Chapter 807


So a large number of sandstorm chariots carrying workers from the Ministry of Engineering began to cross the Sahara Desert. It has to be said that this sandstorm chariot is really feasible and can still run fast in the desert.

Workers are sitting inside the sandstorm chariot. There are no windows here, because if the windows are opened, the dust is likely to come in through the gaps in the windows.

The sandstorm chariot is fully enclosed, and the only entrance also uses a submarine-like airtight entrance. The internal 02 is equipped with a certain amount of oxygen supply system, which is extremely important that they will not suffocate and die in a closed sandstorm chariot.

The operators inside the sandstorm tank are also in a completely closed state, with no windows and no field of vision. The only thing they believe is the radar and screen in front of them.

Only on the screen in front of me, there is almost nothing to see except sand or dust, only the roar of sandstorm chariots not far away, and the radar shows a few small green dots, that’s them. Chariot.

In this dust storm with almost zero visibility, the only thing they can believe is the information on the radar.

“Attention to all units, attention to all units, the next step is to cross the quicksand area of ​​the Sahara Desert. Please pay attention to the display on your radar and do not fall into the quicksand.”(Read more @


In the radar display, they saw the quicksand area of ​​the Sahara Desert, and then under the radar’s command, they looked like they had eyes in a sandstorm, and they passed through the quicksand area in the blink of an eye.

The workers of the national engineering team sitting behind couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that these sandstorm chariots are still quite useful.

Finally they came to those icebergs, where they collapsed, and saw that the icebergs turned into countless fragments scattered on the ground, and this area of ​​the Sahara desert turned into an ice sheet.

The staff of the National Engineering Team got down from the sandstorm chariot, then stepped on this ice sheet, looked up not far away, and saw a large amount of cold air rushing from the opposite side.

“According to the continuous blowing of these cold air currents, not long after it goes down, the Sahara Desert will begin to move, and the ice sheet will begin to expand continuously, and it will be troublesome at that time.”

At this moment, the chief engineer of a national engineering team said: “We are afraid that we will not be able to start construction immediately.”

Afterwards, he pointed to the icebergs next to the collapsed icebergs and said: “These icebergs collapsed are not accidental. One time there will be a second time. I have observed the trends of the icebergs next to them. I believe it will not take long. These icebergs will collapse with it.”

“If we build a windbreak here, once these icebergs collapse, they will also destroy the windbreak we have worked so hard to build.”

“So our first task next is to blow up these icebergs that are about to collapse, so that they fall to our side and hit the middle, forming a temporary windbreak.”

“This will also provide some good environment for the growth of the tree of life, and I have observed that after the icebergs are blown up, the icebergs next to them can last at least a few hundred years.”

Just do what they said. After the workers of the national engineering team knew their next tasks, they immediately began to move their food guys out of the sandstorm chariot, and then they began to prepare for the mountain blasting! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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