Chapter 803

“Let’s go to the National Meteorological Administration first. The National Meteorological Administration should know what happened in the Sahara Desert. Let’s take a look and see how they respond.”

Ying Ziyue came to the National Meteorological Administration for the first time. At this time, various staff members were looking up the data in the busy scene of the National Meteorological Administration.

“Has all the meteorological data of the Sahara Desert been investigated so far? Have there been severe sandstorms in the past?”

“Not only the drastic changes in the Sahara Desert, even if there are any storms or hurricane tornadoes in the vicinity of it, they must be reported truthfully.”

“Tell me the data on the severe sandstorms that have occurred in the Alhala Desert in recent years. I want to analyze whether there is any connection between them. Maybe nature has warned us from the beginning?”

The Sahara Desert has been covered by various ice and snow since the beginning of the Ice Age. Now, with the continuous erosion of strong air currents, these ice and snow merge with the sand of the Sahara Desert to form a unique snow and sand.(Read more @

In order to prevent the sand and dust in the Sahara Desert from being carried out by the strong air currents to the Eastern Continent before them, they specially arranged some scientific research personnel to place them on the edge of the Sahara Desert.

Every year, a large amount of vegetation is transported to the Sahara Desert, and then these workers will build these trees on the edge of the Sahara Desert to prevent the sand and dust in the Sahara Desert from entering the eastern continent.

However, I never expected that the sandstorms today are so violent that they directly uprooted those sand-prevention plants and the windbreaks that many people in the East had built for more than a decade, and disappeared in an instant.

“The report says that the cause of the intense sandstorm in the Sahara Desert has been found out. The reason is that the Sahara Desert was hit by two strong air currents at the same time, so the impact of these two strong air currents formed a huge storm, which rolled up. The sand and dust in the Sahara Desert formed a sandstorm 〃ˇ.”

In the ice age, the impact of strong air currents is a common occurrence, and it seems that this time it is not accidental.

“So far, we have to quickly neutralize a large number of windbreaks on the edge of the Sahara Desert, otherwise, when the next sandstorm hits, we will be an inspection station on the edge of the Sahara Desert, which is likely to be destroyed due to the sandstorm.”

“` ¨ Let’s first contact the survey station on the other side of the Sahara Desert. What is going on?”

In order to understand the reasons for the powerful sandstorms in the Sahara Desert, the National Meteorological Administration specially connected the Eastern Observatory on the Sahara Desert.

When they connected to the video of the Oriental Observation Station, they saw them standing in a dusty gray dust with a violent wind.

“Hello, our side is the National Weather Service, I want to know what is going on on your side (good money).”

Practice the staff of the Oriental Observatory over there. After opening the video, I immediately entered the observation station, then closed the door and shook his body, and a large amount of dust fell from them.

“You have already noticed the situation just now. Now that the Sahara Desert has lost the windbreak, these sandstorms have invaded even more unscrupulously. We are baptized by sandstorms every day.”

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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