Chapter 171

At 2:00 pm, at this moment, there are still 10 hours before the disaster strikes.

In the last 10 hours, human nature faced many challenges, doubts, despair, and many other negative emotions lingering on everyone’s head.

Because this is the biggest disaster in history, it is also a super disaster for all mankind, and so on. The three kinds of disasters are combined together. Therefore, the first instinctive emotion of mankind is despair, despair deep into the bones.

What is the most painful thing in the world is to wait for disasters and watch disasters come. This is the most painful, because watching the disasters sweeping and crushing step by step, the traces of human existence began to be shattered and wiped out. , And finally disappeared under this pain.

The last moments before the extinction of mankind are the most tormented.

Because you can feel the passing of life and the slow progress of the annual ring of disasters. Anyone who wants to stop or stop it will be crushed and frozen like a man’s arm as a car, and finally become on this planet. One of the innumerable ice sculptures dotted with invisible.

And now it’s getting dark, at 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon, even if the disaster strikes, the earth’s sunshine time has not been shortened or reduced, and it is still the normal sunshine time.

During this kind of sunshine time, the scenes that humans have witnessed are never seen in the civilization period. For example, as the light is about to diminish, those micromolecules on the surface will change as the extreme cold swept over the surface. It turned into a white and gray piece, formed ice crystals, and then turned into a cloud of aerosols. From the north and south glaciers, the aerosols began to spread wildly, at an extremely fast speed, swallowing everything on the earth.

About 4:00 pm, the dark hour will begin to come. Humans like to live in the light, and only the sun can bring them light, but from now on, everything that happens on the earth tells all mankind that the light is about to disappear. At the same time, mankind is about to welcome the saddest and most terrifying era. This era can be called the ultra-destructive era~.

As the picture shifted to a desert, the desert that was once the closest to the sea was mainly producing crude oil and became the most developed country in the world. Later, due to plate collisions, the first step of the country here became Wandering island.

The country’s total population of more than 30 million has been split into hundreds of islands. On the largest island, there are 6 million people. This island is called a desert island, even though extremes appeared after the split. There were heavy casualties, but then humans quickly began to group together, the construction project implemented a distribution system and so on-measures,

So on this island, there is not much chaos. They survived tenaciously. At this moment, the disaster prevention center on this island is composed of high-end scientific research talents, physics talents, astronomy talents, and geological detection talents. In the scientific research center, they all gather in the conference room for major meetings.

In this silver conference room, headed by Minister Rand, beside Rand, disaster scientists and geographers are all reporting, and their voices are a bit sharp, because they have the current disaster news and people say no. Fear and trembling.

“Report Minister, within the scope of the next global disaster, there will be a large-scale collision of the coastal plates. This collision will continue for nearly an hour, and within an hour there will be continuous earthquakes of magnitude 5 to magnitude 8 around the world. ”

“This kind of earthquake tests any building on the ground, any bunker, the large-scale shaking caused by the continuous earthquake, very test the structure of each building, and the limit. Once it is not defended, it will be extremely dangerous.”

Geologist Selter finished the report. After speaking, the expression on his face became more solemn, without any lightness, because according to the current disaster, he could not bear the consequences that he could imagine.

Minister Rand’s expression is also extremely dignified and serious, because the desert country is now a semi-underground city, which uses a steel bunker structure and a city’s defensive structure, but once it is shattered by an earthquake, then wait for their best The end of the game is to become an ice sculpture, and the final end is to fall into a closed crack, never see the sun, and finally become bones.

“Tell the whole country, let them start the final farewell now. We have done everything we can. Now let them have the final farewell. This is the last thing we can do. Tell them the truth and let them have something in their hearts. Prepare.”

After Rand spoke, the other high-levels didn’t say anything. The only thing they could feel now was hopelessness and despair. In the face of disasters, they had made the most comprehensive preparations, but they couldn’t resist it and could only help them. Together with the people of the whole country, waiting for the disaster to come, this feeling is really too uncomfortable.

