Chapter 809

“I heard that this tree species is the latest tree species developed based on genetic engineering. It only takes one month to grow into a towering tree.”

“True or false, ordinary tree species will sprout at most a month, shouldn’t it be so mysterious?”

“Who knows, anyway, we have planted this tree species in accordance with the mission instructions, and then we will see their good fortune. After all, who knows how to say genetic engineering?”

The workers of these national engineering departments also have certain scientific knowledge and know that the field of genetic engineering is very magical.

The worker from the Ministry of Engineering who was holding the nutrient solution poured the nutrient solution down. This is indeed the case according to the operation steps.

Then their chief engineer called them over and began to prepare to build the windbreak, so they no longer cared about the tree species in front of them.

At the moment they just turned around, they saw a green sprout from the ice field under their feet, and then the sprout began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the workers of the Ministry of Engineering of the State started to build the windbreak belt. They saw that they had to build the frame of the windbreak belt first, and this frame was very difficult, because the windbreak belt was constructed by alloy pipes one after another.(Read more @

The general structure of the windbreak belt is composed of core ducts one after another, with some fans in the middle that prevent the strong air from invading, so that these fans will weaken them when the strong air passes through.

When the strong air current reaches the Sahara Desert, it is no longer a strong air current, and there is no way to affect the Sahara Desert.

These strong air currents will also drive these fans to generate electricity for power generation. This is the use of natural disasters to develop human civilization.

But now the most important issue of the Ministry of Engineering is how to connect the first pipe to the two peaks. You must know that the distance between the two nearest icebergs is 3,000 meters.

And these pipelines are very fragile, and a little turbulence will cause them to fall apart.

“It seems that we can only use some dumb methods, first build the pipes in the center area on the ground, then use these pipes to support the uppermost pipe, and so on, and finally merge them.”

Just say it all. Today’s windbreaks are constructed using a spider web structure, so the pipes connecting these windbreaks are like spider webs after another.

The windbreak was being built in order. After a busy day, the worker who took care of the tree of life finally ushered in a shift. When he came to the tree of life, his eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn’t believe him. s eyes.

Obviously, the tree that I just planted this morning has now become a small tree.

“It’s really amazing. Really, if it continues like this, it will grow into a towering tree in half a month. It’s really more than just talking.”

When he checked again the next day, the decimal had become thicker, even the size of a wrist.

The construction of the windbreak belt is also being carried out in an orderly manner. The protective belt now has a basic frame and is ready for the combined welding work. After the combined welding is completed, the frame of the windbreak belt is officially fixed. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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