Chapter 802

At the same time, a large number of sky cities have also begun preparations for construction. Soon, various sky cities have appeared on the eastern sky.

The aerial platform was quickly put into use after the successful development. The aerial platform added unmanned driving and automatic cruise functions to automatically find the destination.

In this case, even after Sky City changes the current target location, the aerial platform can automatically find the place where Sky City is located, and then transfer materials.

Everything is proceeding step by step, and in a blink of an eye it came to June, which is also a summer in the Ice Age.

Because at this time some of the 02 icebergs on the earth will melt slightly, and the temperature of the human living environment will rise slightly, which is more suitable.

Ying Ziyue looked at the winter day above the sky. At this moment, he was sitting in his office, planning the next Sky City plan. At this moment, he glanced at the desk.(Read more @

I saw that the table was covered with a layer of dust. He remembered that the secretary had just wiped the table this morning, so why was it covered with a thick layer of dust at this time?

Ying Ziyue tried to touch this layer of dust with her fingers, and then she discovered something wrong. These were not dust at all, but some dust.

You must know that this is the desert closest to here in the east, and it is also very far away. It is impossible for something like Shacheng to appear in the Eastern Continent.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Ying Ziyue immediately exchanged for the secretary, pointing to the dust on the table and saying, “What is floating on these tables is not dust but some dust. In the Eastern Continent, how could there be Some sand and dust exist, you should investigate to see if there is any abnormal phenomenon.”

Today’s earth living environment is very harsh, Ying Ziyue can’t let go of a hint that may cause anomalies.

I saw the secretary glanced at the dust on the table, then nodded and said: “I will contact the relevant department immediately, and I will give you the answer immediately.”

Soon, the secretary hurried back and got news about the anomaly. The reason was that there was a strong air current that came to the eastern continent after passing through the Sahara Desert, so it brought a lot of sand and dust.

“It turns out that it was such a strong air current that brought sand and dust from the Sahara Desert to the Eastern Continent? This is really a rare scene.”

At this moment, Ying Ziyue received the news that it happened to be the Oriental scientific expedition team stationed in the Sahara Desert.

“This is the desert eastern scientific research team. So far, a large number of sandstorms have occurred in the Sahara Desert. The huge sandstorms have directly destroyed the windbreaks near the Sahara Desert, and even pushed away all the surrounding icebergs. Now the Sahara Desert has formed A powerful sandstorm is approaching the eastern continent.”

Sure enough, there is no strong air current for no reason, but because nature has started his offensive again. The Sahara Desert has a lot of sand and dust. If these sand and dust are swept by a storm and enter the city, it will be very It may cause trouble to their lives.

After all, these sand and dust are pervasive. If they dig into some machinery, nothing can be seen on the surface of these machinery, but once they are activated, they will be directly paralyzed. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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