Following the announcement, after all kinds of voices sounded, all of them were finally making their final farewells. There was no way. Even the high-level officials said so. As ordinary people, there is really no way they can only wait for death to come. The children leaned against each other, whispering the last words of death. This kind of picture looks a little warm, but in this environment, it is really not warm.

It is 4:30. The sky is dark and the temperature drops again and again. The countries near the sea are extremely disturbed and extremely depressed. Under the waves of setbacks and extinction, the population has dropped sharply, and all kinds of order are chaotic. However, the catastrophe still does not let them go,

For example, under the global dispute, Kawasaki was also a developed country before, mainly producing precision high-end instruments and electronic technology medical products. Later, when disasters came, the unsustainable supply of agricultural industry, and part of coastal disasters continued to make this The country’s base was still destroyed, and in the end only two million-population bases remained. This was also the last population power of Kawasaki.

The underground bunker of the Kawasaki National Peach Blossom Base integrates comprehensive agricultural industry, as well as weapons reserves, basic development to fight disasters. It was ranked first when the base was just established in the Ice Age. As one of the most powerful bases, it was because of the peach gardens in the civilization period. It is famous, so it is called Peach Blossom Base.

At this moment, 25 meters underground in the Taohua base, high-level officials gathered in the conference room, and a thick pile of materials were placed in front of them. According to the analysis of major scientific research professors, Kawasaki suffered a great loss in this disaster. It’s terrible, so they know better that this is the last duel. If this duel fails, it will be a complete failure, complete destruction, which also means complete extinction, so it is extremely terrifying.

The person in charge of Kawasaki Country is called Momoka Ichiro. This is his name changed in the Ice Age. He hopes to lead his people to build a fairy-like Peach Blossom Island.

Unlike other high-level executives, Momohanichiro is a truly highly academic manager. He quickly tapped his fingers to mobilize the only remaining weather satellites and space stations in Kawasaki, and then began to adjust the satellite images.

After the data compiled by the meteorological satellite space and those north-south weather station observers, at this moment, the surface temperature of the Southern Glacier has reached minus 192.5 degrees, and the surface temperature of the Northern Glacier has reached minus 210.8 degrees. Both regions are amazing. In the scene, a storm began, and a cloud of mist began to condense,

As a result, the areas above the ground surface are all shrouded in cold air storms, just like those white super fog, the density of visibility has dropped from 50 centimeters in the past to 30 centimeters, in such a low-density situation. Below, all human technology, vehicles, everything, etc. can’t go out at all, because you don’t know what you will face next, maybe it’s a snow pit, maybe it’s Xueyuan.

Subsequently, the two surface temperatures of the Eagle Country and the Rose Country were the same, both at minus 192.5 degrees. At the same time, masses of cold air storms were also forming, and this group of storms would completely envelope the world in 5 hours. If viewed from outer space, after 5 hours, this once aquatic star will become a white ice ball.

The statue of the Statue of Liberty in the Eagle Kingdom is frozen, the iron towers are frozen, the Buddha statues are frozen, and the huge palaces and other miraculous buildings in the world are all frozen, everything, everything, Momoka Ichiro sees this from the image Everything, only a burst of horror and sorrow, when his eyes came to the Great Wall of the East, he couldn’t help being surprised.(Read more @

The Great Wall of the East is of great historical commemorative significance for the world. It represents the spirit of ancient craftsmen and is also the largest building in ancient times. When the weather satellite image is drawn closer, a stunning scene appears, that is, the Great Wall headed by the East Haishan Pass. , Not covered by snow, it is exclusive to the cyan bricks and tiles, and the ancient gray color appeared in front of everyone at the peach blossom base.

On both sides of the Great Wall stand icebergs and glaciers, but the Great Wall hovering over the eastern continent has not been buried. From a distance, this touch has added new life to the earth and new life fluctuations. , So seeing this scene flashed through Momokaichiro’s heart with excitement and confession, he seemed to be able to feel a force called vitality.

