Chapter 172

It is January 30th, the third year of the Ice Age, at 11:00 midnight.

11:00, this is the 11:00 that should be remembered. During this time, all countries in the world have been fighting against the ice age for more than three years. During these three years, they have paid huge casualties, and the West has paid 3/4 The population loss and the huge loss of agriculture and industry, etc., survived the humble disaster.

The East stopped the development of industrial science and technology, stopped the development of school education, etc., and built super projects one by one, and developed with all the power of the country, which can be called a miracle in history!

But for now, everything has reached the final moment.

There are 59 minutes before the final extinction. In the last 59 minutes, humans can clearly feel the passing of every minute and every second.

Meteorological satellites overhead can still capture the last glorious moments of mankind, highlight moments, can capture the final curtain of civilized buildings, those glorious scenes of the past are all submerged in the wind and snow, and those humans think they are huge projects. In the earthquake, the tsunami broke into pieces and turned into dust…

11:15, this is a desert country, and islands have been split up. In the remaining dozens of minutes, it is still safe here.

At this moment, the depressive atmosphere here is almost desperate, islands floating above the sea. Under this situation, “103”, once there are submarine super volcanic waves or tsunami waves caused by crust collision, these pieces of The island will be 100% submerged by the tsunami, and then the extreme cold will swept across, all buildings, all humans will become ice sculptures, and even more terrifying is that the underground ice sculptures will never be discovered by new humans, they will always be buried in the ice age. In history.

As time went by, everyone in each bunker was wrapped in robes and cotton-padded clothes, and everyone’s face was pessimistic. Everyone from house to house was praying, praying to God, praying that Jesus would come to save them, and Some people are still burning incense to worship the gods they believe in, or some people continue to reinforce the project, so that the whole is more in a closed environment and prevent excessive damage from disasters.

All this seems a bit futile, but this is what they can do at present. Praying, burning incense, and continuing to strengthen. At this moment, human beings have shown different attitudes, but without exception, everyone can clearly feel what is called. Despair, what is called pessimism, the atmosphere of depression lingers on everyone’s head, making people breathless.

The world was completely discolored, and the environment was so harsh that it swallowed everything around. The people of the desert country missed their original living environment very much at this moment. Although it was hot, there were deserts everywhere.

In the past, they all liked the sea and yearned for the sea. Only when the disaster strikes, humans will know how beautiful and safe the environment they lived in before.

The current picture is not only a desert country, but also other countries. In a university in a Western research institute, they still believe in the power of science and technology. In order to survive, the West has prepared Noah’s Ark for a long time, and has been preparing for it. The disaster that came down,

And over time, they built a super ark, but it can only accommodate dozens of people, which is specially prepared for some upper-class people.

At this moment, the residence of Roddy, the head of the Public Security Office in Mars State, has become a temporary meeting room. Around him, seven reinforcements have been carried out for each continent, including special foam materials and so on. A total of seven reinforcements can be guaranteed. There will be a drop of water seeping in.

After the all-round closure, the country was completely shut down.

Above the surface, it can be truly called a restricted area for humans. Snowstorms, ice masses, and masses of howling cold winds, squalls, etc., roar on the ground, making all kinds of penetrating sounds, mixing in this area. On the earth, everything is swept across the earth.

The violent rages do not leave a ray of life, but because Western humans hide in underground castles, they can’t really feel all this, and can’t feel that they can freeze into ice sculptures in less than a second as long as they stretch out a hand.

It is really terrifying, the ice age, the disaster of extinction of mankind, there is still the last half an hour left.

It is now 11:30, 11:30 midnight on January 30th, the third year of the ice age, and the last half an hour is left. It is also half an hour for the last project comparison between China and the West, and also half an hour for the final moment of destiny.

The fourth ice age has been told to the world from more than 1.4 million years ago that once the ice age appears, it will be infinite vitality for animals, and it will be a catastrophe for humans, and it has finally been confirmed.

Once humans can resist the past, then there will be a new era in the future, and once they cannot resist the past, then there will be a new era dominated by animals.(Read more @

Perhaps after tens of thousands of years, human beings will continue to reincarnate in the age of ironware, and continue from the stone age to the civilization period, and then to the emergence of disasters, and continue to reincarnate, like destiny.

At 11:30, everyone in the East saw the process of an engineering team fighting disasters. This is not a live broadcast, but a full coverage form of broadcast, community broadcasts, large-screen car broadcasts in the city square, and all channels and all TVs. Games, short video platforms on all online platforms were all suspended, and all the pictures finally converged into one broadcast.

This picture comes from multiple shooting platforms, from the vehicle-mounted camera on the Blizzard car, from the remote camera on the lighthouse, from the camera on the warship, from the camera on the walls of the city, etc., one by one, the super cameras are in the extreme cold. Then the smart unified shooting of the most stunning and beautiful pictures, especially those small airships that can be manipulated, they can perfectly capture the scenes under the ground.

