Chapter 801

With the huge storm incident, after the past, the research of fully automatic airships has gradually been put on the agenda.

After more than a month, Ying Ziyue received an invitation from the National Research Center again, inviting him to take a look at the brand new fully automatic airship.

When he arrived at the National Research Center, the dean of the National Research Center came out to greet him in person.

Ying Ziyue jokingly said, “Isn’t it the “Zero Seven Three”, an unmanned fully automatic airship? This kind of thing also requires me to take a look at it myself. When will your national research center be so cautious.”

I saw the dean of the National Research Center in front of me with a look of excitement. He ignored his jokes at all and said excitedly: “I brought you here today for you to take a look. Now we have developed a brand new airship!”

“Brand new airship? There are only a few styles of flying in the air, what other tricks can you come up with?”(Read more @

When Ying Ziyue came to their research center, she saw the airship in front of her, her face changed slightly, because so far, all the airships he had seen were nothing compared to the airships in front of him.

“I really have you. Is this an airship? It’s almost an air base.”

I saw that the airship in front of me was completely different from the previous airships. In the past, the airship had a huge hot air balloon and then hung the control room below.

But the airship he saw now was a strange combination of several small hot air balloons connected to a huge circular platform.

“I thought about it carefully. The airship has many functions. In addition to combat, it can also carry out climate monitoring and material transportation. Then why not take these functions out and make a separate airship?”

Along with this idea, a transportation type aerial platform was born. This aerial platform basically adopted the construction principle of Sky City.

It is equivalent to a mini city in the sky. This huge platform can hold a lot of goods at the expense of speed and flexibility, increasing its cargo volume.

“The cargo capacity of this aerial platform is equivalent to the cargo capacity of a Titan-class airship, and its consumption is only the consumption of an ordinary airship. Do you think it’s a good deal?”

Ying Ziyue looked at the aerial platform in front of her, not crying or laughing, and then said, “Sure enough, you should know a little bit more about studying things, but the shape of the aerial platform is really a bit ugly..”

“Please, this is for the functionality. It is used to transport goods. It doesn’t matter what you want. I have added an unmanned automatic cruise system to it. It can carry goods according to the cruise route we set. transportation.”

Ying Ziyue spread his hands. His previous idea was to build a large number of airships for use. In this way, it is equivalent to building a bus stop in the sky, and those sky cities are the bus stop stations.

But now the aerial platform researched by the National Research Center is equivalent to changing a bus into a freight elevator, which is similar.

After all, the main purpose of building a transportation system network is to be able to transport materials. In terms of transportation of materials, air platforms have some advantages over airships. .

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