Chapter 808

It is not easy to blast the surrounding icebergs. Although these icebergs have reached a crumbling point, blasting is a science.

They have to consider the impact of the surrounding environment on blasting. If they simply destroy these icebergs, they are likely to cause harm to themselves.

After all, these icebergs are not small objects, but a few behemoths hundreds of meters long.

They need to find the most vulnerable part of this iceberg, and then blast it according to this place, produce a chain reaction, and destroy these icebergs directly.

Not only that, we must also consider the impact of the surrounding strong air currents, otherwise these icebergs will not fall to their desired target locations.

First of all, the workers of the national engineering team must first go to the surrounding area of ​​the iceberg to investigate, find the most vulnerable part of the iceberg, and then start to drill holes and stuff explosives into the ice cave.

After completing the series of preparations, they began to wait, and waited until a certain time, and then proceeded to explode using strong air currents to push them to the designated location.

“We are almost ready to start the blasting. All the staff are evacuated to the safe area.”(Read more @

After an orderly evacuation, everyone came to a location one kilometer away from these icebergs. Not only that, they also used the sandstorm chariot to form a protective belt in front of them.

After all, this is an iceberg, not an ordinary mountain range. The iceberg is a whole solid body. Once it starts to explode, his entire body will have a chain reaction, and the impact generated by the entire mountain falling down is unusual.

“Ready to blast!”




The rumbling was accompanied by a series of loud noises, and I saw a large number of fires flashing under the bodies of the icebergs, and then after the fires disappeared, dense cracks appeared on the icebergs.

With a click, the loud noise was heard by almost all the staff of the National Engineering Department from 1 kilometer away.

I saw one of the icebergs began to collapse slowly, and then this iceberg hit other icebergs nearby, just like the last straw that overwhelmed a camel, other icebergs also began to collapse.

Just like dominoes, these icebergs began to collapse. Under the influence of strong air currents, they lived together and fell in the same place, which is the gap in the Sahara Desert.

A large number of iceberg fragments piled together to form a very simple mortgage, but this is not a long-term thing. With the continuous blow of strong air currents, these iceberg fragments will continue to melt, and finally become the ice sheet under your feet.

“` ¨Okay, brothers, now is our time. Now the engineering department immediately starts planting life trees and measuring the wind intensity in the construction area.”

“The wind intensity in the construction area is being tested. Today, the wind intensity is level 5 and construction can be started.”

With the collapse of several huge icebergs, the wind returned to a level 5 state, and the sandstorm in the Sahara Desert began to slow down. But all of this is only temporary. Before Wang Feng was established, the Sahara Desert might set off a huge dust storm again at any time.

Then the workers of the Ministry of Engineering took out the tree of life from the nutrient solution and planted it on the ice sheet. They did not know whether the tree of life could grow. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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