ”

After Roddy’s speech, the hottest Twitter search is the first, that is, the western underground city project is completed. Under Twitter, the white people of Rose Country have only one basic comment.

“The dungeon that took nearly 4 years has consumed all the industrial and agricultural industries in the West, and has withstood the cold wave and blizzard. As a white man, I believe we can resist perfectly and become a world power. 0”

“I believe in underground cities, and I also believe in the power of the West. This is the greatest confidence as a white man.”


From this moment on, the global island disaster is imminent.

For the first time, the Rose Kingdom announced that the defense project was ready, and the whole people were cheering. Far above the surface of the east beyond the sea, the full-level projects made an eagerness to cheer.

The full-level Dongfang Project is already waiting for disaster! .

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