11:32 At this moment, the picture opened, and one by one very stunning pictures appeared in front of all the people in the East, one by one blocking walls exhausting the power of the whole country, and only a short time building blocking walls appeared.

In front of those cities, those areas close to the glacier, with a length of 10 kilometers and a height of 50 meters, the barrier wall was built, standing on this large road, standing in front of the tsunami, like giants, blocking each other. In front of those disasters, blocking the front of disasters.

As the camera zooms in, when you come in close contact, you know what is magnificent and what is majestic. And these blocking walls are not the most spectacular and majestic. The most spectacular is the wall in the city, which is close to 100 meters high. Above the blue sky, the giant wall undulates continuously, super magnificent and super spectacular, especially when standing under the wall, human beings appear very small and weak, like ants, vulnerable to a blow.

This 100-meter-high wall is simply a miracle in human history. It also brings together the power of the whole country. The people of the East have paid a lot of labor, so the biggest miracle itself should be the people of the East!

Time passed by one minute and one second. At 11:50, in the city of Yanjing, Ying Zhongye embraced his hands. His mood was not complicated or sad, but with an indescribable excitement, his body glowed. With infinite fighting spirit, he looked in front of him.

Everything is changing one after another…The sky and the earth are completely discolored, and the entire sky is in a state similar to chaos. Although the windows block most of the sounds outside, a roar can be heard. in this world.

As 12:00 arrives, a global catastrophe, a catastrophe that will wipe out all mankind, is here.

12:00 midnight on February 1st, Year 3 of the Ice Age, 0..

From now on, this day should be a day that all mankind must remember, regardless of whether they will become extinct or exist next.

During the three years of the Glacier Chronicles, all humans tried their best to use various scientific research methods, physical methods, underground construction, etc., in order to survive.

Now that we have reached the final moment, two trends will usher in the next, either the extinction of mankind, or the rebirth of mankind.

And now everything has kicked off, starting from the northern and southern glaciers.

The thick ice began to make a sound, and the sound of shaking and collision came from the movement of the earth’s crust, and the eruption of super volcanoes under the sea, etc., which caused a large-scale movement of the glacier. The original hard ice surface began to break. , If you look at it from a high altitude, one gap quickly spreads to another, and then countless gaps spread, and with a bang, the water level rises and bursts out!

Too spectacular, too shocking!

If anyone can witness this scene of the North and South glaciers, after the shock, there will be fear in addition to fear.

They can’t fight all this at all.

Except for the north and south glaciers, Kawasaki, the Pacific Ocean and other ocean areas are beginning to boil!

At the same time, there was also the desert continent. The other plates began to tremble violently. From a high altitude, the continent began to shuffle the cards again, and the price of the shuffle was the extinction of all mankind.

The sky over the five oceans is pitch black. There are no lighthouses on the oceans, but only layers of ice and snow. When the entire underground plate moves, waves of tsunamis are rising and rushing like boiling water. The entire ocean is Following the rush, waves of waves slapped, very violent, strong impact, can lift a hundred meters high, as if it can smash a city in the next second!

At this moment, every single country in the world and every citizen began to become nervous, because they all felt the depressive atmosphere before the tsunami.

Dongshan City, above the city wall, Ying Ziye had his hands on his back, he didn’t need to say anything, because now he has taken on a lot of pressure, or that this is also the horrible pressure that human history should face.

From the eyes of the win midnight, starting from the stratosphere of the earth, that is the first barrier of the subtropical continent. The continental barrier called the wall of super steel stands above the coastal dam.

In those coastal areas were submerged cities. Above that sea area, the mechanical arms of the ice-breaking aircraft carrier began to connect one by one, forming a giant mechanical aircraft carrier. It was very spectacular. They resisted and blocked that one. The waves hit the tsunami.

At the same time, in front of every wind and snow city in the east, one wind and snow city stands tall, the first one hundred meters high wall of the wind and snow city begins, and the concentrating solar panels begin to light up spontaneously.

Those hot blast furnace steam pipes began to erupt out of the city, the 200-meter-high fountain began to increase the supply, and so on, everything is working, improving to the extreme, all working!

The temperature inside the city is beginning to increase, but outside the city, the separation wall is playing its role, and all the projects are playing its role!

The last moment has come, and all the projects in the East are fighting against this unprecedented disaster of extinction of mankind.

It’s time to start verifying, this includes a project of national power!

In addition to a little bit of tension, the people of the East also have excitement. Yes, it is excitement. Everything they do seems to be for today, against nature and against the ice age. Thinking about it, they are very excited!

On a global scale, the tsunami began to hit every island and every continent in the world. The animals were hiding in the caves they had dug long ago, shivering, and the animals’ perception told them that a huge disaster was coming. .

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