Chapter 804

Through the windows of the observation station, everyone can see the outside. At this time, the outside has been completely eroded by the wind and sand, and there is almost nothing to see, and the visibility is almost zero.

“Let you know how the current sandstorm situation is formed?”

You must know that the airflow in the Sahara Desert has always been relatively stable, and it will not be so easy to cause such a powerful sandstorm.

It must be some reason that broke the balance of the Sahara Desert and caused such a powerful sandstorm in the Sahara Desert.

Later, the staff at the Eastern Research Station explained: “It is true. There were originally several icebergs near the Sahara Desert. These icebergs are responsible for preventing strong air currents from other places from entering the Sahara Desert.”

“But just a few days ago, I didn’t know what happened. The iceberg suddenly began to melt, causing an iceberg to collapse. After the iceberg collapsed, it looked like a domino, and then it knocked down several other icebergs.”(Read more @

“After these icebergs fell, a large amount of strong air flow rushed out of it and entered the Sahara Desert. The gasoline inside is a continuous air current. If this solution is not solved, the Sahara Desert will be in a state of sandstorms all year round.”

After hearing these words, the staff of the National Meteorological Administration couldn’t help but frown. If the Sahara Desert is in a sandstorm all year round, a large amount of sand and dust will enter the eastern continent.

Not only that, the rate of desertification of the land near the Sahara Desert will also increase rapidly. If the earth is full of deserts, where should humans live?

Those observers stationed near the Sahara Desert in the East also said that the reason why the Sahara Desert is in a state of perennial sandstorms is because several icebergs collapsed near it, causing strong air currents to enter the Sahara Desert.

In other words, as long as a certain windshield project is built at that gap to prevent strong air currents from entering the Sahara Desert, the problem of huge sandstorms in the Sahara Desert can be solved.

At this moment, Ying Ziyue said: “The Sahara Desert is now covered by sandstorms. It is not easy to build windbreak projects in the sandstorms. A large amount of sand or dust mixed with building materials makes the construction effect great. Weakened.”

After hearing this, the staff of the National Meteorological Administration frowned. Ying Ziyue then said: “You also lost just now. The huge dust storm that broke through the windbreak is because two air currents collided together, creating a huge Destroyed by impact.”

“In other words, the huge dust storms that are set off in the Sahara Desert today cannot destroy the windbreak forests we have built, so we can first build a windbreak belt to block the invasion of these wind and sand.”

“Then build projects that can block strong air currents behind these windbreaks, so that we can double insurance so that sandstorms will never invade our territory again.”

Thinking of building a windbreak forest that can block sand and dust storms, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but think of the biological genetic engineering that she had seen in Western agricultural bases and Atlantis.

If this biological genetic engineering is applied to the construction of windbreak forests, and genetic engineering technology is used to improve the tree species and become larger and larger, will it also be able to block the invasion of huge sandstorms? .

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