After taking a long sigh of relief, Ichiro Momoka looked far away. Behind him was a high-level councilor. They all looked at Momoka Ichiro nervously, because now his state is too dignified, and I can’t help but think of what is next. To what extent will it be that the last remaining population of Kawasaki will become ice sculptures? Every member is very worried.

Next, whether it is the southern hemisphere, the northern hemisphere or any area of ​​the northern and southern glaciers, subtropical continents, tropical continents, etc. will reach a uniform temperature, which should probably be below zero. At the same time, the environment will be more cruel due to the formation of hurricanes, hail, and snowstorms. , The concentration of visibility is almost 30 cm, if the temperature drops repeatedly, it is estimated that the concentration of visibility will continue to shrink

“Start to order, let everyone start to enjoy the best food, let them stay with their families at home, this is the last moment.” Momoka Ichiro ordered, and all the seniors were extremely sad.

They are sorrowful and sorrowful, and the order is still to be given. If today is the end, then, enjoy and cherish the last moment.

The Beihai in the East has been praised since ancient times. There were poets who said that Beihai is the land of the corners of the world, and some poets praised that Beihai is the place where ten thousand dragons gather and the place of pilgrimage. But at this moment, the Beihai has undergone earth-shaking. Changes, waves of tsunamis impacted, set off huge waves and made waves.

The sky and the earth were whizzing and everything changed color. At 6:00 in the afternoon, the surface was completely covered by darkness. With the global visibility of 30 cm, the lighthouses in the east began to shine and turn on, and the lighthouses seemed to be given life, shining. Every area of ​​the earth was shining incomparably white, spreading from the inland to the coast step by step, and finally reached the height of the continental barrier. Those cities were submerged under the sea and submerged in the beginning of the years.

The most cataclysmic and horrible era in history that mankind can stare at, but even so, the East still shows unprecedented unity. This unity can be understood as the world is writing a suicide note, and every household is making a final farewell.

But the East did not say goodbye like they did, nor did they pray the last. They did not beg the gods and buddhas, and no one forced them, nor did they pray to the gods and buddhas and so on.

Yanjing Beicheng Meteorological Observatory, originally a 50-meter high weather observation room, has become 100 meters high. A huge floor-to-ceiling window occupies a part of the area. A total of nearly 200 square meters of meteorological observations look outside on the 100-meter high city wall. , You can feel that the real mountains and seas are changing colors, and the jade from heaven and earth is roaring and whistling.

In the weather observation room, Ying Ziye is in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking down from the 100-meter weather observation room, you can clearly see that the city wall is not covered by snow. The previous snow shovel has been changed to automation, and it has been controlled remotely. Waves of snow shoveling, snow shoveling in large areas, without any stop.

“Report team leader, now that the desert country has given up resistance, a national announcement is made to inform the people and cherish the last moment.”

“Leader of the report, now the top leaders of the Kawasaki country let the people say their final farewells and open food restrictions.”

0 ··Find flowers··········

A loud report sounded, and foreign objects from the East reported the news they had collected.

Hearing this slightly tragic report with a sigh, Win Midnight just nodded faintly. At the moment when the disaster came and all mankind was extinct, he did not have any pessimistic emotions, and his brain was always spinning and twitching crazily. The cigar plunged into the cold like a warrior,

As far as Winning Midnight is concerned, his beliefs and his overall spirit have not been hit in any way. Even if he becomes an ice sculpture in the cold wave, he is also a standing ice sculpture.

Just behind Zhao Guofeng also said: “Group leader, they are all doing the final farewell. They either believe in God or pray to Jesus, then what should we believe in, or what we should do.”

After Zhao Guofeng spoke, he could clearly feel the most violent impact of the blizzard at the location where Win Midnight was. Hearing the clashes from the windows, Win Midnight was expressionless, his eyes were not afraid, but his whole body was filled with indomitability. Breath.

“Why do we believe in anything? We do not believe in gods and Buddhas or any religious beliefs. We only believe in ancestors. They step by step, from tribes to dynasties to guarding mountains and rivers to laying down the reputation of the Han people, creating the Great Wall, etc., we only Believe in ancestors.”

“We don’t need to write a suicide note, nor do we need to pray any prayers. We have to fight, fight with all our strength, and don’t perish in silence, just erupt in silence. We have to use actual confrontation. This is our belief!”

Ying Ziye hugged his hands, his mouth was smiling, but his eyes were cold, because now he is not only talking, but has already done it. Even if the visibility is close to 0 in the dark, it does not affect Dongfang’s actions in the slightest. Because they don’t believe in gods and Buddhas, they only believe in Yanhuang and only themselves!

It is 7:00 in the evening, and there are still 5 hours before the disaster. At this moment, on every street in the East, the people are maintaining order, receiving food, and working normally, taking the train to and from get off work. No one showed sad emotions, those rumors on the Internet don’t need to be seen by the East,

. 0 …

Because the city they live in has hot high-rise buildings, wind turbines, a 100-meter-high wall, a separation wall outside the city, and a steel wall of the mainland barrier, they have 100% confidence in all these.

So the East does not need to be desperate, nor does it need to be reunited with his family at home.

In the final farewell of other countries, prayer is completely the saddest way, because disasters will not let you go because you are pitiful, they will let you go only because you are strong and because you resist.

Some unspeakable spirit has been like this from 5000 to now.

For the sake of comfort, the West did not resist too much, did not build more bases, did not take more protective measures to protect their homes, so they were destined to pay the price for the comfort in the end.

The East is not like them, they don’t need to be at ease, all they have to do is duel!

At this moment, they are still in the final duel!

After the gate of the southern city wall was opened, Blizzard’s thickened chariots galloped. In this environment of nearly minus 200 degrees, although the size of the Blizzard chariot became smaller, the height became higher, and it was more like a giant tank. Galloping in the blizzard, those glaciers could not directly make way for them. The direction of these cars is only one point, that is, the separation wall.

Those separation walls are still undergoing final maintenance, and those engineers who went out to support each wear ultra-thick cold-resistant suits and oxygen masks. For them, in this kind of environment with a visibility of 30 cm, there are rows of lights inside and outside the city. In addition, the super lights worn on their heads are turned on. Even in this environment, they can see clearly, and they are fearless.

There are still 5 hours, race against time, they are bound to win, survive and fight, not let everyone’s efforts in vain.

In the ocean, icebreakers began to connect to form an icebreaker aircraft carrier, confronting the tsunami, smashing away waves after waves.

There was a roar from the hot tall buildings in the city, a burst of steam began to diffuse, the wind generator was spinning like an electric fan, and the extreme hot air began to rise.

The solar panels on the city walls all reflect light, changing from dark to bright. This is a process of lighting up, and debugging is underway. This means that the solar panels will reach the ultimate light shining after 5 hours. ,

In this era, everyone feels the power of the Eastern Engineering Group. Before the icebergs, the mechas also started to move. Under the dark night, the mechas began to explode to prevent the icebergs from increasing and encroaching on the eastern survival land. .

The engineers above the city wall are still installing some steam pipes, giant engines and so on.

When the icy tsunami comes to the extreme cold, the steam pipes, hot blast furnaces and other heating facilities, and the solar panels on the city walls together form a super-insulating shock wave to fight the extreme cold, ice and tsunamis.

This kind of picture may only appear in people’s minds before, but Dongfang did it. They started step by step, from before the ice age to the third year of the ice age, they did their best to do it.

Time continues at a rapid pace, the installation of solar panels, the installation of the separation wall, the final reinforcement of the diversion channel, and the final reinforcement of the mainland steel barrier wall, etc., are all in the final improvement work.

The whole world should witness this moment. At this moment, the people of the East will not give up or give up.

At 10:00 in the evening, everyone in every city did not rest. Everyone started lighting up the streets, lighting up the Kongming lanterns and lighting red lanterns. This is more like a celebration, more like a confrontation, and also like A kind of spirit, the lights of every house are on, no one is crying, no one is messing up, everyone just wants to confront and confront!

At 11:00, all the lights of every train in every city are all lit up. At this moment, the countdown to the global human disaster is over. Death.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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